Morning all, I feel this is something I need to discuss now with everyone. I haven’t run this by Lee yet but figured he’d be up for it. Basically I’m going to be away for months at a time from August onwards, unfortunately I’m not able to talk about what I’m doing but this will mean that videos from me will dry up. I’m currently trying to make a backlog of videos so I have something to post over the next 6 months but we could really do with another video guru.
There’s never any pressure to make videos, I only do it because I enjoy it and hope that others enjoy them too. If anyone fancies giving it a crack then let me know, I can supply some editing software to whom ever fancies it.
Another option is I make about 50 videos before August and leave them for you guys to upload but I’d rather not kill myself before going away 😄
Let me know what you guys think about this.