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LordBaguette last won the day on August 26 2024

LordBaguette had the most liked content!



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    Inferno Tom
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  1. FGer Game Choice - Black Ops 4

    Our first ever game choice, by Matty @Misneach_. Let's support these type of nights and we can see more of them and hopefully a night for everyone's game choice.


    Custom Blackout and whatever else can be cooked up in the Private Match playlist. Get your game updated you mongrels.

  2. FG Fridays - FG GTA Races

    Let's have an FG GTA Friday Partay!


    Sumo, Rockets, NASCAR and anything else you guys and girls want to try! Let's have some amazeballs crashes and laughs galore.


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

  3. FG DriveClub Night

    It's been a while so let's get some proper racing down!


    Make sure you update your game in case it's not ready to play.


    Let's see if we can get away with as many driver penalties as possible!

  4. FG Overwatch Ranked

    Let's get the ranked party going!


    PS4 party up, no doubt we'll have some placement matches to do.


    Let's get it on!

  5. Lee's Late Bday + GTA Fridays

    Since Lee was out enjoying his bday last Friday, i think it's right that we raise a glass to him whilst knocking him off a track.


    That's why it's GTA races this Friday, it's been too long and i think we could all do with getting together and having a laugh.


    Make sure your games are up to date and i look forward to seeing you all there :D

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