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  1. TigerBurge



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2017 in all areas

  1. I read that as pegged before noon and now i feel sick
    3 points
  2. Only bad thing about being gone on vacation for 2 weeks is that the weeds take over the garden. Spent the past 3 days pulling weeds and working on the bonsai garden literally 6-8hrs each day. Finally all back in shape with weeds all gone and shrubs all trimmed and shaped. Also found a pair of large pots at a yard sale last month and didn't know what to do with them. So today I cleaned them up and flipped the bottom one mounting the top one to the flipped one making a huge vase shape. Then sank some blocks into the ground for a platform and replanted my 5 tree spruce bonsai forest into it. Next spring there are plans to dig about a 600-700g pond further back since the Koi are now closing in on a foot long.
    2 points
  3. JBR-Kiwi

    Morning FG!

    Good morning people! Got back from a business trip to a couple of awesome surprises. Firstly my house is finally completed!! (Only 2 months late and a day before I would have been homeless but we shall gloss over that...) and secondly I have found a squishy package in my postbox from a certain GazzaGarratt containing an FG shirt! Fits brilliantly and looks amazing so thank you very much mate!
    2 points
  4. Four is my number. If they are going to do PvP in fours then all other stuff should be four. That way you don't have to ditch someone if you switch from pvp to pve.
    2 points
  5. With all the news that's came out in the past few weeks about D2 and after the beta. What do you need from Destiny 2? With what they are saying bout the amount of story and then patrols that's a big thing for me. I want story. My big thing is I want the exotics to feel like exotic to me. Sort of like year one exotics were. Let's be honest after the Y1 stuff the other exotics didn't really feel,well, exotic. The iconic gums we all wanted or needed wasn't really there after Y1. They did a good job on the exotic armor but the weapons were lacking. I want it fun again mostly. I want more straight forward guest like they did in Takem King. That was a huge step forward. So what do you want?
    1 point
  6. I think so. It's a fun class to use.
    1 point
  7. crispymorgan

    GTA FG Races


    I'll write the review to save time later. I was winning for the first 90% of the race, then diddums/greboth knocked me off. I finished last. This game is shit.
    1 point
  8. Mechanics, just as you said it. Add specific thresholds that have to be met in a certain time or you die. It's why I liked King's Fall, Vault of Glass and Wrath so much. I don't want a boss like you get in strikes where you hide behind a crate, get him down in 25% increments and watch him move to the other side of the room. Come to think of it, golgoroth sucked ass...
    1 point
  9. Subtle change to our FG red on all buttons, etc. Better than the strange initial pink colour.
    1 point
  10. I feels a lot different than the beta. Patched the flying. Much easier to control the choppers.
    1 point
  11. phil bottle


    My brain only allow these things if they're of Japanese origin like Nintendo, it's a cultural thing[emoji6] Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. NCA-Paendrag

    Morning FG!

    Morning all, and nice Kiwi
    1 point
  13. Plumbers Crack

    Morning FG!

    Morning all!
    1 point
  14. I was reading some rumors about the price increase and how they might be combining PS Now and PS+. But we shall see. Time will tell. Yes, you can. Via the FG App
    1 point
  15. Looking good guys! Via the FG App
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Did they significantly patch it after the beta? I remember the beta not being tue best. It wasn't bad, but nothing stood out at the time. I believe @RLPK has it. Now that Destiny has died a death it would be good to have an alternative to Overwatch as I don't want to play that every night. I'll look into it.
    1 point
  18. Honestly the raid is the least of my concerns. Bungie has it figured out when it comes to that. It's what to do after Tuesday reset that has left me wanting more through out the week. Plus if they keep the same system in place you can easily get leveled up and "raid " ready by doing the weekly stuff
    1 point
  19. Posts have a date and time so shouldn't be a problem finding last unread post if you accidentally hit the reaf button. Done it many times in the past. Good job either way mate!
    1 point
  20. phil bottle


    Failing that, Rib will do
    1 point
  21. Ah that's so much better, starting to feel myself again. Pillock is a word that needs to get trending again or well be in a right palaver [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  22. I've updated the plugin. Should take you last post always now.Also, I think you must mean the click unread all button. That will have a pop up because otherwise like most forums, you could accidentally read everything and then you won't know what you've have or haven't read. Many people read things via the Unread Content button so I don't believe I can trun it off. Sorry. (its only one more click though, right?) Do you mean just the brightness from the blue or the entire blue? I think the blue compliments the red buttons quite well but I can see what I can do once you've got back to me. Have you got the same issue still Dave? You should be on the new theme now so you should have all the reactions available (like, thanks, sad, etc) Thanks Crispy, I need to understand this more and get it to work when you don't have one of those so it completes it.
    1 point
  23. It was the patrol and tons of exploring that I've been looking for. Clearly a story to go with it will be ace. It's a game where most of us didn't mind too much that we didn't know the backstory because D1 was such a good game but i'm really keen on understanding where stuff came from, why people are fighting each other, what hidden secrets are behind the key NPC's. As we all know Bungie, they have been good in the past to link up why things are said or seen in the game. Things like this would be amazing if they linked them to quests or hidden secrets to help you get some decent loot. I don't have much of a problem with the game mechanics themselves, they could've left them alone for all I cared but its nice to see them trying to improve where possible as long as it doesn't come at the detriment of the gameplay going forward.
    1 point
  24. Here's what I'm using mine for today
    1 point
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