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  1. GazzaGarratt



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  2. Capn_Underpants



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  3. Jalen May_Zombie_Slaya79

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  4. Bluebear



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Name: Destiny 2 | Fun Bits Category: Montages Date Added: 2017-09-24 Submitter: Capn_Underpants Here are some funny bits since launch that I put together. Destiny 2 | Fun Bits
    2 points
  2. Ok I figured it out, so let me tell you alittle but about me, I'm currently in highschool. I've wrestled since I was 3 so if I talk about wrestling a lot that is why😂. I also love to do crossfit which Is like just insane workouts. I really love almost all games, electronic or just sports in genera. I love RPGs so if you ever want to play like Divinity original sin just let me know because I love playing games cooperatively.
    2 points
  3. Honestly Brede, you won't realise it but it will. But also it will be what Heavy Weapon you are using and how powerful that is. Remember, its a 270 entry level. Most things we play 20/30 levels higher and its still a challenge. What we worked out last night was to be quicker. We didn't realise it but we ended up running to the next flowers a few times. You still need luck too. The order of flowers in relation to where the dogs are at that time. This is one section of one raid. As @Plumbers Crack says it should never stop you trying, no matter what it challenge it is. We'll get it done. Together
    2 points
  4. You did NOT let us down dude. Everybody starts somewhere and if the people here didn't give me a chance to raid I wouldn't be feeling like I do now. You need higher power level anyway as you're -10/20 below all of us that tried it tonight and that makes a difference. Try to get to 280 and it will feel more comfortable. 4 hours. That's how long we tried the dogs for but we got in one go eventually. We then went on to do Gauntlet until people had to leave on Baths. Thanks to all that raided tonight. We had around 10 people drop in and out so after 7 hours, I'd like to think it was a good night overall! Nice one guys. I recorded the dogs run so will try and get it on here tomorrow to help us all learn.
    2 points
  5. Goodmorning everyone! Loved to have joined the group. HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT DAY!
    1 point
  6. Hey Brede I suck at finding my dog as well, so I have taken to doing the up top bit, it's pretty easy and makes it dead easy to find your dog as well, don't be afraid to give it a go 👍
    1 point
  7. Keep going man...if I can do a raid (eventually) you certainly can
    1 point
  8. Bluebear

    Bit of bragging :)

    This was a fun one in Quickplay (pretty sure it wasn't competitive). This was when I realised what a beast Perseverance was.
    1 point
  9. Not to bad for a Trials match
    1 point
  10. So looking forward to this! @GazzaGarratt I'd assume so, I saw characters from Daredevil etc in the trailer (Karen) Via the FG App
    1 point
  11. GazzaGarratt

    PES 2018

    That vid was hilarious Any game that makes you feel like your hands are crippled to hold a controller in such a weird way is just not fun and worth playing. I just wish Konami would just cough up the full licences fee and they'd probably double their income instantly as I geniunely feel that's the only reason young kids choose FIFA over PES.
    1 point
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