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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2013 in all areas

  1. EUROGAMER 2013 Well, that was good!! Met up with Dave Cator at London Liverpool Street and travelled to Earls Court quite quickly, getting there about 10 minutes after opening to be met by a queue of approx 2 - 3,000 people! but it moved through fairly quickly No sign of Rich, Cal and the others with all day tickets and a quick call revels they're waiting on bacon sarnies Earls Court is a big place and it quickly developed into a big place full of queues! Upstairs in the 18+ are we started of with Battlefield 4 (queue time approx 1 hour) played on XBones - amazing even on those gimpy XB controllers!! well worth the wait to play one battle and I think this will be on my Crimbo wish list if not earlier. Queue wait was also livened by being lucky enough to catch a BF4 T-shirt being lobbed out randomly to the hordes Still no sign of the rest of the "all dayers" Back down stairs to CoD Ghosts (QT just under an hour). This was not quite so impressive and also played on the dreaded XBone. This time I couldn't figure out how to start the bloody game and the alloted time was for a TDM so, with a couple of guys on the otherside who knew what they were doing it was all over very quickly. From what I saw and the action I managed to get I think that Ghosts is probably run and gun and BF4 is more a thinking man's game Still no sign of the guys with all day tickets (they're waiting for Tam to get out of the shower) so we stopped for a pizza then on to the Sony PS4 (QT about 40 mins to get into the area) to try out the next gen console CELEBITY ALERT!!! - spotted Jason Bradbury from The Gadget Show in the PS4 area Once you got into the PS4 area you're given two tickets to try different games and each one was valid for about 6 different games. Reasonably good idea to keep the waiting times down so we decided first of all to try DriveClub. Stunning graphics especially when compared to the PS3 drive game (Gran Tourismo 6) being shown outside of the area. All I can say are my memories are correct and I can confirm I am worse at driving games than FPS but it gave me a good laugh The we queued for another FPS, Backlight I think which was letting you play a complete round of the game but my legs were shot so it was "Dave, gimme your bag. You queue for a go " and I sat on the floor. 10 minutes later Mister C had done the maths and had worked out with 6-7 people in front of him taking 8-10 minutes to complete a go on the game.....naah! Still no sign of the others so we go for a wander around the smaller stands which were quite interesting and the retro area bringing back early computing memories - Doom anyone? Loads of the old machines as well Then, just before 5.00.....text "We're here and getting our wristbands!" then "we're at the bar" (naturally! ) and so we have.... Cal, Tam, Jenna and Rich Rich Euan and Stretch Dylan, Kyla (Diddum's better half) and Rich......anyone spotted Rich's plan yet? Dave C, Dave (Didds) and....Rich Having taken refreshments and worked out who was who we gave them the low down on what we'd seen etc and the agreement was "try BF4" which was upstairs.....in the over 18 section. We tried but withou age ID it was no go for Dylan so while the others went off he and I wandered around the main hall and got a photo opportunity for him I can't for the life of me work out why he wanted his picture taken with this young lady!! Reunited with the others we mooch around the rest of the show, Didds buys a graphics card, we mooch, Didds pre-orders BF4 to get some free stuff then at 6.55 the PA gives out that the gig is over and please leave. So what shall we do?...... You got it!! Dave and Rich in an intense debate, about Lego I think Apparently Jenna was the only one to remain sober the previous evening Someone comments that Euan and Dylan look like they're from the same family rather than Dylan and Tam being brothers. They didn't think much of this for some reason...... ...but it all ended amicably!! And so it ended, the first real Forum Meet-Up and we found out that we're all a pretty likeable bunch who seem to get along well. This is obviously sanitised sober version from the show. What went on back at Diddums flat I just don't know and will wait to see the photos which they'll hopefully post when they eventually wake up! We gotta do it again!!
    10 points
  2. Yea I could see that conversation with my wife going really well. Honey I'm going to London for a few days to drink and go to a video game Expo Her response- HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND
    3 points
  3. Hummus Expected: 2/10 Received: 7-8/10
    2 points
  4. The weekend is over, on my way home and feeling pretty upset (and hungover). Great to meet everyone and I'm sure it won't be the last time, really awesome group of people, thanks for the crazy weekend!
    2 points
  5. Better than expected- Dattebayo Seriously. Back on the old forum I saw his "my little pony" avatar and though jeez wtf is up with this guy, took him as a joke then. Now, He's still here and just because he likes MLP I wont judge him Seems like a pretty decent guy. So I'll give Dattebyo a "Better than expected" lol
    2 points
  6. http://www.dorkly.com/comic/54228/the-people-you-played-videogames-with-when-you-were-a-kid
    1 point
  7. Meeting up with the guys at Eurogamer. I've obviously spoken to them all online and played CoD with them a fair bit but it can be a bit of a jump from just chatting with people online to actually meeting them in real life. I was a bit apprehensive travelling down but by the end of the day i was a bit sad to leave them. Nice peeps, all of them
    1 point
  8. It was a pleasure to meet you Dave, such a genuinely nice person and it was nice to have a someone normal in our group even if it wasn't for the whole night.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Riot started a pretty cool "Teamwork OP" campaign. They have even made tumblr (http://teamworkop.tumblr.com/) with pictures and videos showing how teamwork helps. Here is the original video they made for it if you haven't seen it yet. Here are some of my favourite pictures from the site
    1 point
  11. Drifter

    The Beard Thread

    Just watching this movie right now, and it made me think of this post lol
    1 point
  12. Docwagon

    Random Pictures

    There's got to be a fantastic story behind that one.
    1 point
  13. Corey the Kiwi


    He can pretty tricky to gank with but you should be able to learn the basics well with him. This guide gives a good outlook over Nunu
    1 point
  14. Commander_Undies


    We exchanged emails a few weeks ago. He seems pretty happy to me.
    1 point
  15. That sounds good, works out to be 3:15pm for me so I should be getting on around then
    1 point
  16. She doesn't even like you, she's trolling you so you waste your money.
    1 point
  17. yeah it would be quite a laugh im sure. not got much money at the moment and most of it, along with my weekends is spent inflating the gf
    1 point
  18. He doesn't mean that Adam. We're pretty glad you're not here.
    1 point
  19. Wish you were here you fuckin' weirdo.
    1 point
  20. Nice to hear you got home safe Dave, even better to have finally met you! Sorry we were so late, last night was rather hardcore and tonight's looking to be the same!
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Just played BF4 on the XBone at Eurogamer and I must say it was very, very impressive despite having to use the XB controller. Might have to get this one!!
    1 point
  23. Safely on the train home. Nice to meet guys and put faces to names and voices. Really nice bunch of people who are probably getting hammered again as I post this! I'll post the sober pictures later
    1 point
  24. U jelly bro? Eurogamer was awesome, loads of free shit and cool games. Bought a GTX 770 too, can't wait to rock that baby. Last night was awesome too, I hit the sack at 4:30 and the rest at 6. Hungover as fuck, getting drunk again, all good. Plumber's Crack is cool, Euan is a closet weirdo, Cal is fucking shy, Rich is Rich. I'll post the stories and photos whenever I stop being drunk or hungover. Tam needs to learn how to use a knife and fork.
    1 point
  25. *marks as spam*
    1 point
  26. Palle

    Random Pictures

    *Actual logo for a Swedish company called Locum.
    1 point
  27. Tuesday morning my Niece was very upset, "timmy" the red ear slider turtle I bought her back in Feb died. My sister said they found him upside down with all his legs and head limp and hanging out of his shell. My niece obviously was very upset. My sister picked him up and he was completely lifeless, she said she poked his little leg and nothing, he was limp. So she put him in a box and sat him outside behind the house. My Niece went to school and then when her dad got him they were going to burry Timmy in the back yard next to the little Koi pond. My Niece wanted to see him one last time so they opened the lid of the box before they burried him.......Timmy was standing up on all four legs staring at them Needless to say my Niece started crying again, this time tears of joy My sister swears he was dead, she said she shoke him and poked him and no response from him. His head/tail and all four legs were hanging limp. I looked online and actually found where this happened to someone else a few years ago. I guess when he flipped upside down he basically drowned, but because a turtles respritory system is so slow that they are not actually "dead" for some time after drowing. So sounds like when my sister took him out and sat him right side up in the box in the backyard, the water in his lungs must have drained out and he came too. They went and got him a turtle dock to replace the rock that was in his tank plus filled the water higher so that he can right himself if he ever flips upside down again. He's been doing fine now for the past 2 days since this happened. He's a tough little SOB
    1 point
  28. TigerBurge

    Pimp yo ride!

    @Harrison thanks it was a iPad thing White trash at its best
    1 point
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