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LordBaguette last won the day on August 26

LordBaguette had the most liked content!



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    Inferno Tom
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  1. FGer Game Choice - Black Ops 4

    Our first ever game choice, by Matty @Misneach_. Let's support these type of nights and we can see more of them and hopefully a night for everyone's game choice.


    Custom Blackout and whatever else can be cooked up in the Private Match playlist. Get your game updated you mongrels.

  2. FG Fridays - FG GTA Races

    Let's have an FG GTA Friday Partay!


    Sumo, Rockets, NASCAR and anything else you guys and girls want to try! Let's have some amazeballs crashes and laughs galore. Also....record your damn clips! We need some more!


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

  3. FG Fridays - New MW CoD Beta Party

    As it seems we may not have enough for Blackout, I know many of you will be on the new CoD Beta tonight!


    Let's at least get a party of 10 going so we can be a full FG force in the new game mode!!


    If you're around, click the GOING button!!!

  4. Conan Exiles | Raids, dungeons, slaughter and pillage!

    By Crom! The wastelands are in need of a damn good purging and we want you to pick up that sword and join us barbarian!


    Aaron and myself have already constructed a base, so what we want you to join us for is a bit of raiding and dungeon running. We're on a boosted server so hitting max level should be very fast, we'll arm you and clothe you and all that shit. You just focus on learning the controls and leveling up to begin with and once you've gotten the basics down we'll fuck some people up! We already know of a few bases we intend to hit and there's a loooooot of dungeons to run for a proper challenge. I'll be on most of saturday for some Conan so I made this an all day event, but more specific times can be set.

  5. FG Fridays - Grand Theft Wreckfest

    A little bit of GTA races and shenanigans followed by some crazy amazeballs Wreckfest.


    Make sure your games are updated...plenty of time to do it from now!


    See you later with beers and lolz



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