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Everything posted by LordBaguette

  1. Glad I didn’t make the cut
  2. Is anyone thinking about buying this? Only heard of it recently an it’s out soon
  3. Aids?
  4. Hahaha 🤣
  5. @tronic44
  6. @Misneach_ enjoy
  7. 😅😂
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 58/100 My Time 79 seconds
  9. Good film, watched thee other day. Seen before but long while ago. I think brad and shia are great. I think the ending is just too far fetched and hollywoody though. Kills it a bit
  10. The first of many Rich out of FG memes
  11. Hello all. I am dedicating this thread to post any and all FG memes and putting peoples faces on people. We have a lot of stupid shit that’s regularly said in a daily basis that no one understands except us. I have created the below one to get us started I used the app MemeCreator Get creative lads and lasses
  12. Is fantastic. Not quite up to snatch standards in terms of cinematography / acting. But still great, and snatch wouldn’t have existed without this
  13. Rich, I want you
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 100 seconds
  15. Seriously start by doing classes if they’re available. More fun than working out alone and it teaches you all the basics. Plus other people there motivate you to do more. That’s how I got back Into it after I stopped going. Spin class is a good start. I do boxing, spin and circuit training. Perfect mix of cardio and strength training
  16. I mean you haven’t mentioned diet. That’s the other main thing you’ll have to change if you want to see any kind of result
  17. My first thoughts are (no particular order) - I wish it was the last 15 or 20 😂 - Halo Reach (rather have Halo 3 but it’s older than 10 years) - Skyrim - Overwatch - Modern Warfare 2 - The Last of Us - The Witcher 3 - Marvels Spider-Man - GTA 5 More to come. It’s harder than you think when limited to 10 years. Also makes you realise how much of a lack of truly amazing memorable games there has been. Also, for me, it’s also more about the timing of when I played it, who I played it with and how much fun was had at the time, not necessarily the game itself
  18. Sweet. Will get on that tonight. Finally got to diamond too 🤣
  19. You can only select one type and it’s the new mode
  20. Also on the sleep topic, is it normal for people to have less than 6 hours sleep? I’m usually at least 7
  21. Do all of this except adding salt, I eat enough salt to maintain my fluids in the food I eat normally. I mean I add salt as seasoning etc but don’t make a note to add more than necessary
  22. Talking about fucking sandwiches and a sexy goal 
  23. LordBaguette

    Winky Woo

    Will dance for money

  24. All I can say is FAL
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