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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2013 in all areas


    Guitar thread !

    Very nice Mr. Iommi, I mean Palle. Good job dude.
    1 point
  2. Borderlands 2 £4.99 Total War: Rome 2 £14.99 The Witcher II £3.74 Batman Arkham City GOTY £4.99 Splinter Cell: Blacklist £14.99 Max Payne 3 £2.99
    1 point
  3. Read the thread title and immediately thought it was something to do with Scotland and a nice day out for people.
    1 point
  4. A first world country preventing the feeding of the homeless in a peaceful fashion...... that just beggars belief!
    1 point
  5. Woot woot , we are now leading in TDM with 73 wins. Only need 67 more to claim this node. I noticed Froggie and Igotmollywhopped were teamed up with MyM in TDM. Keep going guys, don't let Kyle leave !!!! 67 wins will only take you guys 10 hours or so, get on it!
    1 point
  6. The SnR node is close to being open again, just need 5 to knock the leaders off their perch. After that I think we need to win 4 more to get to the 40 wins necessary to open the mode This last bit I am guessing. I do know that when the node has a leader our wins just deduct from their total instead of adding to our total. Once they are at zero I think it then must start adding to our total.
    1 point
  7. TDM node is open again and available to be won. Needs a lot of wins though but we are nicely placed in second
    1 point
  8. Unfortunately that's not the way it works Once a clan has won a node then you have to reduce that clans score to zero by winning more games than they do Once that happens the node becomes winnable again
    1 point
  9. Today's random fact: It's possible to disagree with people in a respectful, intelligent manner with no insults being used. Strange but true.
    1 point
  10. Plumbers Crack

    U.S. Meet Up

    Gaming with A Cotton Ball at the moment. Kyle sends his love to you all
    1 point
  11. Chookes

    So who's got one then?

    He had it surgically removed, not sure why. At his wedding, his best man said "I hope everyone is having a ball. It's quite a fitting to use "a ball" as that's all the groom has."
    1 point
  12. Palle

    Guitar thread !

    Some Black Sabbath riffs for Tommy : ) I was in a rush now so I didn't have time to play the full songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cMlJLWC85I
    1 point
  13. Docwagon

    U.S. Meet Up

    Indianapolis, the Crossroads of America. Just sayin'.
    1 point
  14. Well that's your point of view. However what it does neglect is all the good the religious organizations and people have also done. - The catholic church for instance is one of the largest charitable organizations in the world if not the largest. - It feeds the hungry in many places that need the help - It educates people who otherwise could not - It provides hospital and medical services in many places - It takes care of the homeless - It takes care of drug addicts - It takes care of the abused - It gives some people something to believe in - Don't know about the rest of religions exactly but many do the same type of work I'll be the first to admit it's also not without it's problems, but what I mentioned above also exists because of religion.
    1 point
  15. I started typng out a long response to the above, but I think I'll just erase it all and say this- I am seeing more and more why some of the more mature/older guys like Doc, Jaysin and a few others left this place. I believe I will join them as well because I've seen too many times where people's beliefs are just shit on by others like yourself here and I really don't care to deal with it any longer. Goodbye and take care all.
    1 point
  16. I hate thanksgiving! Mainly because Kyle Bees posts the most awesome pictures of food I have ever seen on facebook!! So yeah basically just because I'm jealous of all your meals Happy thanksgiving! PS. I'm going to start celebrating thanksgiving now, fuck the system!
    1 point
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