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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. But what would Crispy moan about then?
  2. Covered in Transmitting items in the third post and some extra detail in the Refined Storage section The simple / headline answer to how I do it is; Put an Ender Storage Ender Chest on top of the builder in the mining world (it HAS to be an Ender Storage chest not the vanilla Ender Chest) Put a second Ender Storage Chest next to your Refined Storage system Place an importer on the chest and link it in to your Refined storage A single importer probably won't be fast enough so you can put 3 speed upgrades and 1 stack upgrade in the importer. If that still isn't fast enough, put more importers on the chest with speed and stack upgrades.
  3. Thank you There's some bits of Refined Storage I've missed out as I am still working them out myself but will post an adendum once I have. Mostly this is wireless crafting as it takes a power source that isn't RF so trying to work out the best way to power it. You can also automate the autocrafters so if you get below a certian number of items, it will autocraft back to that number. Is there anything else you'd like to see a guide on?
  4. Auto crafting also now added to post 4
  5. Firefly suffers because it’s over hyped. I love and think it is one if the best sci fi shows. However I first watched it years ago with no expectation, without the cult following it now has. So I think some people go in with such high expectations which it then can’t meet. Still it is good and, if you like your comedy/sci-fi, worth watching. I couldn’t get in with it, I don’t really know why. By my general tastes in shows, I should love it but I watched about half the first season and it never grabbed me. I never got that I want to watch the next episode and realised I was more watching it because other people had said it was good rather than I was enjoying it.
  6. And the basics of refined storage added too post #4 as requested I'll add the rest another day.
  7. I've added a guide for Mobs - spawning, killing and collecting the drops and I've also added a brief bit on ore multiplication
  8. Haha what have I created!!!!!! However, your wish is my command - Mining and storage all covered in post #3 but to provide simple answers How to mine faster - keep to a single builder but more power. I don't know the exact figure which is why I didn't post in the guide above but I think the builder can use upto something silly like 6-7000 RF/t when it mines the fastest. So simply the more power you give it the faster it will mine. As for Endermen - a couple tips, run round a desert at night as they're easiest to spot in a desert and look at them then they will come to you. If you need enderpearls - try to add luck to your sword (if you have a tinkers sword) or make The Ender sword . Also the nebulous heart in a crafting grid will give you more enderpearls. If you need enderman heads, try adding beheading to your sword (again, if you have a tinkers sword). A very brief answer but I'll give a better answer when I get round to doing a full post on mob drops / farms.
  9. And now it’s the Revenge of the Fifth
  10. Nice one When you say setting out, do you mean setting the area for it the mine? I still don't know what the numbers mean. The easiest way is, with the shape card in hard, shift right click the builder, then right click a block to select the first corner and the right click to select the second corner. The first corner and second corner you select should be opposite corners of a box. So if the first corner you select is to be the front, top, left of the box then the second corner needs to be the back, bottom, right corner. There are guides out there by the mod authors or videos on mod spotlights for most things as the FTB packs are popular mod packs. If you're considering using or are using a mod I'd still recommend looking up more information than I'm posting. I'm aiming for this thread to be more of a general guide to getting starting than any detailed focus on specific mods. ChosenArchitect is pretty good, I've watched some of his videos as I was trying to find some detail on blood magic before I blew my first world up. The one I watched when I first got in to this modpack and getting back in to I've re-watched a couple videos of is Welsknight. He does a pretty good job of explaining too (though worth noting the modpack has altered slightly since he created the videos). I've got everything typed up ready for the builder and using it in the mining world (including the upgrades to the storage drawers). I want to add some stuff about the more mid/end game mining, a bit about chunk loading and some information on automating getting it all back to your bases storage system. I agree the automation is fun but even in vanilla I like automation I just didn't think Mr Dig a massive hole by hand would ever say it
  11. What do you mean expensive in terms of time? the time to get the gold and lapis? I was hoping to have to mining guide done today but ended up needing to go out so it won't be until later tonight / tomorrow. The short version though is you don't need to build the tier 1 solar array. Yes it is handy, it produces a decent amount of power and will run continuously but, the builder will mine with whatever power you give it. Each block has an associated RF figure to mine it so provide it with little power and it will mine just very slowly. SImply the more RF/t you can power it with, the faster it will mine (up to a limit). So if you can't power it with the solar array, even a single culinary generator or dynamo would be enough to get going slowly. If you can build some power transfer conduits / ducts then you can power the builder with 2, 3, 4, 5.... generators / dynamos which will make it faster and make getting the gold and lapis for the solar array easier. Chosen Architect does have a pretty good series on Beyond but he does some odd things too. Storage Drawers are a good idea with the builder but you can place the drawer controller directly on top of the builder then the items will go directly in to the draws. You can attach a lot of draws to one controller, mine was set up in a 5 high 17 wide grid of drawers centre on the drawer controller. Though for common items such as cobblestone, diorite, andesite, gravel, granite etc. I'd put void upgrades in the drawers. This means when they hit the maximum 2,048 items any further items are just destroyed rather than filling up other draws else you end up with tens of thousands of cobblestone very quickly. I hope that makes some sense but I typed it quickly and will get the proper guide posted tonight or tomorrow.
  12. Regular smelters and smelting will be covered in the ore duplication. The alloy smelter is basically power it, put the right ingredients in and wait. However there are several ways to make alloys so I can cover them too. Just thought of another one- mob farms. Mob drops are important for many things and there’s numerous ways to go about it. Good point, I will add it to the general tips tomorrow as can’t be arsed to try and edit long posts on my phone. A cheeky trick with the bag of holding (or any back pack). If you’re using a chest transporter to move a chest or spawner. Pick the chest/spawner up and then put it in your backpack. You lose all the horrible effects but still transporting the chest/spawner
  13. Ore multiplication Refined Storage Auto Crafting with Refined Storage
  14. Mining world Auto Mining option 1 Auto mining Option 2 Auto mining option 3 Chunk Loading Transmitting items option 1 Transmitting items option 2
  15. The above is more sign posting, pointing you in the direction of mods or items you can use to achieve specific things. This post is more of a how to guide, specifically setting out ways to do thing. I don't plan on covering everything in this mod pack, that would simply take too long but I do plan on covering early game things as this is where the mod pack is most confusing to new players. Warning: These are specific how to guide, recommending what blocks / machines to use so if you want to find things out for yourself don't open these. So that out the way, lets start with; Early game power generation (specifically RF) Option 1 Option 2 This covers what I think is the easiest / best way to produce your first power in this modpack. Generating more power Extreme Reactors Mob Spawning / Mob Farms Mob Killing Mob drops collection If you want a guide on anything specific, if I know how to do it I will make one
  16. I’m aware how complex a mod pack FTB Beyond is so I have been meaning to make this guide for a while. I’m far from an expert at this pack so there is probably things I have missed but happy to add to this guide if/when people point out missing stuff. This isn’t meant so much as tips and tricks of Beyond or a ‘Here is what I do’ guide (this is below). So rather than specifically recommend use item x or item y, I’m going to try and just list things in groups so you can look up possibilities and then decide what you want to use. To start with, lets get some basic information / terminology out the way Tick (t) – The speed of a games engine, in Minecraft this is 20 times per second (or 0.05 seconds per tick) RF – Redstone Flux – the most common unit of power in this pack RF/t – The measure of how much power something produces or uses GP – Grid Power – Used by Extra Utilities and is another unit of power but less commonly used than RF EU – Energy Unit – Used by Industrial Craft and is another unit of power but again less common than RF Multiblock / assembly – a machine made up of multiple blocks in a specific order / pattern to work. Chunk - A chunk is Minecrafts world sectors that divide the world in to manageable pieces. A chunk is 16x16 blocks and goes from bedrock to build limit (y255). If you ever need to see the chunks, pressing F3+G will show chunk borders (F3+G will turn them off too) Some other general tips for this mod pack Crafting – When you open up your inventory or crafting menu, you have JEI/NEI on the side which is a searchable list of all items in all the mods. Left clicking an item will tell you how to craft that item. Most items can be crafted in a crafting bench like vanilla but others will require a special process or have multiple ways to craft / obtain them. If the item requires a special process / machine, left clicking on the machine to the side of the crafting menu will tell you the recipe for that machine. If you come across something and you don’t know what it is, right clicking on it in the JEI / NEI menu will tell you all the recipes that item is used in. For example, left clicking red dye will show you that you need to craft it from a rose. Right clicking the red dye will show you how to use it to make red glass, red clay, red wool etc. Some mods you may want to make numerous items from or want to craft all the items for a multiblock. If you search the JEI / NEI menu by typing @ followed by the mod name it will give you all the items for that mod. For example; @EnderIO will give you all the blocks added by Ender IO, @Tinkers will give you all the items added by Tinkers Construct etc. By default, press full stop will open up the map to show where you have been. Double clicking on the map will allow you to set a waypoint wherever you click. Alternatively if you want to place a waypoint where you currently are you can press comma to do so. Once you set a waypoint you can teleport to it which allows you get around large distance easily. Way points can be set in all dimensions (overworld, nether, mining world etc) but you can only teleport between waypoints in the dimension you’re currently in (there are ways to teleport between dimensions but more on that later). I mentioned powered above, at some point during your play through of the Beyond mod pack you are going to need power. How much power you want or need to generate will depend on what you’re doing and/or how often you’re doing it (generally the faster you want something done, the more power you’re going to need). To give some indication or expectation, the first powered machines you’ll get in to don’t require much power at around 40 RF/t – 60 RF/t each. If you aren’t producing enough power, most machines will still progress through their action but at much a much slower rate. Depending on what mods you get in to by the end game, you may need a lot more power as certain machines can take millions of RF/t each. It isn’t really something to worry about too much though as you get in to building more powerful machines you’ll also be in the position to generate more RF/t too. There is a chunk loader in this mod pack which is very useful as it means you can keep your base powered, machines running etc. while you're away from your base or in a different dimension (especially useful if you have tools or armour powered by RF). To chunk load an area, bring up your inventory and you will need to join a team (icon of 3 people). Once you're in a team you can claim chunks and then chunk load them, open your inventory and on left hand side click claimed chunks (looks like a little map). This opens up a map for you to claim chunks and/or chunk load them. To claim them left click a chunk, to unclaim a chunk right click a claimed chunk. To chunk load, shift left click a claimed chunk, to unchunk load shift right click a chunk. So lets move on to some specifics; Some of the below I have split in to early game and mid to late game. To remove the opinion element from what is considered early, mid or late game I am basing early game on items obtainable by manual mining. Mid to late game items are also obtainable by manual mining if you wanted but more reasonably these are achievable once you have some form of auto miners. Rather than have a massive list in one thread, I've spoiler tagged everything both so you don't see thing you want to find out for yourself and to keep this a little shorter as you can open the sections you need. Mining/tools Storage options Power Generation Early Game Power Generation Mid and Late game Ore Processing Auto mining / block generation Power Transfer Item Transfer Movement and teleporters Mob farms / Mob killing
  17. Hmmmm I’m have to give it another go and get through the first season then I’ve been meaning to properly watch Blackadder too as I got in dvd about 5 or 6 years ago so doing well Adding to Morecombe and Wise, I’ll add the two Ronnies. There aren’t many comedians I’d rank up there with those 4. As for UNCLE - United Nations Clandestine Law Enforcement?
  18. I do like Lucifer too. Have you see it’s back next week?
  19. I had no problem with Ayra killing the Night King. The Faceless men are considered the best assassins and Ayra has been fully trained by them. Of course she’s a badass and should be the one to kill the Night King. Maybe the only one who could kill the Night King. Mellisandre was a bit of a huh? There was a big thing about her leaving but returning to Westoros one last time. However that apparently just to light a few fires and remind Ayra she’s an assassin. We didn’t see what Mellisandre was up to though so I’m hoping she did more than just that.
  20. I had forgotten about Brooklyn 99, I do enjoy a bit of nine nine. Though a but behind so need to catch up. Is Parks and Rec that good? It got recommended to me ages ago so watched the first couple episodes. It didn’t grab me so never watched any more but with the amount it gets recommended I’m wondering if I missed something.
  21. Greboth

    Modded MC

    Yeah, I guess what caused the confusion. I did originally flatten some land but with the idea of some water stuff an island made more sense. Though it does mean I have a huge area south if my village that us completely flat dirt - oops. The blocks next to the torches are just to spread grass When I built the platform it was just dirt but I wanted it to be grass. My flat island cuts through a couple small islands so grass was spreading but slowly. So I just thought I’d give it a helping hand by placing grass blocks around so it could spread while I was building. The torches were just a handy marker of spacing to run and place the grass blocks by.
  22. Greboth

    Modded MC

    These are already built in survival I placed a flat layer of dirt over a huge chunk of ocean so that I can build on it. I have an idea about a few design choices and water so it made more sense to build my own island. It’s just a big rectangle for now but I will shape the island more as I build more.
  23. Greboth

    Modded MC

    Welcome to the start of my new build Currently I only have my capital building, this is mostly just for looks but will be the centre point of this whole build. There is still some more work to be done to it in the details and I want to try to make a statue on the plinth that you can see on the ground floor. Also I can show off my new building for my energy core Rather than lose all the power I made a second core and transferred it so it still has plenty of power. The tower has been built big enough to fit my woot farm (or 2) and my environmental tech resource and ore miner in the bottom. I don't know if I will though as I quite like the clean look of the tower so might put the woot farm and miners in another building. Also tempted to fill in the empty parts of the spiral with glass but still undecided on that currently.
  24. Greboth

    Modded MC

    A little update on my world Though this will be the last update on my village ( ) as I've decided to move out of it. I like the basic set up of it but I already have planned to add at least 4 more buildings to the village to house stuff and that is before I start getting in some of the mods I've not played with which I'd guess will require even more buildings. So basically I've decided to build a new base/structures which will be better suited to house everything (as well as looking awesome naturally!). Rather than a village (as the buildings are too small) I'm going for more a city vibe with much bigger buildings to put all my stuff in. I just need to work on coming up with a pillar design and a floor design that I like then I'll be able to show off the first buildings of my new base.
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