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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Yeah, the try and fix the spawns and utterly ruin the connection. Go fuck yourself IW.
    2 points
  2. Reduce the damage to IEDs Fix Spawns Buff the shotguns to where they're actually usable Please and thank you. This is what I want (not what was actually updated)
    2 points
  3. I can't stand them. I can't stand claymores. I can't stand bouncing bettys. I can't stand shock charges. I can't stand anything that is put down and left waiting for someone to walk by. If it was up to me, none of that would be in the game.
    2 points
  4. kylebees

    U.S. Meet Up

    So after having brief discussions with Mike and Chris, I have decided to post here to see if there would be any interest in a meet up here in the US??? I know that we cover a lot more area here than they do across the pond but if we can decide on a centralized location, then I believe we could get a good group of us together for a fun extended weekend. I would like to gauge the interest before trying to find a place to have this. In my talk with Chris, I thought somewhere like Washington DC might work or even Pittsburgh. Again, until we know who's interested, we can really decide on a place. I'm most certainly willing to travel to meet up with you guys. I truly believe this could be a blast!! Let's try to make this happen. Post if you're interested and where you're from and if we get enough responses, then we'll try to figure out a place. Hope this works!!
    1 point
  5. Rumour http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/20/rumor-first-map-pack-for-ghosts-set-to-release-on-jan-28th/ DLC packs names http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/21/rumor-onslaught-devastation-invasion-nemesis-names-of-the-four-map-packs-for-ghosts/
    1 point
  6. Chookes

    New PS3 patch issued

    I left two games and just turned it off. This was about as bad as I've had lag on any COD. F**king annoying. I didn't really want to play tonight but I thought I'd give it a go as I might be out tomorrow. Did the right thing by turning it off before I break something.
    1 point
  7. This reminds me of when they patched the draganov(maybe) on MW3, fucked everything else so hard the neighbours were complaining about the smell!
    1 point
  8. Personally I still don't have a complaint about this game, best CoD ever! Oh one complaint is that I sold it, so not about the game really
    1 point
  9. Dylanimo

    My training progress

    Hi, my name's Dylan iv done a bit didn't understand it to well tho and diddums thanks for changing my avatar
    1 point
  10. This is what I'm using and they aren't too shabby. If anyone plans on sniping, try some of these out. My go to class at the moment is the c4 rush. I'll switch to the ghost class if the enemy is spamming satcoms. I'll switch to the sit rep if I get killed by an IED or if the other team is camping alot. (most of the time). Lastly, I use the silencer and extended mags but I have the variable zoom on all these classes because I'm working toward the challenge for it. Oh yeah, and always have an armor piercing class set up just in case the other team is using ballistic vests. It will make them one shot kills. I opted for no secondary because I"ll pick up the first assault rifle I find and use that. You should always put the silencer on. It doesn't effect the One Hit Kill box at all. So there is absolutely no disadvantage to using it. In previous games, the one hit kill was to the stomach,chest,head. With the silencer on, it was only chest,head. This game is different. I am not sure if it was an oversight of the developers or what (probably because IW doesn't pay attention to detail) If you don't put it on, not only do you show up on the minimap but your shot is heard across the map and the muzzle flash gives away your position, big time. Use it, you'll be surprised how much better you will do when everyone doesn't swarm on you just for firing a shot.
    1 point
  11. spectre

    Sniper Class Set ups

    I actually don't like it at all because the first, default setting is the smallest zoom. With maps this big, that means you will have to zoom in and that takes time. If you're gonna use the variable zoom, also scope in and set to 2nd level upon spawning. Then if you need the 3rd zoom you can easily go to it but not have to worry about zooming in the first time ever when you are aiming at somone when only milliseconds count.
    1 point
  12. Actually, I think its gotten worse than when it first started because people are starting to learn how to exploit the shitty spawn system.
    1 point
  13. True, but it always gets better. I bet if we dug up the Black Ops 2 initial impressions we'd see a lot of the same complaints. I remember the first thing I thought was "these maps suck, there are head glitch spots everywhere." Later on it really wasn't an issue because people didn't use them as much but they camped the heck out of them at the start.
    1 point
  14. I feel like I'm playing a different game than you guys I love this game, aaaaalmost as much as mw2, campers are still lame but not worse than other cods IMO. C4 and stun grenades still wipe the little turds out. The connection is still my favorite part...Bo2 was just a big fucking lag fest, this game is so clean I can actually get kills, and be killed by skill, not lag BS.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Chookes

    U.S. Meet Up

    I was a bit apprehensive about saying yes to meeting the guys down in London in September but without doubt it was one of the best weekends I've had. Already looking forward to another weekend away next year. Organise it now, and have a jaeger bomb on our behalf.
    1 point
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