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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Dont think I have messed with that, Will have to check though.
  2. Thanks, thats what I thought. Is it HC mode in this COD?
  3. I steal this thread for a minute.. on shotties, is it best with a tight or wide pellet spread? Cant remember what I used in earlier cods.. Given the hit detection, I lean to a tight spread..
  4. 'Mixed up' eh? You just wanted to shut us up. 😂 Thanks bud
  5. I cant post in PPR'S for some reason. Other threads is ok.
  6. Thanks, I actually figured it out 😄 I see why you get so many weapons gold and platinum,with only 4 basic camos on each.
  7. Where do you track camo progress? (Yes, I'm a noob)
  8. Did the Legend tutorial to try this. Did a survival and a story. Died alot in survival 😄 Reached rank 5, and it's a mode I think I will play more!
  9. I heard the online part (Legend) is kinda neh, but the guy who said it don't really play co op/online much. Will have to give it a shot, after reading this. They really could have made a few more different looking npc's though!
  10. I bought the disc version for 25£, stated it included the PS5 version. Kinda enjoyed the game and only had one bug. Tried it on the PS5 to check the look on it but couldn't find the PS5 version. Think the store screwed me or they thought it had both versions. Didn't do many side missions though.
  11. MW2109? I must have been away from COD longer than I thought 😉
  12. Well, since I don't have the PS4 Pro I think I will get a graphics difference. Regarding titles, not much yet, but Valhalla, Demon Souls and Cyberpunk is games I want to play. I bought Cyberpunk today though, included both versions, for 25£.
  13. Lucky bastards, don’t know when I will be able to get this. Shops have very little information too. Maybe I get lucky next christmas..
  14. From reading this thread, I will save my money. Was thinking about getting it, as maybe my new 500/500 connection would help feom my previous shitty internet. But COD is apparently getting worse every year. Playing Warzone but I struggle to win gunfights there even when getting the jump on an enemy. Typical COD feel I would say. I wanted to get it for PS5, but will probably be summer before I get my hands on one..
  15. Can't really see it, as the top menu icons cover it. (on mobile)
  16. Lot less potions, magic and sorcery skills. And you get a team of 3 with you eventually. I'll try and add to this as I play it.
  17. When you change the color theme, it ads a refresh icon button to the menu, (which has big icons) so it's sometimes hard to hit the top logo to get to the front page from the sub forums. The menu blocks most of the FG banner. The menu box squares (for each sub forum) makes the site look less streamlined. But I guess it just takes some getting used to.
  18. What kinda mods? Similar to Skyrim, or just from the devs? Just started playing this after a work mate said it was good, kibda like HZD in another era. Looks good, and starting to get caught up in it.
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