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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2014 in all areas

  1. Awesome write-up Jason. I agree with all of your statements. I'm really enjoying Destiny. It's different from games I typically play. I think I'm getting away from competitive multiplayer games simply because the community sucks balls. Skyrim got me into a different genre of games. Never played a RPG before. Warframe has shown me how much fun co-op is and how rewarding it is to work for something. Now Destiny brings both of those games together but with it's on wrinkle on it. In the two weeks since its release I've found myself wanting to play more each day. Like everyone has said the campaign sucks. To short,no character or true story development. It was intentional by Bungie to do this. They want you to want more. If by free content or dlc. They have stated all along they want Destiny to be a game you want to play for years down the road.
    3 points
  2. The campaign blows. Straight up. I think most people, myself included, took in all the massive hype and expected a mind-blowingly epic open world shooter. It's not nearly as epic as my expectation; and I think a lot of reviewers look at it the same. They think I got this game, with all this amazing potential and the story sucks and is too short. The enemies have no personality or motivation. The characters are not developed AT ALL. The story missions and patrols get very samey-same real fast. What I see is not what Destiny is, but what it will be, and I'm very exited. For example. If you actually go to the grimoire and start reading you notice some really important things. The cards that AREN'T there yet, but there are spaces for them. Cards for Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter. Cards for multiple other regions on each the planets we've already explored. Notice that every class has an additional sub-class slot that is currently empty. I wonder about the stranger and the other people she was talking to, and when Xur shows up as Agent of the Nine, he says you're the one he's sent to. Sent by whom? The stranger? The Nine? Are those two connected? What I see is the framework of the game I wanted, it just hasn't been fleshed out yet. There are some things that Destny already does great. It's an awesome shooter; it feels great to play. The weapons and gear are fantastic. The worlds, graphics, and visuals all spectacular. For me, the high level strikes and raids are where it's at. Missions that are extremely difficult and require strategy and coordination to defeat. Co-operative play that will push you to the very limits of your ability. Then there's the Crucible for PvP if that's your thing. tl;dr I see the game that Destiny is going to become, and I like it very much. In the mean time, there's plenty to do and enjoy.
    3 points
  3. Guide to getting legendary gear http://tay.kotaku.com/a-guide-to-obtaining-and-upgrading-legendary-gear-in-de-1636451289
    3 points
  4. I dabbled with warframe but bf4 drew me back in, just finished the campaign and actually enjoyed it but thus game comes more alive after level 20. It is a grind but I've just lost 4 hrs playing for bounties, the more I play the more I enjoy and I haven't even teamed up as of yet my mate I know has a ps4 won't buy the game. I think being a challenge whore in other games stands me in good stead for grinding better stuff in destiny. So far having played the beta and being disappointed I'm rather surprised. Oh and there's the crucible to go at yet.
    2 points
  5. Playertd

    No Theater Mode

    Anything that has a chance of reducing lag being gone from the game is fine with me!
    2 points
  6. JsinOwl

    F**K You Rahool

    Share your tales of sorrow with the Cryptarch, purveyor of misery. Last night I found two legendary engrams, first two that have ever dropped for me. With great trepidation, I knelt before Rahool and held up my engrams with shaking hands. "Fear not young child" he says in a comforting voice, and hands back to me a package wrapped in purple and one in gold. "Try these on and let me gaze upon the mighty guardian". "I surely would Rahool, if I were a FUCKING WARLOCK"
    1 point
  7. Escape Plan- (Stallone and Arnold) Was pretty good, I like the fact that Stallone has been doing so many movies lately that are an obvious throwback to the 80's style films.
    1 point
  8. JsinOwl

    Beyond level 20

    You can also use them to buy emblems and class armor (the cosmetic bit) from the Speaker.
    1 point
  9. Frank Lampard ROFL!
    1 point
  10. Frank lampard! Who'd have thought it? Fair play to him... This has been a good game...
    1 point
  11. JsinOwl

    Beyond level 20

    Good shit Nolan!
    1 point
  12. Man Utd back to their best I see. 5-3 down to Leicester
    1 point
  13. Yeah, it sounds like something I'd get into. It wouldn't get any play over FIFA for a while so I'll probably pick it up some time next month.
    1 point
  14. TigerBurge

    No Theater Mode

    Not a huge deal with both the PS4 and xbone both being able to record. Especially if PlayStation updates to allow upload to YouTube
    1 point
  15. Just Cal

    F**K You Rahool

    I asked him to leave an inch of length on my grass in the front garden. He left 1.5. 1.5!! Fuck you Raul.
    1 point
  16. So because my season ticket renewed without my knowing, cancelled now before it does it again next year... I got to download early access on PS3, which means... Fifa points! I brought some on 14 that I still have and transferred them to 15 and can now open packs on the web app... I'm not gonna play the PS3 version, it just won't be the same... But yay packs!
    1 point
  17. How to get Easy Vanguard Marks - Destiny Tips & T…: Easy Vanguard marks
    1 point
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