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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. Oh one more thing, EVGA have the best warranties in the PC game so hopefully it's the GPU and we can RMA it. Given that the 660 is so old, you may even get a 760 or if you're very lucky a 960 in return, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Tommy made the final purchase so he will have to get involved but we need to move quickly. Pull the card out and see if that sorts the problem. Play LoL for a few days, granted the settings will need to be cranked down but we need to stress the system the same way you do with the card in it. Watch loads of youtune stuff. If you're busy, google some random documentary and play it in the background with the sound off. Full screen. Check on it occasionally to see if it's tearing. Hopefully not, then we know the gpu is borked. If it is, we'll have to look further but this is screaming faulty gpu to me. A new motherboard will cost less than a night at the pub so don't sweat it. Ram is cheap as chips too. The only other thing that I'd be remotely concerned about is the cpu but again I'd be extremely surprised if it isn't the gpu.
  2. I'm 99% sure that this is what you've got Mike. Managed to dig out the old email. Is this your motherboard?
  3. Yank the graphics card out of the system for a few days and run on the motherboard video connector. If the tearing stops, it's the graphics card. If not, it's time to dig deeper. Also, open up the case and take tons of photos of the motherboard and post them up here. Motherboards will have the brand / model on them and if not I'm a member of a forum full of geeks who will more than likely be able to recognize it.
  4. I changed the challenge question from "spell dog" to "Completed the phrase: a dog is a man's best..."
  5. Cracking night last night y'all, and Gary hit the nail on the head, nights like last night are the reason I'll be buying TTK. That VoG was probably the most entertaining raid I've ever been in! Gary going "what the hell is going on?" every 30 seconds was simply awesome!
  6. This! I want that damn fridge! Then again, the last special edition thingy I bought was BO1 with the RC-XD and the quality of it is awful. Might hafta visit a GAME and see what it's like.
  7. That's this Saturday sorted then. VoG hard?
  8. Diddums

    im new

    im not new
  9. Fuck that. Says the dude who had everything diamond cept snipers and specials in BO2.
  10. Nice Steve, I'm jealous! Happy fishing and as always show us your catches!
  11. Diddums

    Iron Thorn!

    Thorns & Bladedancers.
  12. Bahahaha.
  13. I only play this game cos of you lot. I cant be arsed with trying fir gear or loot any more unless two of you need to do a NF or whatever. 10 months playing this game and still no gally, so I've just given up on it. I'm doing banner at the moment purely cos its fun, I'll buy the etheric lights and they'll sit in my vault forever because I have no use / need for them, although I need a good intellect set for my titten so i'll probably use them for that. I haven't visited Xur in weeks. The only gun I really wabt is a gally and I'm sure if sells it the internet will explode so i'll know when to go.
  14. That's very impressive. It was a submission to the Lego Ideas programme: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/1319 There are two, big one and a small one. You could find the instructions and order the parts from brickbuilder if you wanted to build it though. As an aside, ships are boring as hell to build which is why I don't have the Maersk cargo ship.
  15. I'm done. Just played a few games and the connection was a fucking abortion. That coupled with having to carry randoms which are less useful than someone standing still means it just results in an extremely unpleasant experience. I *may* hope on at some point this weekend but I think I'm just finished with Destiny in general. 10 months and still no goddamn fucking Gallarhorn. Now this new DLC bullshit, and what's with the Red Bull crap? Fuck right off thanks. At least in Planetside 2 you can work towards shit you want, there's no RNG. Want something? Earn it. Simple. Also, dedicated servers mean hit detection which is spot on, every single player I've played with has commented on how accurate the guns are. Grrrrr.
  16. Diddums

    Planetside 2

    I find it quite acceptable now Pat, it's actually not too bad once you get used to it. Here are a few pointers in case they help: To redeploy: Touchpad to bring up map ---> Square to redeploy ---> then R1 / L1 to move between spawn areas. If a certain area has more than one spawn point on it (ie. a spawn room and a few sunderers) they'll all appear on the left hand side. Up and down with the D-pad will scroll between them. R2 and L2 will zoom in and out of the map so you can see where you are in the bigger scheme of things. A few other tips re. redeploying: Your last position will be marked on the map with an orange triangle, so you can orientate yourself and spawn where you want to. When you zoom out, only a portion of the map will be highlighted. The bits around it however are still translucent and still live, so you can also see what's what in the surrounding areas. To warp to a different continent: Touchpad to bring up map ---> Square to redeploy ---> Square to warp which is a bit confusing. It doesn't actually warp anywhere, what it does is instantly highlight the warpgate on the continent you're on so you can redeploy there instantly and then use the warpgate to warp to another continent. The Square button should say "Warpgate" rather than Warp as it confuses lots of people. A few other things: I have proximity chat turned off. It's no secret that I cannot stand hearing shit in the background of other players, let alone randoms. I was playing the other day and someone in my squad had his microphone on and was getting yelled at by mom. I could also hear a toddler in the background and a washing machine. I muted him and later on I came across another one playing some crap techno music so I just turned off proximity chat altogether. Massive jump to framerates too. Luckily I mainly play medic and injured / dead people have icons above their heads so I know where to go, there's no need to listen to other players and I find the game considerably more entertaining like this. As for the useless players, remember that this is a brand new F2P game, so anyone can play it, even kids without PS+, and that brings the obvious with it. Once it settles down a bit I'm sure the players will get bored and leave or get better if they enjoy the game. In the mean time, I either hook up with Lee and Stretch, or roll solo and simply ignore whatever everyone else is doing. Saves a lot of teamkills too. One more thing, on foot you're extremely squishy, especially with no suit upgrades. This is a bad move from the devs in my opinion but it does help weed out the CoD kiddies. You need to think in this game to be successful. Situational awareness is king here. Learn your minimap, learn the symbols and emblems and keep an eye on where allies are, and work around it. Crispy had an awful night the other night because he wasn't aware of where he was spawning, where the bad guys were, where allies were, nothing. He simply spawned and ran out guns blazing and died. Again and again and again. A good idea is to roll with a Sunderer if you can. Find a good spot for it and deploy it so your team can spawn on it. You'll be making a huge difference for your team and getting tons of XP, as Stretch found out the other night, he couldn't believe how much XP he was getting. It's literally a non-stop stream. //Apologies if this is standard practice for you, but with the steep learning curve loads of people are discouraged very quickly so I try to be as thorough as possible as to get more players in to the game!
  17. Diddums

    Planetside 2

    Just got 16k xp in one life with my baby. The Vanguard is so damn good. Can't wait to upgrade it more. Took out a shitload of sunderers, other tanks, flying shit and loads of infantry plebs.
  18. I might hop on in 2-3 houtra for a few rounds if you're game dave.
  19. Diddums

    Planetside 2

    The interface is a bit laggy Pat, it does take a bit of patience and getting used to but apart from the odd hitch, I've sussed it all out. These devs seem to be on the ball, so let's wait and see. Also, I had one of those days today where I logged on and went "right, not logging off until I've got my Vanguard" which I now have Still needs loads of work but I love this tank so much. The Vanguard shield makes it pretty much immune to damage for a few seconds, the gun is one of the hardest hitting in the game and will take down any empire specific fighter in one shot if you can hit them. Need to upgrade reload speed, chassis, mag size, shield, the lot. My first life with it I killed two sunderers, a Scythe, a few minions, a lightning and a quad bike. What a beast, and it's only going to get stronger.
  20. Diddums

    Planetside 2

    Yeah but to be fair you did just run blindly into packs of enemies, over and over and over It's not BF, there are hundreds of players on these maps. That said, it did feel a bit shit for a while, felt like there was a bit of lag and low fps, just felt rough. As for the balance, imagine our army running in to an enemy army of the same fortitude. Those fights last for hours and hours. Nobody gets anywhere, they often don't even happen at bases, just in the middle of nowhere. It's an epic clusterfuck but oh so fun.
  21. Diddums

    Planetside 2

    Good fun tonight. Crispy is ace, he's Kylebees 2.0. You guys should do a bit of reading and maybe watch a few vids, I'm shit at explaining. The advantage of this game is that it's been on PC for a few years so there are quite a few guides and whatnot about. It's really good once you start unlocking the better tanks and stuff, can't freaking wait to get my Vanguard. This is a list of what they're fixxoring tonight: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/ps4-eu-server-game-update-6-29.228725/
  22. http://i.imgur.com/08zeX8D.png
  23. Welcome back Dan, still loads of the old folks here and a fair few new faces too.
  24. Heh. Go to South Africa then. Everything built up dring the apartheid era has to be torn down, destroyed or renamed. Regardless of what people think of that era, it is a part of that country's history. I agree with loads of the monuments being taken down and whatnot but the country also had heroes who had very positive influence on the country and as such had roads and whatnot named after them. These have all been renamed because those people were white. I couldn't give a shit what colour someone's skin is but discrediting their achievements in life because other morons happened to have the same skin colour os blatant racism but you can't do anything about it because you'll get labelled a racist too. It does my head in. That said, I've given up on South Africa. What used to be the powerhouse of Africa is now the laughing stock and all the hard work put in by previous generations us being systematically undone by a government who were voted in for no other reason than the colour of their skin, these guys shouldn't be allowed near a pen and paper, let alone a government institution. I used to be so proud of my country but it's just a shit hole now. Hundreds of years of progress undone in less than a decade. Does my head in.
  25. Youtube killed cod.
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