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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Vaznev gold.
  2. Nah, dont bother. Doesnt matter how much you polish shit, it will still be shit 😄 But do it anyway, just for the hell of it 😉
  3. Hurricane gold. Damn prone kills doesnt suit my playstyle. Vaznev getting close to gold.
  4. Good luck with the MX9. If you liked the FTAC you will love the MX9!
  5. I am thinking the same thing. Getting punished for doing good. I opened a can of whoop ass with my chopper Gunner though 😄 Another thing that I am not used to is that you switch lobby after each match.
  6. Shipment is very hit or miss. I went on a 12 killstreak last night when it suddenly changed and I could't kill anything, at least felt like that.
  7. VEL and Lachmann Sub is gold. FTAC sucks. That is all.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 214 seconds  
  9. And HC has how much health? Felt I died just as quick in T1 than HC. But then again, its been ages since I played COD.
  10. What is the difference between HC and Tier1?
  11. My bad. Not played COD in years but I should of course know better!
  12. Guess its weaker because of the large mag compared to others but too often people can turn on me and kill me even when I have jump on them.
  13. Minibak is gold. Dont know if its the connection I had but damn what a peashooter! People are just running through the bullets. Probably the shit connection, from my 3000+ kills in total, I have over 1000 assists.
    Some close calls there!
  14. Insane! Though the TV is a bit small for my taste. Something tells me he is single 😄
  15. Happy berfday Lee!
    And people complain about it being nerfed!
  16. I have to agree on the low amount of maps though. And not one of them has a good feel. In the earlier games there was at least a couple that I enjoyed playing. I feel the maps are getting more and more suited for campers and it slows the pace down.
  17. I will have a look 🙂
  18. I found out I could use my tokens and unlock the BAS-P. It was certain variants of other weapons and some calling cards etc that required battle pass. Tac also gold now btw.
  19. Its not a gamechanger but it is an attachment I would have used.
  20. I have plenty of tokens but other than the first tier, you have to have battle pass to use pretty much everything else it says.
  21. I wondered about that too. I played some DMZ before I got the full COD game but had no clue what I was doing there 😄
  22. Hm, for example, I need to get the BAP to a certain level to unlock some attachments but it says thats only available from Battle pass?
  23. Chimera gold. Guess Tac is next. Stupid that certain attachments are locked behind weapons. Especially ones you need Battle pass to obtain.
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