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  1. Sennex



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  2. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  3. L_C_Scipio



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  4. Palle



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2014 in all areas

  1. Sennex

    Proud Moments

    Commander mode Siege of Shanghai Dropped a Cruise Missile on C Flag, got a kill. COOL! a minute or so goes by, get Cruise missile back again, Losing A Flag, drop a UAV, See a Tank, a shit ton of dorito's, and some other vehicle sitting there. Drop an EMP UAV, Drop the Cruise Missile, No warning cause of the EMP. Anti-Vehicle Ribbon, and like 6 or more names scrolled by.
    3 points
  2. Thom Yorke is pure genius. This song... Wow.
    2 points
  3. Sennex


    TIL: Dave is a pussy assed recon
    2 points
  4. My problem with assassins creed games is that they haven't made any major changes to the game since the first one was released, it's almost like a reskin of the game is being made.. It's almost like once you've played one, you've played them all.
    2 points
  5. Anything official such as the COD forums or some of the discussions in the Steam community should be avoided like the plague! You make a logical post and refresh and suddenly it's down to page 6. You have people posting/spamming the same moans or questions and the mods do nothing/can't handle the influx. This forum has a fine balance of numbers, quality of posts and friendliness. We also have a young chap called Dylan. FG rocks - what more could you possibly want!? Perhaps more ladies
    2 points
  6. Drifter

    Drifters den

    I'm starting this post just as a stake in the ground. Calling it Drifters Den, what it will be is a place for me to piss , moan, whine and complain about all you damn kids that step on my lawn. Seriously though, wont be that, but will be a place just to blow off steam and talk about shit is all. And maybe even share some life wisdom with you damn kids. Just startin this now, we'll get more into why I hate all you damn young punks tomorrow And stay the hell off my lawn, damn punks.
    1 point
  7. Diddums


    So on Rogue Transmission there is that radar thing which floats above the dish. We were losing, and naturally half our team were sitting on that thing sniping like little bitches. Now on that thing there's one point which is decent cover, so that's where these morons had put their spawn beacon. You can see that point here, it's the little black area on the white dome: Naturally, me being me, I first try and swap teams to shoot these fuckers, but apparently you can't swap teams any more. Swap squads into theirs (literally 4 players on that thing) and spawn at their beacon. Troll mode engaged. First I get the same dude killed 4 times, and he still doesn't say a word, he just continues his little camping party. Then whilst chasing him around the dome, I sussed out that if I stood in a particular spot, I could lock these guys in and they couldn't move. Woop woop, first three I've got there for about three minutes, them just jumping around like the idiots they were, when eventually the fourth guy pegged. He spawns at the beacon, now I've got my whole team trapped. Of course number 4 was an admin so he punted me from his server Ah well, t'was fun. Fraps is loaded now.
    1 point
  8. L_C_Scipio

    Sledgehammer Games

    Sledgehammer's Chief Creative Officer tweeted the following today: These past two plus years have been the most creative of our careers, without question. Man, I can't wait to show the game off someday. Sounds like good news that they have indeed been working on this for a while
    1 point
  9. J4MES OX4D


    I was playing on Shanghai and about 6 players were all camping at the top of the highest building on the roof. This other guy on my team was getting really irate at them so he went up in a chopper and manged to scoop them all off in one go! All I could see was a load of people parachuting down from the spawn followed by this chopper. It was beautiful! The guy gave them utter shit in the chat box and that was a fine statement for them not to go back up there with their pissy snipers.
    1 point
  10. Jason

    Sledgehammer Games

    Yes Chris........
    1 point
  11. Sennex


    You can swap teams unless an admin disallows it. other than that, great story. I hate Pussy Assed Recon, and will drop those towers fast if I am able once they go up there. Also, on that map if you want fun, Grab the MAA from B when you can. Run back to A with it, and if you sit on the side road from A - B, just in the shadow of hte building, you can spray that whole thing with Zoom Optics and the 30mm cannon. Aim high though, and you can end up sweeping it clear of Pussy Assed Recon in about two bursts
    1 point
  12. Jason

    Sledgehammer Games

    I would love to play tonight, try to cash in on some more 2xp.
    1 point
  13. spectre


    I'm still on hiatus, but some things can't be passed up without sharing. If you have a problem with marijauna, perhaps you have been brainwashed to think that way. Consider the following history and maybe your view on it will change.
    1 point
  14. Madjonny


    I got this last night, got into the manor house then had a door slam on me and called it a night! I'm going to try it again now in the light of day... Looks like it's actually scary, only other time I was scared of a game was in resident evil 3 when nemesis jumps through the window of the police station!
    1 point
  15. L_C_Scipio

    Sledgehammer Games

    They wanted to make an "action adventure" CoD. Drift0r has a bit of info on them:
    1 point
  16. Chookes

    Drifters den

    You're old. We're young. Woop.
    1 point
  17. JsinOwl

    Sledgehammer Games

    My favorite CoD is still the original Modern Warfare, the most memorable and enjoyable by far. Part of that though is because the CoD phenomenon didn't exist yet, or was at least in its infancy. Totally different world where it was just about playing the game, not stats or youtube vids.
    1 point
  18. Sennex

    BF4 Complaint Thread

    This happens everytime I spawn on a squadmate Crazyness, I need to pay more attention then LOL
    1 point
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