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  1. Drifter



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  2. deterioration

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2014 in all areas

  1. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    I've printed a few but haven't done them yet. They are a bit more complex though. Like this one.
    4 points
  2. Leave it to us (the USA) to turn a tragedy into lawsuits. I love my country, but I hate what the majority of our society has become.
    3 points
  3. Drifter

    Best Bond

    The theme songs get better as they progress. I enjoy the older themes but I also think " A View to a kill" had one of the best songs.
    2 points
  4. Please add me to the PS4 list
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. deterioration

    Far Cry 4

    I've beat 1-3 and 3 Blood Dragon so 4 needs to come out! 2 for PC really is infuriating when it glitches and you have to restart or you travel for 5 minutes, die and have to do it all over again. 3 (PS3) is one of my favorite games ever. I should install it for PC to marvel at it in 1080p. Big ups to Steam for offering all 4 games under $20! I didn't watch the vids but I hope they revamp the aiming and driving for 4 making it more realistic. Mostly the driving. Evey vehicle handles the same, like crap. Not saying it has to be on par with Forza or equivalent but they should put more time into making it better. Edit: Also on the Elephant riding. If you can ride them you can shoot them in the face and take their tusks for guns and ammo.
    2 points
  7. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    Poor Iron Mike.
    2 points
  8. First off I want to make clear this is not to brag or be egotistical because that is a trait I simply do not like and would never be that type of person. This is just to help myself keep track of progress mainly and to share it with others. Calling this "part 2" because if you guys remember part1 was 2 yrs ago when I decided to lose weight and ended up losing about 145lbs. Now I consider this part 2 lol. Since I lost all the weight I have been wanting to try to build back up some good muscle (that way Dave will not be able to resist me when he comes to clean my pool ) but with running my own business which takes up 8-12 hrs per day it's so hard to try to make time to get to the gym to workout. So having about 300lbs in free weights that use to be my Dad's which I got after he passed away, I decided to put them to use and incorporate lifting weights in between my daily rod work. So what I did was picked out three main exercises to focus on my upper body to start, Curls(for biceps) behind the head curls(for triceps) and standing rows(for traps/shoulders). I started out a few months ago with 20lbs doing 100 reps per day in between rod work. In other words work on rods for 30 mins then take a break and pound out some curls etc etc. I also took a measurement of my arms for a reference/starting point so I could gauge progress. After almost 3 months now I went from 14.5" biceps and doing 100 reps per day with 20lbs (actual 300 reps 100 per 3 muscle groups bicep/tricep/traps) to where I currently am at which is 15.75" biceps doing 300 curls with 32.5lbs (actual 900 reps 300 per muscle group). For only about 90 days into it I think that is a pretty good bit of progress for a workout routine that is basically in between business work. My goal is to try to reach 17" biceps, plus lose another 40 lbs both by the end of 2014.
    1 point
  9. Something else I found very cold/uncaring about how the authorities handled the families was when I heard that they sent a text message to all the families prior to the announcement. Really.? a text message saying they are deeming no survivors? IMO something like that should have been handled either in person or at the very least an actual phone call. Not a text message.
    1 point
  10. Kontrol Freaks ! It's worth the $15
    1 point
  11. Looks like there will be a VAT increase between 3-15% on digital downloads including marketplace games, iTunes and all that mumbo jumbo to close an unforeseen tax 'loophole'. It is expected to be fixed at 20% come January 2015.
    1 point
  12. This will deter online piracy. Good job.
    1 point
  13. J4MES OX4D

    Oculus Rift

    Facebook has just bought the company so the Oculus Rift can now go fuck itself
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I will up the weight over time, but for now I find doing more reps with moderate weight has the added benefit of a bit of cardio/aerobic effect to help keep the metabolism burning higher. I think 17" is a reachable goal if I keep motivated for the year. Truthfully though if I can hit 16" I'll be happy, but always good to set goals high. And Tommy, just for you.... . . .
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. They will have to reduce the prices to keep it around the same IMO...people won't pay more than in a shop to buy games where you get nothing to show for it, games in psn are already more than they are in shops usually, keeping it at rrp price and hardly ever getting discounted... iTunes music will go to like 1.15-1.20 per song that's ridiculous...
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Yep we all knew it, just took them awhile to come out and say it. My prayers go out to all the families that lost loved ones aboard. Not only is it hard to lose a loved one, but to have no body nor grave to be able to vist makes it so much harder for the families left behind. I hope they can at some point locate the wreckage and bring at least part of it back to perhaps give the families some sort of closure.
    1 point
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