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  1. Drifter



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  2. Just Cal

    Just Cal


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  3. TigerBurge



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  4. jordie1892



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2014 in all areas

  1. Drifter

    3 Year anniversary!

    Today (Good Friday) marks 3 years since I went cold turkey from one & a half packs a day smoker to Zero. One of the best decisions I ever made in my life. My average Blood pressure use to be about 150/100 with a heart rate of around 110bpm. These days it is normally 110/65 with a heart rate of about 70bpm. Not to mention I've probably saved around $8000 or more in the past three years of not smoking.
    13 points
  2. Dr Diamond


    Cos this is how we have let the standards of society slip in the western world astronauts, scientists, doctors, generals, dare i say it, politicians, teachers..firemen, policemen, explorers, athletes, lawyers, dentists, surgeons...these are the things kids used to want to grow up and be now it seems everyone wants to grow up to be a fucking moron
    2 points
  3. Just Cal

    Black/Death humor

    How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? None.
    2 points
  4. Sennex

    Pointer pointer

    http://www.pointerpointer.com/ have fun
    1 point
  5. I play it. You're right, they don't do a very good job explaining things. Here's a guide I found useful for getting started: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/80851-updated-98guide-getting-started/ There are a couple weapons you can buy with credits, but most have to be crafted. You buy or find blueprints, then build stuff with resources you find in the levels. You can also buy stuff with Platinum, which you can only get by buying it with real money. XP Locked means you don't have a high enough mastery level to get that item. You get mastery points by leveling warframes and weapons; after you get a certain amount, you can take a mastery test to gain a level. You should be able to see your progress on that in your profile. In the Armory, you can press Triangle when you have a weapon selected to apply mods to it. You've been finding mods in levels. They do things like increase damage or magazine size, or give your frame new abilities. Mods have different point values based on how powerful they are; you can add one points worth of mods for every level your gear has (i.e. a level 10 rifle can have 10 points worth of mods). Hit me up with other questions. I'm no expert but I've been playing the game and searching the wiki a lot
    1 point
  6. Jason


    So close, yet so far...
    1 point
  7. L_C_Scipio

    BO2, why the 556 rifle?

    You realize you're referring to the guy with diamond pistols, right?
    1 point
  8. Drifter

    3 Year anniversary!

    Tommy I wish I did have but the truth is the only tip that works is the honest decision to make a change in your life. I tried many times to quit doing things that supposedly helped like nicotine inhaler, the patch, certain foods, changing when or where I smoked, trying brands I didn't like the taste of or just cutting down slowly. Honestly the only way to really quit is to know in your mind that one day smoking will be the cause of what kills you. Once a person honestly realizes that to be true and then makes the decision that they want to live as long and healthy a life as they can then quitting actually becomes much much easier. It's all about getting your mind right and simply being ready to put it down because you want to live. I know that's not really a "tip" but it's the honest truth.
    1 point
  9. Don't ever give up just because you fail at something the first (or 50th) time. The will power I have comes from determination to keep trying rather than some great will power to be able to quit the very first time. Meaning for example quitting smoking...I bet I "quit" at least 50-60 times till I finally managed to beat it for good. Same with the weight, even though I've lost around 140-150lbs total I tried to lose weight for probably 10 years till I finally managed to actually stick with it and make a lifestyle change. Same goes with how I quit drinking as well. So in other words will power isn't just being able to quit something immediately right off the bat, it's just having the determination to keep trying again and again even after you fail. So if you're having trouble sticking to doing something in your own life, just keep trying, you eventually will overcome it.
    1 point
  10. TigerBurge

    3 Year anniversary!

    Congrats my good man. I need to quit. I hate it. It's just breaking the cycle that's so difficult.
    1 point
  11. jordie1892


    So the train dude saved a life and kicked a fuckwit in the head. Sounds like a double win to me...
    1 point
  12. lepercolony

    DayZ These dayz

    i know absolutely nothing about DayZ, and i don't want to derail, but i recently saw this and could not stop laughing.
    1 point
  13. jordie1892

    DayZ These dayz

    There's just been more items added. A few new guns, and a fair bit of clothing. It's still the same, gear-up then get bored and mindlessly kill game it was before. They need hunting, vehicles and base building...
    1 point
  14. I see the words; touched, vibration and sensation. Can't they just concentrate on inventing a handjob simulator instead? It'll sell a buckload
    1 point
  15. I love the human brain, it hasn't got a fucking clue what's going on, ever
    1 point
  16. Just Cal

    Game of Thrones

    Started watching this last night. Took a while but I'm here haha Only on episode 6 though and I love it.
    1 point
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