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Everything posted by Mikepjbell

  1. Alright chaps, this week my kids are starting football on Thursdays and they'll do 7 until 8 which is a bugger. I can still make racing but it'll be later, probably half 8. Would doing the championship race a bit later work at all, and would anyone be open to changing race nights for the next championship? I understand we all have a fairly fixed week for gaming and personal lives but wondered if there was any way.
  2. I'm going to be quite honest and say that I'm pretty disappointed in my pace at the moment, albeit I suppose I was on the completely wrong bloody tyres. Looking forward I think to a rest from the championship and reset ready for the new one which presumably will be in GT7. We need to find out if that's cross gen compatible so we can all continue to play together!
  3. Interesting looking hybrid! Things to consider: - Get a saddle bag, always handy to hold a spare tube - Make sure you have a pump which will pump up a schrader valve - Enjoy it, keep it clean, keep it well lubed Cleaning: Fine to use fairy liquid and warm water. Then rinse with normal water. Lubrication: Small moving parts - buy some GT85 and spray in small amounts to prevent rust. Large parts get some good quality Muk-off grease. Make sure you don't get any lubricants on those discs though!! If you do then you'll just need some alcohol rub to keep them clean. Also, I have a bee on my bonnet about saddle height. Don't make your saddle too high, when you extend your leg on the pedal your heel should be able to reach the pedal. Seat posts which are too high cause feet, leg, hip, back, everything pain. Other than that, ride it like you stole it!
  4. Won't be the same without you Lee ❤❤
  5. I was rusty as a bag of nails but still enjoyed it. Hopefully back up to speed next week. Well played big Philly style for your podium! Lee choked, we all laughed 😂 although I was losing more and more time at the end, and I think Lee would have caught me within a couple of laps!
  6. I think I've personally found in FG that this place is full of people who don't judge you based on a few moments of madness. What you're going through is clearly quite profound and it must be incredibly tough. Concentrate on your wellbeing and know that you have a community of good people who are here for you.
  7. I'd agree with Phil, and the weekly league race is something to look forward to. I also feel that one league race every 2 weeks is a bit too far apart and people would easily forget which weeks the league weeks are. Potentially adding unnecessary complication? I like the idea of making the first race of every evening a non league race so those who want to play casually can play and then the serious sweaty lot can stick around for the league race afterwards? Thoughts?
  8. Anything we can do to entice you to stay in? Greebs can send nudez
  9. Could we say that everyone has to change to a different manufacturer that they didn't use last season?
  10. WEEK 6 Race 1: 1st - JBR-KIWI - 25PTS 2nd - MIKEPJBELL - 20PTS 3rd - GREEBOTH - 15PTS 4th - JTLURCH - 12PTS 5th - GAZZAGARRATT - 11PTS 6th - PHIL_OI - 10PTS 7th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 9PTS 8th - MADTITANTHANOS1 - 8PTS 9th - JORDIE1892- 7PTS 10th - SLAMMINBONES - 6PTS Race 2: 1st - GREEBOTH - 25PTS 2nd - MIKEPJBELL - 20PTS 3rd - JBR-KIWI - 15PTS 4th - PHIL_OI - 12PTS 5th - GAZZAGARRATT - 11PTS 6th - JTLURCH - 10PTS 7th - JORDIE1892 - 9PTS 8th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 8PTS 9th - SLAMMINBONES - 7PTS 10th - MADTITANTHANOS1 - 6PTS 11th - CRISPY---X - 5PTS --- TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 12 RACES --- 1 - Greboth & Paul - 334PTS 2 - Kiwi & Nick - 301PTS 3 - Mike & Crispy - 289PTS 4 - Phil & Jordie - 220PTS 5 - James & Lee - 210PTS --- INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 12 RACES --- 1 - GREEBOTH - 267PTS 2 - MIKEPJBELL - 210PTS 3 - JBR-KIWI - 199PTS 4 - PHIL_OI - 143PTS 5 - GAZZAGARRATT - 129PTS 6 - TEHBLUEBEAR - 102PTS 7 - CRISPY---X - 91PTS 8 - JTLURCH - 81PTS 9 - JORDIE1892 - 77PTS 10 - SLAMMINBONERS - 67PTS 11 - LORDBAGUETTE - 27PTS 12 - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 20PTS 13 - KURTASS_84 - 10PTS
  11. This might actually be good fun!
  12. I still think stick with manufacturers. The team element has definitely added some fun elements this season, however I'm unsure of how effective it has been, interested in people's thoughts on that? Endurance race: unsure. Problem is the difference in skill level, it would serve as a three class race with Greebs and Kiwi miles in the lead, and a midfield sort of battle, and people at the latter end of the grid not enjoying driving around on their own, potentially? Maybe I'm over analysing that one...
  13. WEEK 5 Race 1: 1st - GREEBOTH - 25PTS 2nd - JBR-KIWI - 20PTS 3rd - MIKEPJBELL - 15PTS 4th - PHIL_OI - 12PTS 5th - JTLURCH - 11PTS 6th - CRIPSY---X - 10PTS 7th - LORDBAGUETTE - 9PTS 8th - JORDIE1892 - 8PTS 9th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 7PTS 10th - SLAMMINBONES - 6PTS Race 2: 1st - GREEBOTH - 25PTS 2nd - JBR-KIWI - 20PTS 3rd - MIKEPJBELL - 15PTS 4th - PHIL_OI - 12PTS 5th - JTLURCH - 11PTS 6th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 10PTS 7th - CRISPY---X - 9PTS 8th - SLAMMINBONES - 7PTS --- TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 5 RACES --- 1 - Greboth & Paul - 281PTS 2 - Mike & Crispy - 244PTS 3 - Kiwi & Nick - 244PTS 4 - Phil & Jordie - 182PTS 5 - James & Lee - 166PTS --- INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 5 RACES --- 1 - GREEBOTH - 227PTS 2 - MIKEPJBELL - 170PTS 3 - JBR-KIWI - 159PTS 4 - PHIL_OI - 121PTS 5 - GAZZAGARRATT - 107PTS 6 - TEHBLUEBEAR - 85PTS 7 - CRISPY---X - 74PTS 8 - JORDIE1892 - 61PTS 9 - JTLURCH - 59PTS 10 - SLAMMINBONERS - 54PTS 11 - LORDBAGUETTE - 27PTS 12 - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 20PTS 13 - KURTASS_84 - 10PTS
  14. ** THIS IS A RETROSPECTIVE UPDATE FOR THE PREVIOUS WEEKS RACES - WEEK 5 IS UPDATED AFTER THIS ONE.* WEEK 4 Race 1: 1st - GREEBOTH - 25PTS 2nd - MIKEPJBELL - 20PTS 3rd - PHIL_OI - 15PTS 4th - GAZZAGARRETT- 12PTS 5th - CRISPY---X - 11PTS 6th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 10PTS 7th - JORDIE1892- 9PTS Race 2: 1st - GREEBOTH- 25PTS 2nd - MIKEPJBELL- 20PTS 3rd - GAZZAGARRETT - 15PTS 4th - PHIL_OI - 12PTS 5th - CRIPSY---X- 11PTS 6th - JORDIE1892 - 10PTS 7th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 9PTS --- TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 4 RACES --- 1 - Greboth & Paul - 218PTS 2 - Mike & Crispy - 195PTS 3 - Kiwi & Nick - 187PTS 4 - Phil & Jordie - 150PTS 5 - James & Lee - 144PTS --- INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 4 RACES --- 1 - GREEBOTH - 177PTS 2 - MIKEPJBELL - 140PTS 3 - JBR-KIWI - 119PTS 4 - GAZZAGARRATT - 107PTS 5 - PHIL_OI - 97PTS 6 - TEHBLUEBEAR - 68PTS 7 - CRISPY---X - 55PTS 8 - JORDIE1892 - 53PTS 9 - SLAMMINBONERS - 41PTS 10 - JTLURCH - 37PTS 11 - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 20PTS 12 - LORDBAGUETTE - 18PTS 13 - KURTASS_84 - 10PTS
  15. Great races last night and as usual I was Mr Third, but that's not a complaint. I'm now racking my brain on how to bridge the gap to Kiwi and Greebs and make up that second or so a lap that they seem to have on me on most tracks. My thoughts are that'll I'll need to make some fundamental changes to the way I'm approaching corners maybe, although Kiwi did notice, to both our detriment, that I was braking a bit early on a corner in Panorama. I'm all ears Kiwi and Greebs on how I can bridge that gap. Maybe just more practice?
  16. WEEK 3 Race 1: 1st - JBR-KIWI - 25PTS 2nd - MIKEPJBELL- 20PTS 3rd - GAZZAGARRATT - 15PTS 4th - GREEBOTH- 12PTS 5th - PHIL_OI - 11PTS 6th - JTLURCH - 10PTS 7th - SLAMMINBONERS- 9PTS 8th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 8PTS Race 2: 1st - GREEBOTH- 25PTS 2nd - JBR-KIWI- 20PTS 3rd - MIKEPJBELL - 15PTS 4th - GAZZAGARRATT (LOSER) - 12PTS 5th - TEHBLUEBEERS- 11PTS 6th - PHILLY_OI - 10PTS 7th - JTLURCH- 9PTS 8th - SLAMMINTHEBONERS- 8PTS --- TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 3 RACES --- 1 - Greboth & Paul - 168PTS 2 - Kiwi & Nick - 168PTS 3 - Mike & Crispy - 135PTS 4 - James & Lee - 117PTS 5 - Phil & Jordie - 104PTS --- INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 3 RACES --- 1 - GREEBOTH - 127PTS 2 - JBR-KIWI - 119PTS 3 - MIKEPJBELL - 100PTS 4 - GAZZAGARRATT - 80PTS 5 - PHIL_OI - 70PTS 6 - TEHBLUEBEAR - 49PTS 7 - SLAMMINBONERS - 41PTS 8 - JTLURCH - 37PTS 9 - JORDIE1892 - 34PTS 10 - CRISPY---X - 33PTS 11 - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 20PTS 12 - LORDBAGUETTE - 18PTS 13 - KURTASS_84 - 10PTS
  17. WEEK 2 Race 1: 1st - GREEBOTH - 25PTS 2nd - MIKEPJBELL- 20PTS 3rd - PHIL_OI - 15PTS 4th - JBR-KIWI- 12PTS 5th - LORDBAGUETTE - 11PTS 6th - GAZZAGARRATT - 10PTS 7th - CRIPSY---X- 9PTS 8th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 8PTS 9th - JORDIE1892 - 7PTS 10th - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 6PTS 11th - SLAMMINBONERS- 5PTS Race 2: 1st - JBR-KIWI- 25PTS 2nd - GREEBOTH- 20PTS 3rd - MIKEPJBELL - 15PTS 4th - PHIL_OI - 12PTS 5th - GAZZAGARRATT - 11PTS 6th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 10PTS 7th - JORDIE1892 - 9PTS 8th - CRIPSY---X- 8PTS 9th - LORDBAGUETTE- 7PTS 10th - D-I-D-D-U-M-S- 6PTS 11th - SLAMMINBONERS - 5PTS --- TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 1 RACE --- 1 - Greboth & Paul - 114PTS 2 - Mike & Crispy - 100PTS 3 - Phil & Jordie - 83PTS 4 - Kiwi & Macca - 74PTS 5 - James & Lee - 71PTS --- INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 1 RACE --- 1 - GREEBOTH - 90PTS 2 - JBR-KIWI - 74PTS 3 - MIKEPJBELL - 65PTS 4 - GAZZAGARRATT - 53PTS 5 - PHIL_OI - 49PTS 6 - JORDIE1892 - 34PTS 7 - CRISPY---X - 33PTS 8 - TEHBLUEBEAR - 30PTS 9 - SLAMMINBONERS - 24PTS 10 - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 20PTS 11 - LORDBAGUETTE - 18PTS 12 - JTLURCH - 18PTS 13 - KURTASS_84 - 10PTS
  18. Race 1: 1st - JBR-KIWI - 25PTS 2nd - GREEBOTH - 20PTS 3rd - MIKEPJBELL - 15PTS 4th - GAZZAGARRATT - 12PTS 5th - PHIL_OI - 11PTS 6th - JTLURCH - 10PTS 7th - JORDIE1892 - 9PTS 8th - CRISPY---X - 8PTS 9th - SLAMMINBONERS - 7PTS 10th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 6PTS 11th - KURTASS_84 - 5PTS 12th - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 4PTS Race 2: 1st - GREEBOTH - 25PTS 2nd - GAZZAGARRATT - 20PTS 3rd - MIKEPJBELL - 15PTS 4th - JBR-KIWI - 12PTS 5th - PHIL_OI - 11PTS 6th - CRIPSY---X - 10PTS 7th - JORDIE1892 - 9PTS 8th - JTLURCH - 8PTS 9th - SLAMMINBONERS - 7PTS 10th - TEHBLUEBEAR - 6PTS 11th - KURTASS_84 - 5PTS 12th - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 4PTS --- TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 1 RACE --- 1 - Greboth & Paul - 59PTS 2 - James & Lee - 50PTS 3 - Mike & Crispy - 48PTS 4 - Phil & Jordie - 40PTS 5 - Kiwi & Macca - 37PTS --- INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS AFTER 1 RACE --- 1 - GREEBOTH - 45PTS 2 - JBR-KIWI - 37PTS 3 - GAZZAGARRATT - 32PTS 4 - MIKEPJBELL - 30PTS 5 - PHIL_OI - 22PTS 6 - JTLURCH - 18PTS 7 - JORDIE1892 - 18PTS 8 - CRISPY---X - 16PTS 9 - SLAMMINBONERS - 14PTS 10 - TEHBLUEBEAR - 12PTS 11 - KURTASS_84 - 10PTS 12 - D-I-D-D-U-M-S - 8PTS JBR-KIWI - 37PTS
  19. Really great racing last night chaps!! Lee was super fast in the second race. Shame Phil is now going the way of torpedo-Mike, although I'm secretly really proud. Nice to see a pretty full grid past night too, and I hope that stays because it keeps a good level of racing across the field.
  20. I think pit stops should be mandatory, right Greebs?
  21. I'll get on this tomorrow sir if that's workable? I've neglected to do this as of yet but intend on getting it done
  22. Looking forward to seeing you again bud!
  23. Can you blow my catflap in whilst you're at it?
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