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Everything posted by spectre

  1. I am waiting for next gen. Probably ps4. Although it will be a bitch to record so maybe I'll go with Xbox Spy System One.
  2. I agree, remember when it was dragging at the farm? I knew they would be gone from the prison by midseason finale, and that's just right really. Even these past 8 episodes didn't feel like the prison was a character as much as it was in season 3. They should look for a mall. lol (day of the dead style)
  3. I am subbed to this guy for his COD sniping videos. He just uploaded this one and I thought you guys might like it. This video is making me want to buy it.
  4. I posted my class set ups I use in the gallery. Look for "spectre's videos"
  5. I agree, it was good but I'm mad that my favorite character is gone. It didnt bother me when lori or andrea or dale or even shane died. I applauded the last one. I will miss his
  6. The rating system: 1/5 - Not very good. 5/5 - Best on the map. There will be a combination of these variables throughout. For example, some spots are great for cover and safety but are not very good for getting kills; rather they are good for countering certain camping spots. Traffic refers to how long you'll have to wait before enemies appear. Higher traffic areas are usually less safe. But when both variables are high, the spot is very good. 1 or 2 level safety spots should be moved out of or only moved through due to the possibility of being spawned on. Vol 1 Vol 2 Feedback is welcome. I'm still working out some other spots I have found.
  7. found this, I enjoyed it
  8. wow what the hell happened, that car is demolished
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-LjGdqP_fo
  10. I really enjoyed the movie Timeline that he was in.
  11. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/12/01/fast-and-furious-actor-paul-walker-dies-in-car-crash/
  12. wow really? dang
  13. All women are emotional and sensitive. You must be the Rock of Gibraltar for which she can stand against for safety. Women care about security more than looks (where men care about looks; AKA reproduction value over security). You must be in control at all times. If she suspects she cannot have that life preserver, she'll bounce to the with the first guy that comes along. Be strong man.
  14. I'm working on a final montage (I'll probably make 3 overall) just saving the very best clips and spending a lot of time on it. Lol, probalby got 10 hours in the first minute alone. I don't mind though since I'm doing it at work. Something to pass the time.
  15. does it go right into the next one, or is their a delay? Keep up the good work with the updates. This is making want to play. I've been editing a video all day just to give me something to do.
  16. sounds like a good idea in theory, but what does it calculate skill level on? win % ? kd ratio? or something else? Score per minute?
  17. One possible outcome I can see happening is that once the dollar loses its reserve status and other countries no longer need to import products to the US in order to get dollars so they can purchase oil (because China will have the new reserve currency). Maybe then and finally, manufacturing will return to the US. But by then, most of the trade skills will have been lost. An empire has never been able to sustain itself in history, the same thing inevitably happens once it becomes decadent and gluttonous and all powerful.
  18. Goth chicks always welcome. Some tunes for droning out or chilling or whatever it is you do.
  19. The real unemployment numbers in the US currently are estimated between 12-15%. During the Great Depression they were 25%. What is even worse is there are more part time jobs being created than full time jobs. Oh yeah, and Obamacare has helped cause this increase in part time jobs because employers are lowering their employee hours to below 30 to keep from having to offer full time benefits. So now there are more people working 2 or more jobs to cover the same hours of shifts across multiple places. In one way, this will make it look like even more jobs are being created and I guess Obama can say "Mission Accomplished" but it's a scam.
  20. That's the thing dude. They are manipulating the unemployment numbers to keep it low. Just as it came out that the unemployment numbers were manipulated right before the election to help Obama win. How do they manipulate this? They just stop counting people as unemployed, even though they haven't found a job yet. It's called the labor force participation rate. This chart shows it clearly. When an unemployed person has not found a job within one year and they have exhausted their unemployment benefits, they are considered to have dropped out of the workforce and no longer count towards unemployment numbers. What the hell?
  21. correction, one of the cities did http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/28/south-carolina-capital-city-forces-its-homeless-out/
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