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Everything posted by MrBiron

  1. I'm glad I run Linux. Windows sucks.
  2. That reminds me of BF4. So I'll take it!
  3. I've only played this on PS+ and I wasn't that impressed by it. If I could have paid £10 to upgrade that I'd have tried it but I'm not paying full price.
  4. I've jumped back on this after getting sick of console COD games and their shit connections and SBMM. Still using a controller and it kinda feel likes cheating. I currently have an 8.3 k/d 🤣 I really do think this is the model that they should use for the main game: One base game that they constantly update with new content, rather than a new game every year.
  5. An issue that COD has had forever. They need to sort out their shit servers.
  6. I've still got the reactions of a cat
  7. I decided to give this another go after a month off. The first 5 or 6 games were great fun but then SBMM kicked in and started fucking with my connection. I don't understand how I can (apparently) have a ping under 20ms yet still feel I'm a second behind other players 🤔
  8. If it's as good as BF3 and BF4 then I'll be happy. BF4 is probably my favourite game in the series.
  9. That game was just awful all around 🤮
  10. I usually really enjoy Treyarch games and I was really looking forward to BO6. The core gameplay is good as I enjoy fast paced games. This for me is ruined by the maps. A super fast game with tiny maps just doesn't work. I'll probably try BO6 again next year to see if I enjoy it.
  11. That's how I feel about the BO6 maps. Vault is a decent map, Rewind isn't bad. The rest are either too small to be fun to play on or just straight dogshit (Vorkuta and Red Card).
  12. Sledgehammer released a load of new maps every season. Yes they had a few remastered maps. The new ones are listed below. They also released a few 2v2 maps but I've no interest in 2v2 so didn't list them, and they put a few from the new MW2 in there. Meat Greece Rio Departures Stash House Vista 6 Star Emergency Grime Checkpoint Tokyo Paris Incline Tanked
  13. Yet they're miles better than what we have in BO6. I tend to vote for the new maps if they show up anyway.
  14. Quite ironic that I was sick of the OG MW2 maps in this game but after playing BO6 and the absolutely awful maps in that game, I'm quite happy to go back to this game and play the maps again 🤣
  15. I have deleted this game already. I just can't deal with the maps. Probably the worst launch maps of any COD. I've gone back to MW3. The DLC maps from that game are far better than the maps we have in this game (Rio is better than every single map in BO6). Plus I can use Ghost AND Ninja (or the MW3 equivalents) at the same time.
  16. I'm already bored of this game and considering uninstalling it. It's a decent game ruined by absolutely piss poor maps.
  17. It's just the usual Gamer Bro's getting all upset because the main character isn't a white man. Obviously the term "woke" has been thrown around like a monkey flinging around it's own shit.
  18. All of the Gamerbro's are having a meltdown because Siri is the main character. The game is "woke" (I absolutely hate that term) now 🤣 They clearly know fuck all about the series.
  19. Another video showing that it's just utterly piss poor servers that are the issue. And if you play at peak time (after 6PM) then the issue is even worse.
  20. I've just quoted my own post from above 😉🤣
  21. After a month of playing on this game, I refuse to play on Babylon, Nuketown or Subsonic. They are all just awful to play on unless you like getting constantly spawn killed. Payback is just about tolerable. Scud is just weird as sometimes it's OK and other it's just annoying. Vault is still my favourite and I like Hideout. Rewind is decent. The other are all just very average.
  22. It's not a thing. It's a combination of SBMM that prioritises skill over connection and shit servers.
  23. I've no idea how people like all of the tiny cluster fuck maps 🤷‍♂️ All you do is get constantly spawn killed. For me Babylon is the worst map in the game and I absolutely refuse to play on it. Then Red Card is also a bad map because there's just no flow.
  24. Both of the new maps are pretty good. Hideout is the better of 2.
  25. What's everybody's favourite map? Admittedly there aren't many good maps in this game 🤣 Mine is Vault. It's a decent size and is the most Treyarch like map in the game IMO.
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