5v5 could really hurt this game, it’s ok for someone who plays competitively with a group of mates but this will really put off the casual single player people who just hop on for fun on their own. 6v6 allowed for at least a couple of deaths before your team gets washed but this one is basically one death and you might as well turn around and group up.
It also means less splitting up within your team, before you could basically halve your team and go different routes but you can’t with this. It will make it more competitive for those types of players but like I said above, it could hurt the people that were a bit more casual.
I don’t mind them using the same maps and it basically being the same game. The amount of times a company has had a solid game, only to release a new one and it be dog shite. New maps, new characters, new game mode and you don’t have to pay a single penny. You could say it’s lazy but at the same time you could say why change something that’s no broke….apart from the 5v5, think they might have broken it there.