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NCA-Paendrag last won the day on March 6

NCA-Paendrag had the most liked content!

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  1. I didnt see that coming! Allthough I havent looked too hard either. Love it though!
  2. SO looking forward to this! Geralt is cool as ice, but Ciri is badass too and better looking 😄
  3. I had stick drift on two controllers, brought them to my local shop and I got a new one each time. Sony picked up the tab.
  4. Caaal! 😲 I havent forgotten you ofc mate. I get most of your FB updates 😉 Didnt know this username was you though. Well, you were a shotgun cunt back in the day 😂
  5. I dont have BG3 but I like your initiative 👍
  6. Ah, so I just wasnt invited to any of them 😂 You have gone far and beyond Lee! And you speak the truth in your post, if people made only a small effort, I think this place would be much more lively. Instead of just hitting the like button, make a comment too 🙂
  7. So there is Whatsapp groups? This almost killed this forum a few years back, and I thought people agreed to use the forum and not chat groups. I thought this might be the issue again, with the low activity in the past months/year..
  8. So, a sequel to Ghost of Tutshima. Which was a superb game.
  9. I will never admit it! NEVER!
  10. Ah ok. I thought about rewatching it, but dropped it.
  11. So season 2 is out, and 5 episodes are available on Prime. Just watched the first. Cant get over that Elrond is casted with the wrong guy. The Stranger can now speak, cant remember him doing that on the last season ending... I enjoy the series, but I dont get the LOTR/Tolkien feeling about it. Everything just feels less grand compared to the LOTR movies.
  12. Sounds like I will sit this one out too.
  13. Well, this makes me feel like a real pro 🙈😂
  14. Then you heard right! Never been so disappointed in a game before, at least not for a long time! I am stuck on a boss type listed as Character, and from what I can gather the lesser of the 3 types of bosses in this game. And this boss was the first enemy after I killed a boss, and found a shrine. Roughly 100 yards apart 🙄 Thought it was 81 bosses one time, but read that all bosses and minibosses its 113. Well, I am fed up already. You can farm for sparks to level up with, but with 2 to 3 levels an hour you are in for a long haul! This feels like 65 bucks wasted.
  15. Its been summer, usually quiet thrn, but I feel its been quiet for a long time, compared to what it used to be. Maybe people are using Whatsapp, I dunno.
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