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    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Inspiration for FGFC from ex-England International!   
  2. Love
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in Inspiration for FGFC from ex-England International!   
    @jordie1892  felt we all needed inspiraration for the upcoming Winter games for FGFC.
    Take it in, from good ol' Razor Ruddock! GGFG lads! @jordie1892  @LordBaguette  @G_dub52  @Lurch  @ChaosGladiator  @Dan94  @TonyAE86  @Findmartin  @Glen11  @Macca89
    I must say FIFA FG Games have been fantastic the last few months - we should share more of this around the place!
  3. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from tronic44 in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Drink up in style @slamminbones while hunting them trophys!
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    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Well done to Harold @Spacedeck  who wins a voucher of his choice from December 16th! Enjoy buddy! 😎
  5. Haha
    G_dub52 reacted to Greboth in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    I imagine it would, I'll let you know when it happens

  6. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to IRaMPaGe in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    That's awesome, I'm sure everyone appreciates winning. But winning something you are really happy for is superb. Well done!
  7. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Middle Class Caveman in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    I am genuinely so happy I’ve won a copy of that game! Thank you so much @GazzaGarratt you’re a legend x
  8. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in Assassins Creed Valhalla tips & tricks   
    Just to say that this is an ace read Sebba @ChaosGladiator . I haven't got into it at all as of yet but i'll be making sure I take all of this into consideration and revisit it once I get more into it!
  9. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to ChaosGladiator in Assassins Creed Valhalla tips & tricks   
    Don't know how many FG'ers have the game, but I figured one of these threads might still be helpful to some people. Sure, youtube and google covers pretty much everything, but there's always something that's left out and then there's also the dangers of spoilers when looking something up. So for my tips I will try to keep them spoiler free or at least add a warning when there is one. If you play AC Valhalla and have some useful tips to share, don't hesitate, post them up!
    Here's what I've found so far:
    1. Synin the raven. This avian companion of yours is actually really useful. He's a bit clunky to use but he also has some pretty good sides. If you are in an area you haven't synchronized and want to know if there is anything to explore or any dangers around, simply summon Synin and take a look around. He will give you a very nice view of the surrounding area and can fly pretty far from your location to seek things out. You can also mark locations with him which will make it easier for you to get there. The other good thing with Synin is during certain instances you'll have to seach an area for an ally, location or enemy but the game doesn't tell you where that is. Summon Synin and fly around and it will show you a big blue circle. That's where you want to go!
    2. Flyting. I thought this would be just another pointless minigame like the drinking contests, but it actually gives you more charisma which at times will help you out with dialogue options. So they are actually worth doing.
    3. You can steal money back. If you have to pay an npc for anything, you can steal your money back off them if you are standing behind them. You might get caught, but if you spent a tidy sum and need the silver for other things it might be a risk worth taking. (Haven't checked if it works with shopkeepers)
    4. Treasure hunts. Those golden dots on your map and compass? They're worth getting. I think I spent 90% of my first night playing this just hunting treasure. Some are easy to get to, others more complicated and I'll happily admit I had to youtube a couple of them, but down the line I'm glad I did. These treasures can be anything from suppleis for your settlement, materials to upgrade gear or just gear and are all worth taking the time to get.
    5. Gear. There seems to be no "oh this piece of gear is so much better than this piece of gear" mentality in AC Valhalla. They all have their strengths and depending on playing style and what skills you pick you can run whatever set of weapons and armour that you want. Look on the bonuses the gear gives you and what bonuses the skills you pick gives you and find what suits you. I quite like this because it means you can use just about anything as long as it suits how you play.
    6. Skills. You can reset your skills at any given time! This is actually quite huge. There's no complicated thing to get in order to do a full reset and no feeling of "Shit, I messed this up and should have picked something else". As I said about the gear, pick what suits your playing style, or what aligns the best with the gear you have equipped to maximize your stats if you want, got a new piece of gear that has a different bonus and needs you to reskill from light armour into heavy? Not a problem at all. Just reset!
    8. Power levels. Grind, grind and grind some more. Just about anything gives you xp in AC Valhalla, and you'll need it. Getting your power levels up takes a bit of time and I've been to areas I really shouldn't have been in to get high level gear early on, which while worth it to me also took me hours because I was way in over my head against pretty much every enemy. So grind up power levels either by completing quests, exploring, fighting or treasure hunting. It'll make it a hell of a lot easier for you to explore the map early on.
    That's about the only things I can think of just now, but when I stumble upon something else I'll jot it down! Hopefully this helps someone out 🙂 
  10. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to slamminbones in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Best get some decent coffee to go with that mug as can't be putting the cheap crap my wife buys in it. 
  11. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from slamminbones in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Drink up in style @slamminbones while hunting them trophys!
  12. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Drink up in style @slamminbones while hunting them trophys!
  13. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Drink up in style @slamminbones while hunting them trophys!
  14. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Looks like Paul @slamminbones  was the lucky winner of them all with the FG Mug from 13th December! Enjoy a cuppa in that matey! 😎
  15. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Laidback Lankyman in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Cheers guys 👍🏻Couldn’t come at a better time as just finished off the main Witcher 3 story mode and into the first of the dlc’s
  16. Love
    G_dub52 reacted to IRaMPaGe in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Well done to the recent winners! It truly is a wonderful thing you have done here Lee. I'm sure it will cheer some people up and possibly give people a chance to play a game they personally wouldn't buy or play otherwise.
    For me the FG Mug and hoodie is the cream of the crop. All the prizes are amazing and your so generous for hosting this huge raffle Lee! 
  17. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from slamminbones in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations guys! keep up the good work! keep that FG train rollin........GGFG!
  18. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Spacedeck in The FG Awards 2020   
    Grats all! Display them well.
  19. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to TigerBurge in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations to all. 
  20. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Misneach_ in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations! These awards are all well deserved. You boys keep gaming alive. Well except @Diddums literally thought he threw all his gaming stuff away until last week. Seriously though, love getting together and gaming with you lot. 
  21. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to TonyAE86 in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congrats all! Been really good playing with you guys throughout this shit storm ☺️
  22. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    *Lee scurrys to see if there's a problem with the system generated picks!* 🤣🤣 I didn't expect that but fair play George @G_dub52 , like I said before you gotta be in it to win it! 🙈🤣
  23. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    @Emma  is the latest winner of the Giveaway winning a voucher of her choice for December 11th! Well done and Enjoy!
  24. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from Diddums in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations guys! keep up the good work! keep that FG train rollin........GGFG!
  25. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations guys! keep up the good work! keep that FG train rollin........GGFG!
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