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Everything posted by LordBaguette

  1. LordBaguette

    Clubs Update

    You could call this a clubdate
  2. Its time to buy a PC or Xbox. Sony can’t compete here unfortunately
  3. Hey bro! Welcome back. Don’t think we ever played together but looking forward to in future!
  4. Need a poo
  5. No one knows, not even Disney. Shows only get 2nd series now if they perform well
  6. What are peoples thoughts? I am enjoying it so far, probably not as much as The Mandalorian, but it feels distinct enough to not feel like a retread. I am hoping we see more of him facing some bounty hunters in the coming episodes. Also wondering if we get any flashbacks of further in the past
  7. Thanks @GazzaGarrattfor the award! my entire life has been leading to this moment
  8. how to show your age: write tik toc instead of tiktok 😂
  9. Yea baby there is no more perfect game for an FG friday
  10. Yea they just need to fix the server lag and various glitches
  11. Yea I enjoy it a lot. Easy to pick up and play but a hard one to master. One of the nicest looking indie games I’ve played as well. The characters that all speak to you, some just pictures and text, all still have loads of creativity and personality. Only game I have played that is anywhere close is binding of Isaac, which I have just bought the expansion for.
  12. Watch this, save your money
  13. Well the final trailer is here. Potential spoilers below: I think it's clear the other spidermen have been edited out of the scene with the 3 villains on the scaffolding, since Lizard is jumping towards nothing (although it almost looks too obvious that this is the case). Marvel have a history of editing their trailers so, I am pretty sure this is correct. In one of the final shots, it looks like Andrew Garfields glove is going to catch MJ (Tom holland jumps but the glove is a different colour than the suit he is wearing), which makes sense he's the one to save her falling, as redemption for not saving Gwen in the Amazing Spider-Man 2. The red on Doc-Oc is not a redesign, its Peter using Stark tech to shut down the arms and make him docile again. I am hoping they explain why Dr Strange isn't helping in the fights, as they would be over in seconds otherwise. I hope its not just a case of "you have to battle these demons yourself parker", that would be lame.. I went back and watched all the spiderman films over the last couple months in preparation because I am a nerd
  14. I have actually forgotten Cold War was even released at this point, it felt like there was 2 weeks in between releases
  15. Angry Joes review is fantastic. Basically the laziest most uninspired COD to date -
  16. I remember only getting into standard matches towards the end. Usually was just big on custom games. When I did play standard matches though was always Greek everytime, usually Hades
  17. New trailer below. Looks decent, not giving much away as yet
  18. Yea a lot online, was part of a clan as well. CoM I think was the abbreviation haha I forget the name though. Do you remember a guy called Nottud? He was like a well known map creator I was friends with him helped play test some of his maps, still got him on Facebook
  19. I played 2 a hell of a lot when I was young too. But my all time favourite was Age of Mythology, I miss those days
  20. until

    I, LordBaguette, acknowledge this event with all my will and heart. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend, my sincere apologies to all of FG. I will endeavour to make sure I attend the next organised event. @GazzaGarratt
  21. Explain the difference 🤣
  22. or what anyone calls it because thats what it is xD
  23. Maybe - but the technology in the Toy Story universe is basically the same technology as ours in present day, this looks way more advanced
  24. Looks awesome. Do we think the whole film is just a child playing with a buzz toy and imagination? Or could be a movie set in the Toy Story universe and the Buzz toy is based on it
  25. Its proper fun if you have a group of people all on mics playing it properly. When people try to lie and botch it completely its hilarious
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