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Everything posted by spectre

  1. South Carolina recently made being Homeless illegal. How does that work?
  2. maybe this will get people to start playing the objective. lol. Right?
  3. plus not all clans will really be going after this stuff like we are.
  4. wow, 6 wins for one game. Jeez. Can't make it for this one, but looking forward to the next.
  5. Hilarious and yet so sad that it's come to this. VIDEOS IN SPOILER TAG It is a day when the rest of the world makes fun of Americans for behaving like "rabid animals" and "zombies" as we indulge in a tsunami of greed. It truly is a shameful orgy of materialism for a morally bankrupt nation. It is being projected that approximately 140 million Americans will participate in this disgusting national ritual this year. Sadly, most of them have absolutely no idea that they are actively participating in the destruction of the economic infrastructure of the United States How could that possibly be? Aren't they helping the economy by spending their money? Actually, it isn't that simple. Just think about it for a moment. Where are most of the "advertised specials" that people go crazy over on Black Friday actually made? If you guessed "China", you would be correct. In fact, it is very difficult to find any "Black Friday specials" that are actually made in the United States. When you buy stuff made in China, you support workers and businesses in China. As I mentioned in a recent article, the U.S. economy loses approximately 9,000 jobs for every 1 billion dollars of goods that are imported from overseas. Overall, the U.S. has run a total trade deficit with the rest of the world of more than 8 trillion dollars since 1975. So when you look around and see lots of unemployed people, it should not be a surprise to you. Right now, the labor force participation rate is at a 35-year-low and more than 102 million working age Americans do not have a job. That number has increased by 27 million just since the year 2000. Because the American people are not supporting American businesses, our formerly great manufacturing cities are being transformed into rotting, festering hellholes. Just take a look at Detroit. At one time Detroit had the highest per capita income in the entire nation, but now it is a dying, bankrupt ghost town. And of course this is happening to manufacturing cities all over the nation. Since 2001, more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities in the U.S. have permanently shut down and we have lost millions upon millions of good paying manufacturing jobs. Back in the 1980s, more than 20 percent of the jobs in the United States were manufacturing jobs. Today, only about 9 percent of the jobs in the United States are manufacturing jobs. Good job America. Here are some Statistics for you Meanwhile, as retail stores all over America actively encourage this zombie-like behavior, police are actually cracking down on other groups of Americans that are actively trying to make this country a better place. For example, a Christian group in Lake Worth, Florida was kicked out of a public park for trying to feed the homeless on Thanksgiving. Of course this kind of thing happens all the time. In fact, dozens of major cities all over the country have now passed laws that make it illegal to feed the homeless.
  6. thanks for the updates, while I can't really play until tue, this type of update will help me know where to focus my efforts
  7. Tremor - the way it plays, everyone always fights over the fema building or the third story roof. It's boring having to constantly kill the campers there or take it over myself. No choice in the matter. Octane - probably my favorite map because its easy to snipe the campers. Chasm - I don't play it; ever. Seige - I don't play it; ever. Freight - once again, pretty boring since everyone always camps in the buildings. It's become a job weeding out the campers, much like busting boosters was fun at first and then became a chore. Stormfront - Impossible to cross the map in the middle. Spawns in the LIbrary are fucked. Get the hell out of there because enemies will spawn right where you spawned all the time. Strikezone - I hate this map. People are always camping in the bar or the center hallway or laying on corners. Get the fuck up bitch. Whiteout - so so map, mainly because its fun to snipe on. Prison Break - campers (surprise) take over the hilltop. The only safe way to approach it is through the bottom part of the hill in the main area of the map. The back corner where the jeep is can be impossible to pass if people are camping it (which they are in almost every game) Warhawk - more camping, this time in buildings that have only one way in and all they have to do is lay prone in front of the doorway. Thanks IW. Also, the spawn near the tank is totally fucked as well. Flooded - No.
  8. cool, thanks I got TDM covered, lmao. I mean, Camp Deathmatch, sorry. That's the one. I got it. I'll be playing the shit out of DOM though, can't wait.
  9. Clan wars sounds interesting, but do you have to have the app to view progress? If so, would anyone be interested in uploading photos? I don't have the fancy new age phone Is our clan auto enrolled in the war?
  10. Are you kidding? The maps are awesome (can't wait til first map pack)
  11. Lol, I gotta have someone tend to my beard. It's long.
  12. Exactly man. What is coming is an asset based economy. If you don't own assets, having a skillset will give you something to make up for that. Think about all the trades and knowledge that has been lost because people think we don't need them anymore because technology has made us all fat and lazy. lol.
  13. How in the world did this situation evolve this way anyhow, where servers make less than minimum wage. Why does the restaraunt benefit from being able to pay slave wages? and then expect its customers to make up the difference? "If you want to get good service at my restaraunt, you better pay for it."
  14. Alan Watts (the narrator in the video) has all kinds of good philosophical lectures to listen to. If money were no object, I'd live in a cabin on a lake in the middle of Canada where the only way to get there was by plane. Whatever you decide to do, remember, there are certain industries that are always needed. You should opt for a recession proof industry when figuring out what to go to school for.
  15. Funny thing is, they actually suck for sniping. Everyone just sits and camps up in the village. Or they spawn camp the castle. Fuck, if you spawn in the castle, you're done for if the other team knows what they are doing. 3 ways out, 2 of them chokepoints. 1 back route not worth a shit and then the Main exit, easily covered from the two trucks position. At least Wasteland had some run and gunning despite being geared towards Sniping. I hate Stonehaven. With a passion. I want to play Domination with you guys. When we partying up? I'll be on tue, wed night. Let's stay up late!
  16. I agree with Drifter. But these types of situations are really them shooting themselves in their own foot. You don't force people to do anything. You persuade them and they will go along willingly if you've incentivised whatever behavior you want properly. When I worked at Pizza Hut, before the whole Delivery Charge fiasco, I watched as it was implemented, and the company collected their $1.00 and my tips went down. It's fucking bullshit! Now delivery charges are sometimes 2 or 3 dollars. ATM charges can be up to $5 (at strip clubs) - I mean come on, what's up with the Highway Robbery? Seriously Sadly, it only gets worse from here.
  17. Places I have been to usually have 10, 15 and 20 percent calculated, but its not "included". I'm ok with them doing the math for you but auto putting it in is definitley out of line.
  18. Hey! Happy Thanksgiving. I'm working all day though, had my turkey last Sunday. Hope you all get fat.
  19. If you guys are doing this in Ohio, count me in. @tommy - we should car pool. I'll drive if you want.
  20. It sucks he got fired for posting a pic of that. However, everyone should know there is no such thing as privacy anymore. Everyone is spying on everyone. It was probably a bad idea to post that pic considering the way things are in this day and age. I always tip as well. Usually $5. I used to wait tables and deliver pizzas. Tips were always appreciated. Hell, I even tip my car wash attendant and hair stylist
  21. If you can accept that reanimated zombies can continue to function even after their muscular tissue has rotted away, the same tissue that allows for locomotion, I think you can suspend disbelief about the tank.
  22. what teams are you guys?
  23. Or we call up someone with a better radio voice, lol. I have to work all weekend, next time I'll be on is monday afternoon, tue, wed night. I'll look for you.
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