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  1. Commander_Undies

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2013 in all areas

  1. Well, I recently put this in my PPR, but it made me so excited I want to contribute it to this thread. Background: When I was 16, I got into a bad car accident (not my fault) which in the end made me an epileptic. Because of that, I wasn't able to drive anymore, doctors orders. It gradually got worse and I ended up having a temporal lobectomy done (which was all documented in my PPR on the MW2forum). I had some seizures through the healing process of the surgery, but I haven't had a seizure since. So now onto my happy story! Just this past Friday night, for the first time since I was 16 years old (the night of my accident), I actually got the courage up to drive at night. I drove for about an hour with my relative and it made me really happy. For the first time, I wasn't scared of the lights and even though I was really tense the whole time, it made me feel at peace. Needless to say, I can't wait until my next nighttime outing.
    4 points
  2. Harrison


    My Dog, Choco Lab My Uncles Dog, Alaskan Malamute
    4 points
  3. That's just plain lazy. She could be 100lbs and I bet she'd still do that because lazy is lazy. To say something like "I am totally disgusted with fat people" is a pretty shitty thing to say dangle. Funny how in this day and age people let anything and everything go and how your not supposed to judge someone no matter what yet Lord forbid they are fat because that somehow gives everyone the right to be holier than thou. Reason I say that is because as you guys know I lost 150lbs over the past 2 years, I was damn near 400lbs...and there's many reasons for that to happen. When I gained the weight is was over the course of 15 years because of some bad shit that happened in my life like losing my dad when he was only 52yrs old, losing my fiancee as well as my job and slipping into a depression and becoming an alcoholic. I was very lucky that I had the inner strength and will power to finally pull myself out of that nose dive but many people just can't overcome it. My sister is someone that needs to lose a lot of weight so it somewhat pisses me off to hear an arrogant statement like "I'm totally disgusted with fat people". Don't judge someone till you have walked a mile in their shoes. What I said above has nothing to do with the video though, that's just plain lazy and she should find another job.
    3 points
  4. techno


    Had plenty of cats and we had dogs in the past, me and the ex had dogs, spiders, snakes, lizards and cats. We have 3 cats now Having just had new doors fitted I have to teach them how to use the new cat flap.
    3 points
  5. Docwagon

    In a thread: Success

    Ok, I'm proud of myself on this one. We had guests over yesterday and after everything was done I put my son to bed. He's 8 and big into zombies and monsters and whatnot, but lately he's scared himself and started wanting a night light on again. Last night he asked if I would sleep in his room with him, so I talked with him and had him tell me exactly what he was afraid of. It was mostly the imaginary monsters, with a little bit of old house noises and an odd shadow on his wall. We fixed the shadow issue by moving some stuff around, explained the house noises and the imaginary nature of monsters. I could tell this helped a little, and even though he accepted it was imaginary, he was still scared. So, imaginary guardians to combat imaginary monsters. I told him that if the bad guys are imaginary, then imaginary good guys could protect him. He agreed to this concept. I took a bunch of his stuffed toys and put them in the bed with him. We talked about the fighting prowess of the various species (shark, dragon, bear, etc.) The chicken ended up being a lookout. Santa and the Cat in the Hat were the captains. I told him he was now the general of a stuffed animal army, and not only was he excited about the "game", he was ready to go to sleep by himself. He's in there explaining his defense to his mom now.
    3 points
  6. Dedicated Servers coming to all current gen, next gen consoles, and PC! Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin has just giving clarification and confirmation via Twitter that dedicated servers will be coming to all current and next-gen consoles as well as PCs. GHOSTS ONLINE CONNECTIVITY UPDATE: I wanted to give a quick update on some of the work that has been done to improve everyone’s online experience. We’ve already mentioned dedicated servers as part of the overall plan to improve connectivity. Dedicated servers will be used on current gen, next gen and PC with Ghosts. And, in order to make sure that people have the best possible experience regardless of platform, location or connection, Ghosts will be using a hybrid system of dedicated servers and listen servers. So no matter where you are the game will always be trying to give you the best online performance possible. There is also some great new tech in the matchmaking system that will place players in matches that have the best combined overall connectivity performance. Again these are just some of the things that are going into Call of Duty: Ghosts to give players a great online experience. Can’t wait to see you all online. Mark Rubin further clarified that he is not allowed to mention any platform by name (presumbly due to the MSFT/ATVI contract), but that PS3/PS4 will be getting dedicated servers. http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/10/07/ghosts-dedicated-servers-coming-to-all-current-and-next-gen-platforms-and-pc/
    2 points
  7. TigerBurge


    Really Mario,do you have to buzz kill EVERY thread. We have one cat Tillman. We raised labs for years while I was growing up. I want a dog now but don't have a fenced in yard
    2 points
  8. Commander_Undies


    Butterball: Lola and Roxie (Sisters/Pitbulls): Jeremiah:
    2 points
  9. Jason


    His name is Oakley. He's a malamute. His iq level is about 1 but his affection level is a 10. Lol
    2 points
  10. JsinOwl


    Pictures will be forthcoming, but I have (or have had): 3 greyhounds 3 angora rabbits 3 rats 1 cat 1 fish
    2 points
  11. uberwarrior


    I've had pets all of my life, although there was a 6 year spell where I didn't owing to my other half suffering with asthma and eczema which meant she was allergic to most animals when in close contact. Her daughter was desperate for a dog and did the typical kiddy nagging thing. I kept putting her off not wanting to run the risk of getting one and having to give it back because he would set off the Missus's animal hair allerigies. Finally we relented and started looking at breeds that were supposedly allergy friendly. This led us to Harley our Cockapoo (cocker spaniel, poodle cross), he doesn't shed (that's why we opted for this breed), is as mad as a hatter in a fun way, massively loyal, especially to me which I really love. I didn't realise just how much I missed having a dog until we got him about 18 months ago. I get the Dino scenario everytime I come home, in that he's always excited and happy when I come home and always puts a smile on my face no matter how crap my day has been. All in all he's the best dog I have ever had, which is saying something because there was one dog that I've had in the past that I thought would never be topped. I'll do the same as Tommy and post some pics later.
    2 points
  12. Dr Diamond

    GTA V

    i wish this game had a theatre mode !
    2 points
  13. My Step Daughter put a pair of Dr Martin's boots on Ebay the other day, simply because she never wore them and she wanted to try and make some money to fund a new lens for her camera. She paid £120 originally, she sold them for £265!!! Needless to say she's happy, which as a usually grumpy teenager is a BIG bonus!
    2 points
  14. BO7H B4RRELS


    Anyone have a pet or pets? Care to share pictures, stories, etc.? I used to have a female Black Labrador named Daisy. I loved that dog more than I can explain. She was my friend. I miss her dearly. I'll post some pictures later. But, she and I used to go swimming together. I'd throw a stick as far as I could out into the lake and we'd race to it. That bitch beat me every time. We had a ball walking trails together, wrestling around, or just chilling on the couch. Here's a quick study that talks about animals having feelings just like humans. Most pet owners already know this, but scientists sometimes feel the need to prove things in studies.
    1 point
  15. I'm surprised she even got out of the truck, honestly. She's even too lazy to put on a uniform.
    1 point
  16. It's about fucking time. To be honest I think that the whole dedi servers thing was an ace that Activision was keeping in their sleeve for a rainy day. Dedi servers have always been possible. They'd probably have to have a community funded model like BF, but saying it wasn't possible before this is just flat out wrong. If you ask me, the reason we're seeing this now is because CoD is losing ground. People lost interest in BO2 faster than any other CoD to date. BF4 is bringing the fight right to their door, then there are other titles like Destiny which are also going to want people's cash. If someone only gets one game for Xmas, they'd have to think wisely about what they want. Whereas previous years it could've been CoD right off the bat, there is now too much competition to simply rest on those laurels. This is why we're now seeing dedicated servers. Not because of technological adcances, but because Activision needs to play every single card they have in order to hold their ground, and they know it.
    1 point
  17. BO7H B4RRELS


    and this last one was her best dog friend... Maggie, my brothers dog.
    1 point
  18. Pretty sure that's Ray Liotta
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. It's never too late
    1 point
  21. I had this post on the old MW2 site 2 years ago if I remeber correct (mw2 site uhg!) anyway figured its time I started a new one here now..... Started 2/2/12 at 6'6" 400lbs ( ) 2/7/13 was 6'6" 250 lbs last month 8/1/13 was 259 lbs (I slipped on the diet a bit) 9/24/13 I've been walking 3 miles per day, eating only 1000 calories per day, and weight trainging 4 days per week, now today I'm 262lbs. I think some of the weight is from working out now though because I have been strice on the diet and working out so I'm thinking maybe its a bit mass/muscle because I know that few lbs cant be gained weight/fat. (sure specter might "weigh" in on this)? Anyway thats where I am today far as my weight lose/diet. My goal is 230 lbs by Dec 31st. 2013 Which may be a bit low for my height but we'll see.
    1 point
  22. Drifter


    3 cats and around 80 fish here. I'll post some pics when I get time of my cats, you guys already have seen most the fish.
    1 point
  23. Yes it is for sure partly a result of the age we live in, but you will also find out when you get older that the more middle age you get the harder it becomes to take weight off as well as to change your lifestyle. Then if you factor in things such as I went through with life problems, or for some people raising a family and not having the time to exercise properly, then being overweight isn't really a "choice" any more than being an alcoholic or drug addict is a choice. Those are all things that Start off as a choice, but over time due to circumstances they shift from choice to something you absolutely hate but it's become so much a part of you that 90% of people can't change it on their own. By no means am I defending that lazy ass woman in the video. I am simply saying to make a broad sweeping statement like Dangle did is can be very wrong for many reasons and as someone that WAS very overweight at one time myself I feel it is wrong to say anyone disgusts you simply because they are overweight.
    1 point
  24. deterioration


    I've had lizards, reptiles, tarantulas, snakes, cats, dogs... MacReady
    1 point
  25. My mailman is a young man and is a douchebag. We used to have this older mailman that was golden. Now we got this dude. He rings the door bell and puts the 'We missed you' slip in the mailbox as SOON as he rings it. Then starts walking away. He doesn't wait and has no patience. So I have to run to the door if he rings it or else we have to go to the post office to pick it up.
    1 point
  26. Jason


    Here's one of my cat, Vader. He looks innocent here, but is a evil genius.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. uberwarrior


    Oakley looks like a cracking dog, especially with his green laser eyes!!
    1 point
  29. L_C_Scipio

    BF4 Beta feedback

    See, to me longer time to kill = more skill required. I think most of us would agree that, barring lag, CoD is all about reflexes; 90% of the time whoever fires the first bullet wins. I have no problem with that. However, CoD is the king of that type of gameplay. BF3 tried to duplicate it in Close Quarters, but it still doesn't match CoD for fast paced action. I don't want to play a CoD clone on a bigger map with a few vehicles thrown in.
    1 point
  30. Actually Dylan would have said "ghjiydxc Los Santos fhjjfdbjjgdc blood dhjgdv"
    1 point
  31. That's how I did mine. Working night shift gave me a lot of free time. I basically did it because I was bored, lol. Go for it man, it's never too late.
    1 point
  32. Just finished listening to STPs Core album, and now I'm listening to their Purple album, but this is the song I'm on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKQknGhcCkY
    1 point
  33. That's purely for our bat/crowbar fight
    1 point
  34. My stove was making a very loud high-pitched beeping noise, so I punched it really hard and it went back to normal. /swag
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Film that ish, yo. Add Guile's SNES theme to it.
    1 point
  37. Winning streak bitches.
    1 point
  38. I accepted the invite one of you sent me lol
    1 point
  39. Just Cal

    GTA V

    1 point
  40. Awesome thread idea, dude! Dude. I understand you're in a tough situation. Many of us have been there. But... this is a thread for accomplishments, feel good stories, etc. If you want a thread that is about your situation, and how crap it makes you feel, create it. But this isn't really the place. Don't rain on this parade. I recently found out that I'm moving to day shift after 6-1/2 years of night shift. That's really exciting for me. I'll get to sleep in the same bed as my wife more than 1 night a week. I'll get to be there at night and make my family feel safe. I'll feel better physically and emotionally. I'm very excited to move to days. The guy I'll be working with is a good dude too, so that's a bonus.
    1 point
  41. Drifter

    Aquarium thread

    Thanks. Just did some re aquascaping in the other tank (Mbuna one) today as well. Pretty happy with the layout in this one for now. . .
    1 point
  42. Courtesy of Euan
    1 point
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