@Doc the media won't accept responsibility because we won't hold them accountable for this. i actually thought i knew where you were going with that, because when i saw that he did it on live TV and referenced other shooters, my first thought was, "when will we stop sensationalizing these guys when all it does is encourage like-minded folks?"
but then you pinned it on the narrative. i can appreciate having beef with the constant narrative of racism in the media, but let's not blur the line between the narrative and actual, legit racism. he specifically says it was the Charleston shooting that triggered him, so i'm more comfortable saying, "racism helped push him over the edge," than saying, "a narrative of racism pushed him over the edge." Charleston had nothing to do with a narrative. that was homegrown racism in my opinion. i didn't see the media coverage of that as inappropriate, but maybe we disagree there.
as far as what's probably closer to the truth of the matter, the VA shooter had a recent and timely excuse to go ballistic, and cited it as the cause . . . but when you're that unstable, it's hard to say that he wouldn't have done something like this even if Charleston never happened. who knows.