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Everything posted by lepercolony

  1. bad form, gimmicky, stupid -- i agree with all of that, but i think it's beside the point. i had no intention of seeing this movie, and still don't, but i also have concerns about the precedent. i know at least one guy who probably would've seen this as an American failure.
  2. this is exactly what i came to say. i remember none of the current hysteria when that shitty movie came out. it's more complicated then simply depicting the death of a world leader -- The Interview got shut down not because of its content, but because the opposition to the movie is considered a credible threat due to the hack. (whether that was justified or not would be a much more interesting discussion.)
  3. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. my machine has the same issue here and there, but mostly it refuses to read Blu-Ray movies. seems to read/run games no problem. i might have to YouTube how to clean the lens, but that sounds risky for me since i'm tech-impaired for the most part. PM me the pro-tips if you got 'em.
  4. at this point i say go for it but -- full disclosure -- i'd be saying that mostly because i just want to see what happens.
  5. that's all fair, but in my opinion he's not asking for forgiveness, he's asking for a raise. if he was interested in forgiveness -- and i'm just spitballing here -- i'd think he would've contacted the guy he assaulted. like, once. just sayinnnnn.
  6. Reminder That Mark Wahlberg Allegedly Threw Rocks, Slurs, At 4th Grade Class in 1986 http://www.bdcwire.com/reminder-that-mark-wahlberg-allegedly-threw-rocks-slurs-at-4th-grade-class-in-1986/?p1=Topofpage:Carousel_sub_headline again . . . single freaking tear for Mark Wahlberg and his obstacles. my thoughts and prayers are with his family during what is surely a very difficult time for their franchise.
  7. in honor of your return, however temporary: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/12/16/hero-mom-calls-into-cspan-to-berate-her-arguing-pundit-sons/ you'll always be my brother, Poofy.
  8. true. in my defense, when i'm being ignorant at least i own it.
  9. oh totally man. had them in mind as well.
  10. i'd like to think i'd judge based on the candidates' individual merits, the way it should be done. i agree it'd be a shame if it devolves into a "brand war" (eg. do you want a Bush or a Clinton based on past experience?), but then again that's basically what it always devolves into with the two-party system. Pepsi or Coke. what's your deal anyway, are you back or mostly just lurking?
  11. i'm feeling ignorant and punchy today, so while this is obviously beyond horrific . . . maybe if you're a country that basically harbored Osama Bin Laden, you shouldn't be surprised when the Taliban acts like the Taliban every once in a while. //Pakistan is complicated ///reap what you sow EDIT: alright, that sounded pretty horrible. lemme clarify: nothing justifies this. absolutely nothing.
  12. jesus christ i'm so mad at myself for being interested in this at all given how long ago they promised it'd be available.
  13. also, i'd say one important difference between how prescription drugs and alcohol are viewed by the law in this case would be that no doctor is prescribing a "few drinks" for health reasons. in other words, i think the legal difference as far as punishment goes is appropriate when it comes to being under the influence for recreation (knocking back some beers) vs. a prescription, all things considered. i don't think that difference should be ignored, regardless of how you feel about prescription medications.
  14. yeah in this case i'm opposed because of his celebrity. like i wouldn't be opposed to your pardon because it wouldn't be sending a message to anyone (no offense, you know what i mean). more than that though, if i had any suspicions that he was doing this for any reason other than to make more money than he already does, i wouldn't have an opinion on this. but i don't have those suspicions. i just fail to see a good or important reason to grant one in this case. in fact i could probably argue that this would hurt society more than help it. though i will say in retrospect that he was one of the best things about The Departed.
  15. i'll admit it's been refreshing to see some local backlash against a hometown hero -- usually if you have roots in this state you're an automatic saint. http://www.boston.com/entertainment/celebrity/2014/12/04/mark-wahlberg-applies-for-pardon-boston-assault-case/gDp9nX8sfbZo5G2Xb8VcbM/story.html "Wahlberg wrote that the easiest answer as to why he’s applying for this pardon is that his record generally keeps him from obtaining things like a concessionaire’s license—hindering his personal involvement in various restaurant ventures—and from obtaining positions in law enforcement to help at-risk youth." he's missing out on business ventures like his brother's burger chain. single tear. http://www.boston.com/entertainment/celebrity/2014/12/11/johnny-trinh-mark-wahlberg-would-like-see-him-get-pardon/qxjLVcSVAxs3O8QOK1UJcI/story.html somewhat telling that, despite his significant resources and access to his victim's identity via court documents, Wahlberg failed to reach out to this dude before applying for the pardon. all of that's secondary though. what it comes down to for me is the message this would send. one more celebrity getting a pass for being a celebrity. i think the message that would be sent by denying his pardon is a better one -- that no matter what you do in life, you're accountable for your actions. so, in closing, fuck Mark Wahlberg. and while i'm at it, fuck Transformers -- i hope he's saddled with that shitty franchise for the rest of his life. (or they can just stop making those movies -- that would work for me too.) that's it, Happy Friday guys.
  16. i'm on board with the fact that if the committee had been bipartisan then they would've had fewer folks who are willing to ignore the report outright. that was dumb on their part. that ship hasn't sailed yet -- if anyone wants to take a crack at disproving the report, it's not like there's a statute of limitations on this. my prediction though is that it won't happen.
  17. my god, man. we both even used the word, "refute." we have to share a little bit of DNA or something, there's like no other explanation at this point.
  18. i was going to comment but i see Sennex basically beat me to it -- i really don't think the conclusion of the report can or should be considered a political interpretation because the panel was "Democrats." the conclusion would seem easy to refute if it really was manufactured by Democrats, and obviously the CIA would be motivated to dispute their conclusion (if they were able to). so i don't buy that. i mean, are you saying McCain pussed out and is pretending 9/11 never happened because he buys the report's conclusion?
  19. at least now you know, man. i mean how do you know to catch/release without getting a look at it first? that's all's i was sayin. despite the evident instability, i bet it was still nice to hear her say what she said tho. who wouldn't want to hear that.
  20. ashamed to say i'm unfamiliar with their whole catalog, but there's this channel i get called Palladia that occasionally airs this Stratocaster TV special they did a while ago. the clip below was part of it, and i can still remember being moved the first time i watched it. there's something undeniably pretty about it to me: the solos kill me, in an understated way.
  21. she was a burden to the cast in my opinion, but i'll miss the singing.
  22. i have trouble reading your posts sometimes -- they're always so dusty and smell like mothballs.
  23. sorry to derail; back on topic: http://gawker.com/sony-hack-reveals-25-page-list-of-reasons-it-sucks-to-w-1666264634 kinda funny, even if i think the whole hacking thing is stupid. it's actually nice to know for sure what you've suspected all along -- that the executives who give Adam Sandler money feel the same way about his movies as the rest of us.
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