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  1. TigerBurge



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2013 in all areas

  1. "Hi my name is Dylan and I'm here with some serious dosh!"
    5 points
    3 points
  3. Hell yeah, i'm all for that. We should be sharing if anything! And if we need money we should be helping each other get it!
    2 points
  4. Isn't Euan a banker? My vote is for him.
    2 points
  5. TigerBurge

    Your GTA selfies

    Post your GTA V selfie photos.
    1 point
  6. Diddums

    Britain in Minecraft

    Holy shit, this is amazing. Ordnance Survey, the people that map stuff, have recreated GB in Minecraft, to the block. All 22 BILLION of them. Clicky Ordnance Survey, the body responsible for mapping Great Britain from top to toe, have recreated 86,000 square miles of it in Minecraft. The map was built in two weeks by intern Joseph Braybrook and OS's Innovation Labs team using the mapping authority's OpenData products, and can be downloaded to explore for free. Ordnance Survey’s data covers England, Scotland, Wales and their surrounding islands. The resulting Minecraft map incorporates 224,000 of Great Britain’s 229,848 square km. “We think we may have created the largest Minecraft world ever built based on real-world data,” OS Innovation Lab Manager Graham Dunlop told the BBC. “The resulting map shows the massive potential not just for using Minecraft for computer technology and geography purposes in schools, but also the huge scope of applications for OS OpenData too.” Once downloaded, the map starts new players on the spot of OS’s head office in Southampton. From there, they can make mainland Britain - 22 billion blocks of it - their playground. Using a combination of two programs - OS Terrain 50 and OS VectorMap - the mapping authority has managed to port a 3D model of the earth surface into the game, and overlay it with accurately placed bodies of water, woodland and roads. The entire generation process took about seven hours on a “modest” desktop PC. OS have found equivalent materials for each of the key terrain types in their maps. Motorways are built in diamond, for instance, and B Roads from pumpkin. “Each blocks represents a ground area of 50 square metres,” write OS. “The raw height data is stored in metres and must be scaled down to fit within the 256 block height limit in Minecraft. A maximum height of 2 500 metres was chosen, which means Ben Nevis, appears just over 128 blocks high. “Although this exaggerates the real-world height, it preserves low-lying coastal features such as Bournemouth's cliffs, adding interest to the landscape.” Bloody hell, eh? You can find the map to download here - it’s approximately 3.6GB uncompressed. OS have also provided coordinates for some notable geographical landmarks, including Mount Snowdon, the site of London, and Lake Windermere. Wow. Just wow.
    1 point
  7. So we still need some artwork for our community channel. This includes the background, avatar and intro video implementing the forum logo. The avatar I can try sort out here and now by just minimizing the logo we're using here if that's what Diddums wants. So does any kind forumer want to throw their expertise in?
    1 point
  8. It's my favorite time of the year again, when we get to try out some new shows and hardly any of them actually make it into being something good and every once in awhile something epic like Breaking Bad comes along and destroys all the competition. New Series that I'll be watching Sleepy Hollow (on episode 2 now, I have watched it, and so far so good) The Tomorrow People on CW (a new take on an old show; but most definitely capitalizing on the superhero popularity) The 100 (also on CW) - looks like it's copying off of Walking Dead and Revolution in anarchy style situations. Blah, I'm not sure about this one but I'll give it a chance. MARVEL Agents of Shield (premiered last night, but I haven't watched the first episode yet) Dracula - oct 25 ( another "iffy" one but I'll give it a shot, I do enjoy that more Horror style shows are coming) Crossbones - pirate show with John Malkovich? Yes please
    1 point
  9. Harrison


    HOLY CRAP I'M EXCITED. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/51422/some-more-details-on-grand-theft-auto-online.html
    1 point
  10. Bees I'll jump on for a morning run around but it'll probably be on the Sunday as I'm hoping will be somewhere near eurogamer lol Me and cal do have a little something planned for the new channel
    1 point
  11. I told Rich on CoC, I'm so jealous of you all getting together. I seriously thought of flying over for the event but between my mothers illness and my cash situation, it just wasn't possible. It's too bad we can't organize a get together like this here in the states. The thing that sucks is that the states are so far apart in most cases. Lots of pics and vids and we should be all square. I hope some of you will be on for a nice morning session with me so I can hear the banter over my headset. Ahhhhhh, who the hell am I kidding, ya'll be passed out and hungover!!! Again, I'm very jelly!!!
    1 point
  12. Demmit, nau I don't need to ply teh geimz animorr
    1 point
  13. Reminds me of one of my favourite Viz jokes, What's French and comes in buckets? Moi Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  14. Awww Bob man!! You should take at least one of our mobile numbers just in case you do find time for a quick pint but if not man, we'll meet next time. I can already tell they'll be a next time
    1 point
  15. kylebees

    Out of Context

    That almost sounded like it could have been in a Dr. Seuss book!!!
    1 point
  16. Mine was at least a buckets worth
    1 point
  17. NCA-Paendrag

    Your GTA selfies

    I pity da fool!
    1 point
  18. BO7H B4RRELS

    Your GTA selfies

    Nice shark, lol.
    1 point
  19. Don't worry I will only rob the people who are more laidback and can take it as a laugh.
    1 point
  20. Awesome. Thanks guys. I hope that my thoughts are part of the multiplayer though. I'd love to see rank matter in online as far as points in game. That would be kick ass. Or bosses have an extra team orientated ability. All kinds of ideas!
    1 point
  21. Plus your friends can be cross platform.
    1 point
  22. As far as I know, the hierarchy just gives you different privileges on the online site, kinda like being a moderator or an administrator on this forum does. As far as in game, I don't know. For you to invite people you'll need to be promoted in the hierarchy to Representative, Lieutenant or Commissioner. If you go to your crew, you'll see that there are accomplishments, but for me it only shows Max Payne 3 accomplishments. My guess will be when online launches we'll have GTA V accomplishments and we'll go up in rank by getting them done. I know i'm on the PS3 version of this game but i'm willing to help you guys with anything, you just need to ask me.
    1 point
  23. lol well we'll head back to yours not too long after we pick him up a imagine, unless you're planning on making him carry around his bag even when he's at yours? (this is a good idea)
    1 point
  24. Can you darken the background on the avatar to blend into the background of the youtube background? But yeah man, this kicks ass. I like the look.
    1 point
  25. Hopefully being on top of the crew and getting everyone settled in before online is available should help us greatly.
    1 point
  26. When this online kicks in on the 1st. No one in the crew/clan/forum should be robbing each other. Fighting is different if both parties agree on it. I will not tolerate our group robbing each other. Just some tidbit of concern from me.
    1 point
  27. Diddums

    First time driving

    Nah, on the way home. We do want to meet these fuckers before Dylan kills 'em all.
    1 point
  28. Don't mean to cut in, but yes you can. You'll just link your Xbox account to your page and once you get it (GTA V), it syncs up. Currently, it'll show all of the Rockstar games that you own simply by syncing your accounts.
    1 point
  29. Wow. Love it. I prefer the one with the brightness turned up.
    1 point
  30. Right. Nothing I tried was beautiful so I made 2 basic backgrounds to conform with the new dimensions and logo safe zones. Too big to post here so I'll just link them here and here. They're the same simple design but one has the brightness and contrast heightened. I was thinking that we need to have some mad complex design but I actually like these. Let me know if you think they're suitable.
    1 point
  31. I was thinking about starting a thread like this but didn't get around to it. I watched The Blacklist and thought it was pretty damn good. I have the Agents of Shield recorded but haven't watched it yet.
    1 point
  32. OMFG!!!! They're letting you lose behind the wheel??
    1 point
  33. Try again. And yes.
    1 point
  34. At some stage everyone will get betrayed because that's the beauty of GTA ! . everyone's an asshole xD
    1 point
  35. It's actually whoever grabs the cash whilst doing the job that gets to decide the split What we could do is ask random online people to help out with a job (you know, in case there's not much of us online at the time) Then fuck him over. I'm 100% cool with fucking random people over.
    1 point
  36. I have no l33t graphix skillz. However, I would like to help spread the word so I'll keep an eye on this thread (or any others that have FG stuffs in them). I intend to search high and low (mostly low, as that's where my kind of people hang out) for a large, solid group of people to play BF4 with me. My plan will be to lead them here and never let them leave. Once Stockholm syndrome sets in, we're golden.
    1 point
  37. Well I want to move up the ladder xD . but not that badly. And you higher ups can screw us over too. You decide what cut people get !
    1 point
  38. Harrison

    Pimp yo ride!

    Sentinel XS:
    1 point
  39. lol. I'm gonna start recording more of the crazy shit I come up with haha. Btw, did you notice the clown horn I had on my bike? xD Is the whole Los Santos city going to be available in online?? I didn't think it would, awesome if it is
    1 point
  40. I had a lot of trouble getting off the bike quickly enough, also couldn't climb up... Got tired of trying because you spawn so far away when you die I wish I had one. I'm just mounting my phone on a crappy homemade tripod made out of scrap metal lol
    1 point
  41. I just can't manage to do it now... So, here's this instead
    1 point
  42. I'm no expert, I can only tell you what's worked for me in the past. 1,000 calories a day isn't enough. Lose weight too quickly and you're losing more muscle than fat, plus your body doesn't like those rapid changes and will fight harder to get the weight back on. Something like www.myfitnesspal.com will track your calories. Shoot for a 500-750 calorie deficit per day when you're losing weight and a 300-500 calorie a day surplus when you're bulking. Basically when you're gaining weight you want a little surplus so your body says "hey, we're in good times so we can afford the metabolic effort to repair and build muscles." Its inevitable you will gain some fat as well, though. So then you cut, but not too fast, so you lost fat faster than muscle. I was 283 lbs when I decided I was going to get back in shape and be a security contractor. I got down to 250 when I left. I'm 245 now, 8 years later. My body composition has suffered though, and since the end of July I've been losing weight to get my fat content down. Once I hit about 220 I'll start bulking again, and repeat until I settle in at about 230 with the body fat percentage I want (and can reasonably maintain.) Again, not a nutritionist or expert, I just know its worked well for me in the past.
    1 point
  43. Chookes

    Your GTA selfies

    Wife nagging me.
    1 point
  44. big lebowski I do not see what the love for that movie was all about. I watched it and honestly, thought it sucked lol And que the troops to flog me in 3...2...1...
    1 point
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