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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Take flowers to the cemetery.
  2. How are we supposed to get along with each other when Jay can't even get along with himself?
  3. Haven't read that book, but have watched a documentary about that exact subject on the History ch and was amazed by the scope/size of the dust storm they had to deal with back then
  4. What the hell's the one dead center with one stacked on top of it supposed to be?
  5. One of my fav movies back in my teen years. 29 years ago.....God that makes me feel old
  6. I kind'a am as well, but looks decent enough to warrant me giving it a go. If nothing else just because they are opening up a brand new MJR theater not even two miles from my house this summer, so gotta have something to give a whirl at the new theater.
  7. From what I found I guess this was announced back in Dec but somehow I didn't know it till today, guess I live in a cave. Anyway just saw the trailer for it a bit ago, looks decent maybe
  8. Got ya, that's good. I thought you meant you were leaving.
  9. Don't let the unimportant things bug ya dude, no need to go anywhere over simple stuff like whatever happened here. Hope the other problems you're dealing with straighten out for ya too.
  10. Ahh that's probably why I missed it then. I kind'a make it a point to avoid most those threads for just such reasons. I get on the site to enjoy some friendships mainly, so I usually don't even click on topics like that.
  11. Update- Have lost another 5lbs over the past 3 weeks. Now down 37lbs since back on the diet and total weight lose of 138lbs I believe? or right around there. Bumped up the curling weight recently to 55lbs now. Quite a difference how much easier lifting more weight on the curling bar seems now than when I first started.
  12. Actually my next project is gonna be a bird house for the backyard. I know I know, that's the first sign of getting OLD is making birdhouses lol
  13. I must have missed the recent post in question because I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Me personally, I have no ill feelings towards anyone, not even towards Adam lol. Seriously though, IMO it does not matter who agrees with whom, or what someone's feelings about religion or politics may be, there's nothing wrong with disagreeing. Disagreeing and disrespecting are two different things though so we all need to keep that in mind because it's easy to be venomous online because you don't have to look that person in the eye. So replies online are easy to have the respect/emotion aspect removed from and that makes it easy to say things you would not say in person face to face. All boils down to the most basic rule our Mom taught all of us as a little kid. Treat others as you would want them to treat you. Do that and all the drama will fade right away.
  14. Been wanting a nail head style reading chair for the office section of the man cave for quite a while now but the $400-$500 price tags are just way too much for me. Well it pats to stop at yard sales. I was out this morning at a local block sale and had to do a double take when I saw this perfect shape nail head all leather chair for only $60. I offered the lady $50 and she said no problem. It was only used as decor in a music room in her home and never even really sat in much. Couldn't be anymore perfect for the office/shop/man cave if it tried!
  15. Went to see it today. I won't say it was bad, but honestly it was quite a let down. The special effects were good, but I was just amazed that in all reality Godzilla himself was only in the movie for maybe 15-20 minutes total if even that long. And when you have a 2 hour movie about Godzillia, then damnit I want to see more of Godzilla and not 1hr 45mins about some unknown actors personal life and 15mins of Godzilla. I don't know how to do that 'Spoiler" thing to hide this so I'll warn you now, don't scroll down if you don't want a spoiler.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When you have a great actor like Brian Cranston in your movie you don't kill him off so quickly leaving only mediocre actors for the majority of the film. On a scale of 1-10...I'd have trouble giving it more than about a 5 or 6 at most.
  16. Could be a bead leak as well, that's another leak that will sometimes only show up when the weight of the car is on it. If you have a container big enough fill it with water and hold the tire under for a minute, even the slowest of leaks will show up with pushing air bubbles from the leak so you can locate it.
  17. He does nice work. The problem with art is that to get a fair price the artist needs to be "known" or the price will not be much. I've seen some absolutely fantastic paintings being sold for dirt cheap simply because the artist was not a known artist. Attach a known name of a famous artist to a piece and the price shoots up.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq3QmtV8vT0
  19. Talked to my Nephew, I'm gonna take him to see this on Friday. I'll let you guys know how it is/I think then. Kind'a looking forward to it. I hope it lives up to the expectations.
  20. That's what I thought. Remind me to never play in your yard Doc
  21. I got ya bud, like I said we agree pretty much. I think some of the difficulties of me agreeing 100% though with that comes from the fact I live 6 miles from the center of Detroit. There are no difficulties for anyone getting a gun here if you want one no matter who you are if you truly want one And yes, that is very sad to say that to be honest, but it's the truth. Because all honesties aside, tell me to get you an unregistered handgun right now, give me less than a hour and I'd be able to get you one for less than $100 in 45 mins-1hr off I-696 & Caniff, and probably get ya a rock for your pipe ta boot It's sad how things are in the inner city here for sure.
  22. A sneak at the latest rod on the bench, I thought you guys might like this since there was a Motorcycle post lately This is an HD themed rod for a guy retiring this year I am working on. Not close to done yet, still have a lot of wrapping as well as inscriptions on the window seat etc etc to do, but it's getting there.
  23. I'll date myself here, and this is not a joke but when I want to get a REALLY good pump while workin' out.....I pop in the soundtrack to Rocky IV If that does not push you past the burn nothing will!
  24. Done working for the day and it's raining here so kicking back and relaxing with some good 90's rock from Days of the New at the moment.
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