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Everything posted by spectre

  1. Yes, full 10 minute games. It's dumb. It almost feels like Hardcore at times.
  2. A taste of those FFA spawns. It's really beyond ridiculous. This is broken and embarassing.
  3. how much is it every month? I'll probably skip it anyway but I was just wondering. I got bored watching the video I posted.
  4. Don't be sorry man. It can be tough digging yourself out of a hole. But at least you are aware of the problems you face. (possible addiction/reliance on drugs, sleeping pattern way off, etc). Prescription drugs are the worst kind, in my opinion (except for heroin). Because people think they got it from their doctor, so it must be safe. I'd say that prescription drugs are far more dangerous. Especially psych meds like SSRI's. But that is another debate. You are probably feeling depressed because your brain chemistry is off. That is where diet and exercise come into play, to help you balance all that shit out. Exercise with heavy weights will increase your testosterone levels and that alone is worth it from the feeling of confidence it gives you. You just have to get the momentum to change your life. I know its cliche, but one day at a time. Stop taking the ambien and grab those weights. Check out my exercise thread for advice or message me for more personal one on one. I have a combined 3 years experience (no professional yet) but I can at least stop you from making the mistakes that beginners make. Go for a run at the park, anything to get out of the house. If you need to be alone, do it out in nature. Don't sit in your house, it starts to feel like a prison because you associate all the feelings of lonliness with it. If you need to sleep, take melatonin instead. Its a natural hormone that helps you sleep. Go to bed an hour earlier and wake up an hour earlier eveyr day until your schedule is back on track. People that work 3rd shift are notoriously depressed. it's not a healthy time table. Try doing Yoga. Search youtube for "power yoga mark gonzales" - do that every day for a week and then tell me you don't feel better already. I'd have to call you a liar.
  5. A mix that makes anything you are doing, epic. Got homework? No problem. Going to the gym? Take this with you. Need to commute an hour to work? Put this on and engage.
  6. This is why we are in so much trouble as a society.
  7. Buddy, my number one tip for you is start a weight lifting exercise program. Seriously. Commit to it for 3 months. I promise you will feel better. Pills aren't the answer and they DO make things worse. Self reflection will only continue to make things worse. You're suffering from Analysis Paralysis. Too much time in your head. Please please please give this a shot. Exercise. You'll feel better about yourself and more comfortable in your own skin. You'll start to engage total strangers on the street for no reason other than you just feel so fucking good. It's sound advice. I've given it to you before. It's kind of a moot point if you ask for advice from people and then don't bother following any of it. Maybe this advice is asking you to do something outside of your comfort zone. That's the point. Because what you are currently doing is apparently not working. I was where you are now in my early 20's. Lost, alone, depressed. You'll get through it.
  8. Secret 1337 Trickshot Quickscopez Spot - lol seriously though, this might be useful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyNcyIesyWY
  9. There are 15 secret hidden camos. I don't know how to unlock them though. http://imgur.com/a/nRzlv
  10. @drifter - Yes! Grow your hair long. I used to have long hair in high school. I think I'm starting to go bald (receding hairline at least) so I'm growing it long one last time.
  11. youtube does make videos look like shit though, so there's that. I always add color correction for this reason. I'm sure it's way better in person.
  12. edges seem sharper and colors brighter, but this is hardly a huge jump as ps2 to ps3 was. What are the other games like? Much different?
  13. It. Takes. Forever. To. Pull. Out. Killstreaks. Seriously, I am so scared to even bother with it, even right after spawning. The reflex perk doesn't even help and it really should.
  14. It is the best all around really, more starting ammo and bigger clip too, I believe
  15. The Semi Auto attachment increases damage. Turns all Assault rifles into 2 shot kills.
  16. LMAO hilarious.
  17. I played on Strikezone and Tremor. Even Scrapyard wasnt this bad.
  18. Dude, this is next level spawn killing. Go play FFA. You'll see.
  19. lol Mw2 FFA was damn near perfect (minus the boosters) but they were fun to blow up anyway. HOw is it that the maps are even bigger and the spawns suck even worse?
  20. Free for all is a joke. It's absolutely broken. I played three games and was spawn killed 90% of the time. One time I spawned, stepped forward to put a satcom down and a guy spawned right on top of me. What a joke.
  21. + her master right before
  22. Yep, thanks. * It takes 3 sniper shots to kill a dog. I'm ok with 2, but 3 is ridiculous.
  23. Good theory about that guy being a spy for the governor. That drunk sure is shady isn't he?
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