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  1. Stretch616



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2014 in all areas

  1. From our recent trip to Rome The Pantheon: Trevi fountain: There's loads more but i won't bore everyone!
    4 points
  2. Chookes

    white Russians

    Seriously? They taste like shit. Milk is for cereal, not for cocktails. Plus it's racist. It was bought for me 5 times tonight. I finished one I think. Wish I hadn't. What's wrong with a sex on the beach. Everyone else is weird.
    2 points
  3. Seems to me that everytime you're drunk you have to get call Diddums and get your cock out. Bit of weird fetish you got going on there!
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. A few years ago we'd saved up the money to go to Spain...then our furnace went out. So, the Spain fund became the "new HVAC fund", and we started over. Well, we have the money again and were going to go this October but learned that its the rainy season in Barcelona, so we're thinking of putting it off until next July. Anyone here been to Spain? The Barcelona area in particular? Any input?
    1 point
  6. ..absolutely fucking intolerable. I hate it now. A few years ago it was unique particularly in the early Modern Warfare era. Now there seems to be so much potential in making easy money; people with large sub bases are just whoring out lots of shit for easy likes from dedicated followers to make a quick buck. I'm not just talking about the gaming arena either. Equipment and uploading is too easy now and any old shit is being promoted. It's also full of ignorant, arrogant twats with stupid haircuts making useless Vlogs of trips to buy a new designer cardigan from their online earnings and have lunch at Burger King. Why does 1.8m people give a fuck by watching and how can 500,000 people 'like' this kind of rubbish? Many of the old-skool uploaders have either taken their foot off the gas or have quit the whole thing after being swarmed by carbon-copy channels who have succumbed to a single video hit or have been lavishly marketed. I used to love the likes of KYR Sp33dy but now he's uploading about 18 videos a week; all of them unfunny and not hilarious in the slightest. Still, that'll earn him over a million likes and a tasty wage packet for shoddy, lazy content. There is so much unbearable and unoriginal commercial garbage on there too along with shitty music videos and crappy products. It's just a mess now. Also how the fuck does the likes of PewDiePie get 25m subscribers? His videos are fucking boring. Oh yeah; he got his girlfriend to play Slender once which pretty much gave him a further 14m subs overnight. I'd rather have a zillion COD montages than half the crap I see on there today.
    1 point
  7. New Menu Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mogo8BlH3gs
    1 point
  8. yeah well the c*nt made me pee on my wall this time.
    1 point
  9. Diddums

    white Russians

    Fucking finally. Fuck off with your pansy drinks you scottish ginger poof. EDIT: And that was my 1500th post. Balls
    1 point
  10. J4MES OX4D

    white Russians

    My fave white Russian
    1 point
  11. We're looking at a tourist apartment on the Med coast, and think we'll unlikely to get off the beaten path. I know a guy who teaches knife fighting, I suppose I could brush up on that for a few months if the local laws allow a reasonable sized blade. Stretch, any info is greatly appreciated.
    1 point
  12. We bought package beer, it wasn't too bad. Italy has you covered, with a single, two pack, three pack, etc. The Napoli pizza: My wife, for some reason, was invited into the kitchen. The employees were really keen to get their photo with her. The guitar player seemed to linger at our table, too. Very friendly, those eye-tallions. Gelatto, it'll make you punch ice cream in the face. No public intox laws, deli sandwich + beer = normal lunch in public
    1 point
  13. I've been to Barcelona, took my wife for her 40th. Great city. One of the best in Europe by reputation and we werent disappointed. We didn't stay right in the centre, but the metro was pretty good. Best time was just chilling by the marina eating tapas and drinking Estrella ( the local lager) However thus was before the recession, and I think crime has got a lot worse in Spain recently, heard stories of tourists being targeted ( not in Barceloa, in spain generally) I'd say go, but be careful Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  14. Not myself but i know a few people that have either lived there or frequent the area quite often. All of them have fallen in love with the Catalan area. I can ask for a few must see sights and reccomendations if that'd help? So long as you like good food and wine i think you can't go wrong with Spain. Just in case you didn't know the language they speak in that area is slightly different to the rest of Spain so may be worth brushing up on the slight differences
    1 point
  15. Cool, Charlotte and I will be playing on the server that Sennex told us about. We were running around and getting used to the keys together. hahaha
    1 point
  16. Italy is awesome. We took 792 photos in 2 weeks when we went. I miss the food, I gained about 8 lbs in those 2 weeks, but it was completely worth it. Pizza, gelato, and beer. Repeat.
    1 point
  17. Docwagon

    Doc's firearms thread

    Jsyn is close. 1) A dropped firearm MAY fire, particularly old school revolvers with the firing pin on the hammer if it falls on the hammer. However, it is much more common with long guns, which often have a free floating firing pin. The firing pin does not have a block, such as a drop safe handgun has, and as the name implies it floats freely in the bolt. The AR-15, the Remington 870, and many others all have a free floating firing pin and can discharge if struck hard enough to give the pin enough inertia to touch off the primer. This is why these weapons shouldn't be stored with one in the chamber, and also why military primers are traditionally harder than civilian ammo primers. The second common way is a "slam fire". This is where the firing pin gets stuck with the tip sticking out of the bolt face, so when the bolt is closed the firing pin strikes the primer. A bolt action rifle, for example, with a bit of debris in the firing pin channel. You work the bolt rapidly, and the gun discharges. A pump shotgun could discharge when you work the pump for the same reason. This can cause a 'run away gun' in a semi-auto or auto, where the gun will fire until the magazine is empty as the bolt fires every round as its chambered. Lesson: When closing the action on a firearm, make sure its pointed in a safe direction, as its possible to discharge the weapon without touching the trigger as the action closes. 2) Modern thinking is let it drop. Modern handguns are drop safe and the possibility of a discharge is much smaller than the possibility of accidentally pulling the trigger trying to catch it. 3) While that would work with a bolt gun or inline muzzle loader many guns cannot be viewed from the action end. A chamber flag is the preferred method. Once the gun is empty, both chamber and either magazine removed (external) or empty (internal), a chamber flag is inserted. This is a small device that is inserted in the chamber, it will not go in in there's a cartridge there, and also physically blocks the firing pin. This renders the weapon mechanically incapable of firing, even if there was ammo in the magazine, as it can't be chambered and the firing pin can't hit it. Fiber optic chamber flags also create an easy way to illuminate the barrel, simple shine a flashlight on the end that's outside the chamber and it will light up the barrel. 4) Yup, anyone who sees something unsafe has the authority and the duty to call a ceasefire. Most ranges will eject anyone who fails to honor a ceasefire, if not ban them. 5) Yes, with the purpose being to catch the bullet if a slam fire were to occur. Sand barrels are often literally barrels of sand, but can also be a block of polymer in a steel can, a stack of phone books in a milk crate, etc. The purpose is when loading and unloading a weapon capable of slam firing to put the muzzle in the sand barrel just in case.
    1 point
  18. In my defence, last time he phoned me I already had my cock out. He hasn't Face Timed me since .
    1 point
  19. Saw two birds fighting over some milk at the beach a few years ago. Probably the most interesting thing i've ever seen to be honest
    1 point
  20. It's crazy how much money some of them are making though. Apparently Pewdiepie is making $825,000-$8.47 million a year. If someone is making that much money by just recording themselves playing video games then there's going to be millions of others who will try to do the same, which kinda kills the community as everyone is in it for money.
    1 point
  21. Jason

    Doc's firearms thread

    I'm far from an expert, but I'll give it a shot. I do want to say I'm very careful about gun safety hunting. My dad always taught me... Never point a gun at something you don't want to kill. Never hand someone a loaded firearm. Treat every gun as of its loaded. (he taught me alot more than that, but you get the idea) 1- from my understanding if dropped a discharge is possible but rare, and even more rare in modern firearms. Perhaps if your "buddy" did a trigger job or something making the gun faulty it would be even more likely. A shitty gunsmith fucks up something. The gun overheats, but that's more the ammo getting hot that the gun magically firing. 2- don't know... If you drop it and try to catch it you could potentially pull the trigger trying to catch it, so I say don't try, it's less likely the gun will discharge from the fall. Just try to get the fuck out of the way. 3- I always make sure the gun is unloaded and look down the chamber from the action. If it's a bolt action rife for instance, I would cycle the bolt, then look in the chamber, then remove the bolt and look down the barrel from where the bolt was. 4- I would think anyone 5- not familiar with this. Sounds like a barrel of sand to safely shoot into.... Sand is very dense and would stop a bullet fast. Don't know for sure.
    1 point
  22. I guess I'm old fashioned, but if I have to piss I hang up the phone and go piss.
    1 point
  23. Maybe you need this version then...
    1 point
  24. I am across the sea to the NE, if you get on, let me know and I will try to help you.
    1 point
  25. Dude, my eyes were set on the middle of the bowl. Unfortunately, I laughed, vibrated and I don't think a single drop found it's way in to the toilet. It was a good thing I was bare foot otherwise my socks would have got wet.
    1 point
  26. lol he's grinning in that pic cause he accessed his dad's porn collection stowed on the xbox.
    1 point
  27. Photo of the inside of a water bottle
    1 point
  28. ^ Should add that to the forum header image somewhere. Came across this in my yard. I really enjoy this image. The leaf was stuck in the snow and the wind was blowing it over and around. When I went back later in the day the leaf had snapped off and the snow melted away a little. Glad to have been able to catch it!
    1 point
  29. Dattebayo

    Datte's Art

    Here's the scanner-version of the above pic.
    1 point
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