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  1. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Plumbers Crack in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    How to get attention - resurrect an old thread!
    You guys still planning on meeting up in February (unless the snow drifts arrive)?
    We have the builders back soon so I'll be getting closely aquainted Mr Brush and Mrs Roller again but if I can sneak a day pass I might pop down
  2. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    I didn't mean you my man! Unfortunately she's in bed feeling even worse, so i've been banished from gaming whilst she rests. 
    You're right about Rio, he has to go, but i'd like to see him in a coaching role at utd.
  3. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Football (Played with Feet)   
    I completely agree about what you said about utd ^ I won't say any more as i'm having a day off 
    On the Anelka point, i think he's an idiot. He knew exactly how that gesture is seen by most people and he still went ahead and did it. I think these footballers forget that they are role models...even Anelka! It's just as bad as Suarez and should be punished the same, just because it wasn't directed at anyone personally doesn't mean people won't be offended.
    That's alright though, Anelka will just move......he ALWAYS moves! 
  4. Like
    tronic44 reacted to burnfitbillyboy in Return of the FuckTards!   
    Awesome seshes we have had as of late lads, feels great to be just fucking about like back on Mw3.
    Running support has been a blast waiting for everyone to get the support squaddie and calling them in together to have a 12 man team and trying to get the final killcam with the maMAAWS!
    The Team Camp session was hilarious, it felt dirty but also amazing to get some payback on the piece of shit CoD community.
    Knife only Search made a return last night and it was awesome, although I wish we had MW3s portable radar. Highlight of the session for me was me and Glen trying to escape the dog on prison break by climbing up on the portaloo!
    If there is any other crazy ideas you guys have for us to do just post them here. I'm definitely up for more of the above and would love some Team Riot or Hidden Masters.
  5. Like
    tronic44 reacted to J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Haha! I can't believe West Brom fielded him last night too. He's now been officially charged but he will inevitably leave for the UAE or some Turkish team probably and could be out the door at the end of the month so he may not even be here to see his punishment! 
  6. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    I completely agree about what you said about utd ^ I won't say any more as i'm having a day off 
    On the Anelka point, i think he's an idiot. He knew exactly how that gesture is seen by most people and he still went ahead and did it. I think these footballers forget that they are role models...even Anelka! It's just as bad as Suarez and should be punished the same, just because it wasn't directed at anyone personally doesn't mean people won't be offended.
    That's alright though, Anelka will just move......he ALWAYS moves! 
  7. Like
    tronic44 reacted to J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    I think if David Moyes receives no backing in this transfer window; either he'll walk away at the end of the season or the board will sack him in the summer.
    He has the toughest job in football and in all honesty, the squad he was left with after taking over from Sir Alex wasn't the best despite United being champions. Last year they were pretty poor but managed to win the league by scraping wins and taking advantage of other teams inconsistencies. Ideally he should have been backed right of the bat in the summer but he missed out on several targets and only managed to land Fellaini at last-knockings at quite a hefty price. I don't think the board did enough in supporting him at this crucial time which lead to an 11th hour panic buy. I think they could have done with at least 5 players in the summer and really need that sort of volume this month if there is going to be any drastic turnaround in fortunes and to build on in the future. I don't think Young, Valencia, Nani, Jones and Cleverley are up to the standards despite winning the title 8 months previous and even the likes of Rafael and Vidic are performing well below-par. The magic of Fergie really grinded out success last season but it's proving a bridge too far for Moyes as the confidence and standard of football diminishes. 
    The remainder of the season along with this month will be crucial for the club. As it stands; they may not be in Europe next year. They desperately need rejuvenating and strengthening else they could sink and lose the likes of RVP and Rooney to rivals. Ultimately United need to get some personnel in this window and if they don't; it will suggest the future of Moyes is in question. Either he will lose faith or the board have no confidence and the rest of the season will be damage limitation. 
    The rebuilding should have started in the summer and that could prove pivotal if it hasn't already. The football isn't of a high standard, the results haven't been and the players have been well below par. 
  8. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in FIFA 14   
    I'm hoping to pick this up very soon!!
  9. Like
    tronic44 reacted to J4MES OX4D in FIFA 14   
    Just bought FIFA 14 on PS4.
    Pity I don't have a PS4 though!
  10. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Haven' been on over the weekend as the missus was tres ill and i was looking after her. The thing about yesterday is we played quite well, we were easily the better team in the first half and i think the game might have been different if that massively deflected goal didn't go in and we got awarded that blatant penalty. The second goal and third goal was pure bad defending by us, so we have no excuses, but we're obviously lacking up front at the moment. Having both Rooney and Van Persie out is killing us at the moment but going in at half time 2-0 down after the way we played was gutting.
    But over all, i think we can take a lot of positives from yesterday. Also Vidic shouldn't have been sent off but Rafael should have been. 
    I'm getting bored of watching matches at the moment, not because of how we're playing but i constantly have to put up with people screaming and laughing in my face. At no point have a been a bad winner and at no point have i rubbed it in in utd beat someone but people feel the need to constantly push me about the fact we're not playing well at the moment. Do you not think i realise? Maybe i'll become a dick when we get back to winning?
    Anyway, i thought we played well yesterday, a good win on Wednesday and hopefully we can kick start our season.
    Also we need to sign someone! We need to do what we didn't do in the summer, remember Moyes you've got p's to spend now!!
  11. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in RIP Roger Lloyd-Pack   
    Very sad, he was a great character and definitely played Trigger perfectly!
  12. Like
    tronic44 reacted to burnfitbillyboy in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    I'll be on blad
  13. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Corey the Kiwi in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Had a PS4 for a bit now but have only had single player games really, I've got Ghosts now and should be getting BF4 sometime this week. Hopefully I can get some games in with you all soon! 
  14. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in BF4 PS4 patch incoming   
    I love how the ps4 just automatically downloads this as soon as you turn it on.
    Thank you Sony <3
  15. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in BF4 PS4 patch incoming   
    This was the only one I was noticing, really confused me.
  16. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    Spot on!
    All you fuckers take up smoking!
  17. Like
    tronic44 reacted to spectre in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I have some tips if this game is pissing you off.
    Smoke weed first.   Then play.
  18. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in Frankencod   
    Ok it's not the best thread title but I'm tired and I've been asleep for 3 hours. New game. You've been asked to make the next COD, Frankencod. The game is entirely made up of any parts of any previous COD from Modern Warfare to Ghosts.
    You have to decide on perks to choose from, the perk system, score system, killstreaks, maps, guns and anything else you want to include
    If this is a shit idea then I don't care because I'm tired and I can't be a genius all the time.
    Rule change, you can include ideas from other games.
  19. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Plumbers Crack in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Connected to the psn store after 45 minutes (they must be busy!) and BF4 will finish downloading mp in 83 minutes and Ghosts mp in 4 hours! They're the £9.99 upgrades so at least thats saved me about £60 so I'll have to be patient!
  20. Like
    tronic44 reacted to burnfitbillyboy in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Woohoo another great addition to the PS4 family!
  21. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Plumbers Crack in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Guess what I've got, biatches - clue: black, angular and very sexy looking (and not Grace Jones)?
  22. Like
    tronic44 reacted to kylebees in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just tired of hearing the same complaints over and over. And it's not only happening in this "Complaint thread".
    I, too, offered some solutions to the complainers here, get a new lobby, turn the game off or stop playing. My god, if it's that bad why the hell do you keep going back to it? Yes, I rage a lot in this game but you know what?  I don't come here to complain about it. The biggest complaint I have is with IEDs and the solution offered up by spectre was a great idea. But you know what? As much as I get killed by IEDs in this game, it's not enough for me to come here and post about it every time I get on and have a session. This is my point.
    Joe, deterioration, absolutely hates the game. You know what he did? He stopped playing. Just saying.
  23. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from kylebees in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I'm going to back Bees up but the main reason i am isn't the fact that people are just complaining but it's 15 pages worth of complaining. Whether people want to admit it or not, this is a fucking good game! The issue isn't with the game, it's with the people who play it or your internet, i know that and so does everyone else. It's just a shame that one of the most popular topics on a gaming site is people complaining about one of the best games out at the moment.
    Anyway i generally stay away from this section purely because i have so much fun playing it and it annoys me that people can only ever find bad things to say, even though there are so many more pros than there are cons.
    Anyway, that's my 2 cent or 1 pence or 3.38 yen
  24. Like
    tronic44 reacted to spectre in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    Snipers are awesome, lol How dare you...
  25. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Playertd in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    Thing I don't understand is that the few people that keep complaining about this game keep saying the same things OVER, and OVER  again. We hate lag, we hate campers, we hate things that are explosive we hate snipers we hate stuff. I got the idea 10 pages back, don't see why each of your issues need's to be repeated over and over
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