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    tronic44 reacted to uberwarrior in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Surprised nobody has mentioned the sad passing of Eusebio, a proper gentlemen in a sport full of bloated ego's and inflated self opinions!
  2. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in Best and worst maps ?   
    I probably did it to myself...
  3. Like
    tronic44 reacted to J4MES OX4D in Best and worst maps ?   
    Bollocks! Someone clearly jizzed in your face mid-game
  4. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in Best and worst maps ?   
    A snow flake fell on my eye and it was beautiful.
    Battlefield <3
  5. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in Dylan orrrrrrrrrrrr this guy....   
    Whose harder to understand ?!

  6. Like
    tronic44 reacted to spectre in the world record for the longest time playing a video game   
    I don't know, I think maybe world record getting head might be funner.
  7. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Diddums in Best and worst maps ?   
    So Scotland got their independance then?
  8. Like
    tronic44 reacted to spectre in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I agree with you dude. I played the shit out of BFBC2.  I plan to join you guys on ps4 as soon as the price goes down
  9. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in bf4 tips/help   
    I'm thinking of buying it as well. This game has brought my enthusiasm for gaming back.
    This is a good thread. I've only really played TDM so a lot hasn't been relevant to me, yet.
    When I need ammo, I press R1 and move to the Need Ammo request, does it just flash the ammo thing about my head and make a call out?
  10. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in the world record for the longest time playing a video game   
    This is your worst idea yet, i'd say find something that no one has a world record for a do that, or beat something else. 
    I'd honestly not even risk doing this dude!
  11. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from uberwarrior in bf4 tips/help   
    Like being the bucket at an orgy, this is all a lot to take in.
    I'm downloading the balttelog to see if that can help me in any way. Playing the game isn't an issue, i feel i've got to grips with it pretty quickly. It's just the setting up of classes and the other behind the scenes stuff.
    Ok i've had a look through this battlelog thing and i'm starting to understand it more but how do you earn battlepacks and what are in battlepacks?
    Also check me out with my 2k/d! Really enjoying this game, can't wait to get home and play!!
  12. Like
    tronic44 reacted to TigerBurge in bf4 tips/help   
    I'll chip in a few,to unlock shotguns you must use the support class until they unlock. Same goes for DMR rifles,you unlock them by using recon. Carbines are unlocked by using engineer class.
    Use Battlelog on the PC/phone/tablet to track unlocks easier for assignments and battle packs
    When you unlock XP bonuses in battle packs you must activate them in the options menu.
    Attachments make a huge difference on guns. Stability vs accuracy. I prefer stability.
    Throw down medic and ammo packs often. It's easy and free XP
    Use the spot feature. Right bumper on PS4. Helps your team and gives you easy XP.
  13. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in the world record for the longest time playing a video game   
    The lack of sleep reduces the number of cells in your brain. I think you'll be fine.
  14. Like
    tronic44 reacted to J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    They couldn't afford to get both Ozil and Higuain as they would've breached the fair play rules. They only walked away with a £6.7m profit on the last count back in September so Berbatov is probably a player within their price limit. Hernandez is also whispered but if Arsenal want to dip in properly; they'll have to sell before they buy. I think Sagna leaving is a huge possibility now
  15. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Completely agree with Euan! ^
    And the day is finally here, the most retarded thing ever to happen in football
    And wow.....just wow!!

  16. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in Michael Schumacher   
    Horrible news.
    Some positives in that he was taken to hospital quickly and the specialist sees injuries like this all the time. They're also saying his age and phyical health is on his side too.
  17. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in What happens when...   
    a woman with cerebral palsy smoke pot

    This is a few years old so apologies if people have already seen it but it amazes me how someone can be denied something which could completely their life for the better!
  18. Like
    tronic44 reacted to uberwarrior in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Man City v Barca and the Gooners vs Bayern the 2 standout ties in the round for me.
    AVB was always going to struggle to see yesterday out. The biggest shock of the week for me, was Steve Clarke getting the boot at West Brom.
  19. Like
    tronic44 reacted to spectre in Forever Gaming Intro   
    bookmarked here for everyone. To download go to
    final edit with sound effects

  20. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from deterioration in What happens when...   
    It's like the world doesn't want to listen to the facts and the facts are that this plant helps people who need that help. I smoke for no other reason than i enjoy it, i much prefer it to drinking and would actually give up drinking in a second if i had to choose. 
    The thing that gets me annoyed, isn't the fact that i can't legally smoke but the fact that these people, who it quite clearly benefits, aren't able to smoke. They are depriving these people of living a comfortable life, when they themselves have no idea what it's like to live with something like cerebral palsy.
    I love the fact that some countries, China for instance, have a no tolerance on drugs but yet people are allowed to breath their shite air ever day? Yeah that makes sense!
    Anyone with even a slight bit of common sense will know why weed is illegal yet alcohol isn't, the world is backwards at times.
  21. Like
    tronic44 reacted to deterioration in What happens when...   
    I like the video in the link with Mr. Hinchey fighting for weed. He's a great man; too bad he's retiring. And it touches on how big of scumbags politicians are which I enjoy because for the most part they really are fucking scumbags. I can't wait for super cunt Cuomo to get replaced. I'm 100% positive Marijuana will be legalized in NY sometime in the future. Only concern I see is smoking and getting behind the wheel. When it's legalized here State and local Police will be on a field day with their coward road blocks and dastardly tactics to ring people up with DUAI (driving while ability impaired) convictions so the State can maximize its revenue by disrespecting its citizens further. Gotta keep those annual report numbers up so it looks like you’re doing something positive for the community you rape money from.
    People saying weed isn't harmless when their on a laundry list of legally prescribed drugs that destroy their liver functions and put them at risk for other dangerous symptoms make me laugh. But its ok because our Government, the same one that allows businesses to poison our food so they can maximize profits and kick politicians campaign contributions, says it's ok to give people. I’m sure your pecker pills aren’t harmless either there skippy, keep popping them and banging whores that aren’t your wife and keep telling me how to live my life.
    I’m not sure why people say there aren’t studies when millions of people exploit their criminal behavior to exclaim the benefits. There doesn’t need to be studies. People have been smoking weed and championing its benefits since JC dropped the herb on earth and saw that it was good.
  22. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in Happy Birthday to the FG Mascot!   
    This is tams greatest troll. Dylan's Facebook says he's 7.
  23. Like
    tronic44 reacted to uberwarrior in Your Mental Age   
    35 and overjoyed!!
  24. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Plumbers Crack in Your Mental Age   
    Love it!!! 46!!!  
  25. Like
    tronic44 reacted to burnfitbillyboy in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    Oh but there is trolling! You can kill there annoying little dog, destroy all there shit, trap them in corners so they have to die to get out! One guy we trapped wasn't even in a corner, Euan, Glenell and myself just surrounded him when he was on a streak
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