I followed the brackets but unfortunately didn't have time to watch the games. OG had a terrible seed going in, shit happens.
I was hoping Denial would take it because I love Clay and JKap had to prove all those people wrong. They weren't my top pick as I've followed the Optic org for a while, but damn glad they took it.
Glad Faze Red didn't take it, that's for sure. Fucking hate Aches. That entitled prick. Would've liked to see Parasite take another ring though.
That tR run though. 4 unknown for the most part players who won 2nd. That's the type of shit that gets people to watch. Some if not all of them were known in the community but hadn't had near as much light to viewers. Very good run by them.
After a big event though, you know what it's time for. Rostermaniaaaaa.
All I know now is that Clay will be very sought after and can call the shots instead of being shoved around like he was after last event.
The current OG roster works. They just had a bad seed, which can be seen by the first place in the three previous events.
ON is basically old Fariko plus TeePee, or was for champs. I don't know most anything about the season teams.
Will be fun to see all the new teams and betrayals, that's for sure.