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Skill-Based Hit Detection


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Sadly it’s a TikTok link but this is a prime example of the underlying skill-based hit detection element that is in operation. Although it’s still a ‘rumour’, more and more evidence is coming to light of this happening and this has to be the cleanest example of ‘scripting’. Even the Warzone shills have given up trying to dismiss things being awry and now many big names have stopped playing after being affected by such BS after originally denying it.  Now the skill gap has widened and players have more static stats, it’s really becoming prominent 



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3 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Sadly it’s a TikTok link but this is a prime example of the underlying skill-based hit detection element that is in operation. Although it’s still a ‘rumour’, more and more evidence is coming to light of this happening and this has to be the cleanest example of ‘scripting’. Even the Warzone shills have given up trying to dismiss things being awry and now many big names have stopped playing after being affected by such BS after originally denying it.  Now the skill gap has widened and players have more static stats, it’s really becoming prominent 




Absolutely blatant, noway to deny the bullshit involved in that short clip. 

There is enough evidence to suggest that evil workings, and puppet masters are tampering with gunfights there. 

Evil is indeed afoot. 

Very sad really..... 

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Well that certainly explains why last night I was absolutely wrecking with the Lockwood and tonight it's a two hit kill to everywhere except the head. If this doesn't get sorted soon them I'm also oot I'm afraid, I refuse to be gimped by bullshit like this, I suck enough as it is. 


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57 minutes ago, Diddums said:

Well that certainly explains why last night I was absolutely wrecking with the Lockwood and tonight it's a two hit kill to everywhere except the head. If this doesn't get sorted soon them I'm also oot I'm afraid, I refuse to be gimped by bullshit like this, I suck enough as it is. 


If you sucked enough as it is, you should be hitting everything with your eyes closed 🙂


I don't know why this group complains so much about these things. I believe it's probably advantageous to most of us. I know that it is with my ~1K/D.  The people that are really bitching about it are the streamers that can't go an cherry pick lobbies to create content. I person like me that hops on for an hour every now and then isn't hurt by it at all



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23 minutes ago, cyberninja2601 said:


If you sucked enough as it is, you should be hitting everything with your eyes closed 🙂


I don't know why this group complains so much about these things. I believe it's probably advantageous to most of us. I know that it is with my ~1K/D.  The people that are really bitching about it are the streamers that can't go an cherry pick lobbies to create content. I person like me that hops on for an hour every now and then isn't hurt by it at all



I think most gamers would rather play a fair game especially on one that costs full price and is monetised along the way. Once they start manipulating connection, matchmaking and now dynamic performance aspects then the game loses all credibility and is basically rigged no matter what you do. Some players have been conditioned to accept this - FIFA players get screwed by scripting based primarily on their in-game spend and now gameplay-impacting factors are ruining people’s experience here - whether it be monetised-related or them trying to ramp up engagement by thwarting regular players on the fly.

I’d rather play in a game where connection takes priority and the game runs fluidly. Their plan for retention has already failed miserably and most content creators have resorted to either blatantly cheating or reverse-boosting. Hardly a good image for the brand and the relationship between creators and the community is souring to the extreme now.

The only ones that get screwed are the honest regular players and I don’t get satisfaction even doing well because it’s all artificial bollocks at someone else’s expense. No other FPS has these factors in operation and COD can barely grow or retain a playerbase come Christmas so there’s really no reason why Activision should continue this. 

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32 minutes ago, cyberninja2601 said:


If you sucked enough as it is, you should be hitting everything with your eyes closed 🙂


I don't know why this group complains so much about these things. I believe it's probably advantageous to most of us. I know that it is with my ~1K/D.  The people that are really bitching about it are the streamers that can't go an cherry pick lobbies to create content. I person like me that hops on for an hour every now and then isn't hurt by it at all




Some people enjoy playing more than an hour now and then, and to us, things like this ruin the game. 




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Here's a snippet of just one of the vile patents that have corrupted this franchise. I will try and collate the rest when I have the time, plus to break it down and exclude all the nauseating waffle and key points. Basically to cut a long story short, the better you are at the game(s), the less base-health you have, the more accurate you have to be and the more challenging lobbies you will experience. The chances of ever getting better at the game are virtually non-existent. Lower-skilled players have a lower threshold for accuracy and more underlying health. Weapon damage output is also scaled so things like statistics which Drift0r used to break down are totally worthless. If you've ever experienced matches turning on their heads or a sudden nosedive in personal performance during a game, then the game is deliberately scaling you down dynamically rather than you doing anything wrong. If you died 6 times in a row after being 12-1 up then it's not on you or the opponents momentum - it's the game. Also all these comebacks and games that end closer than they should are all dictated by these elements in play. 


These are also damning factors for the likes of Warzone - you run into a much weaker player and they may have significantly more health and you are vulnerable by virtue of ability. The video in my OP literally shows perfectly landed bullets not even counting and from the enemy's perspective, the bullets didn't even hit allowing them to melt the opponent without even being flinched. It's all pretty disgusting really

"[0080] Once an assessment is made, the computer program that executes the gaming environment modifies elements of the session and/or gameplay parameters as the session is being created based on the aggregate skill level. In embodiments, session modifications may include, but are not limited to: adjusting the number of enemies, adjusting the complexity of puzzles; and player adjustments, which may include the player's health, damage, speed, available abilities, and difficulty level. In one embodiment, a player's health is scaled based on the player's skill level by. At 306, data corresponding to acquired skill level of each player is generated and presented to a player via a game console, resulting in each player within a team experiencing a different degree of difficulty or challenge while still experiencing the same content in the same gameplay session.

[0081] FIG. 3B illustrates a table providing an exemplary list of parameters of a gameplay session that are modified based on a player's skill level and the corresponding experience for players of different skill levels. For example, in a first-shooter gaming environment, when a first player aims his weapon at a target, a parameter defining the tolerance for how accurate the player's aim must be to hit the target is modified based on the acquired skill level of the player. The computer assigns the tolerance for how accurate the player's aim must be to hit the target differently based on the skill level of the first player. A player having a higher skill level will be assigned a lower tolerance parameter and therefore, will have to be more accurate in aiming in order to hit the target. A player having a lower skill level be assigned a higher tolerance parameter and, therefore, could be less accurate in aiming in order to hit the target. As shown, column 310 of Table 1 lists modifiable parameters such as `degree of accuracy required to hit a target`, column 312 lists the experience of a player having a `high` skill level, which may be `high degree of accuracy required`, column 314 lists the experience of a player having a `medium` skill level, which may be `medium degree of accuracy required`, and column 316 lists the experience of a player having a `low` skill level, which may be `low degree of accuracy required`. Similarly, the table lists other modifiable parameters, such as `likelihood of being targeted by enemy`, where the experience of a player having a `high` skill level may be `high degree of likelihood`, the experience of a player having a `medium` skill level may be `medium degree of likelihood`, and the experience of a player having a `low` skill level may be `low degree of likelihood`. Another example parameter is `difficulty of an in-game puzzle`, where the experience of a player having a `high` skill level may be `high degree of difficulty`, the experience of a player having a `medium` skill level may be `medium degree of difficulty`, and the experience of a player having a `low` skill level may be `low degree of difficulty`. Another example parameter is `bonus chance of finding powerful treasure`, where the experience of a player having a `high` skill level may be `medium degree of chance`, the experience of a player having a `medium` skill level may be `high degree of chance`, and the experience of a player having a `low` skill level may be `very high degree of chance`. Yet another example parameter is `number of challenging enemies in a single encounter`, where the experience of a player having a `high` skill level may be a high number, for example 10-20, the experience of a player having a `medium` skill level may be a medium number, for example 5-10, and the experience of a player having a `low` skill level may be a low number, for example 1-5. Still another example parameter is `gold earned multiplier`, where the earning of a player having a `high` skill level may be `high`, for example 1.5.times., the earning of a player having a `medium` skill level may be `medium`, for example 1.25.times., and the earning of a player having a `low` skill level may be `low`, for example 1.times.. One more example parameter is `friendly-fire damage amount to team-mates`, where the experience of a player having a `high` skill level may be `high degree of damage`, for example 100% of damage, the experience of a player having a `medium` skill level may be `medium degree of damage`, for example 50% of damage, and the experience of a player having a `low` skill level may be `low degree of damage`, for example 0% of damage."


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10 minutes ago, MrBiron said:

I don't think it's skill based hit detection. It's just the shite servers that Activision use. This sort of thing has always been a problem in COD.


Maybe 10 years ago. 

The average players has a better Internet connection than ever. 

Fibre and massive DL speeds. 

Sure servers play a part, but the connections are smooth or better than ever. That's until the game decides it....... 


That video J4MES posted clearly shows a guy hitting multiple shots, then gets insta melted. 

The killcam shows him missing all his shots. 


Just going by a single video, the evidence suggests manipulation. 

I'm sure there are many examples of people getting screwed over all over social medias. 

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4 minutes ago, IRaMPaGe said:


Maybe 10 years ago. 

The average players has a better Internet connection than ever. 

Fibre and massive DL speeds. 

Sure servers play a part, but the connections are smooth or better than ever. That's until the game decides it....... 


That video J4MES posted clearly shows a guy hitting multiple shots, then gets insta melted. 

The killcam shows him missing all his shots. 


Just going by a single video, the evidence suggests manipulation. 

I'm sure there are many examples of people getting screwed over all over social medias. 

Yeah it’s definitely not latency or lag comp related. I don’t think we’ve had bad servers in COD since Black Ops 4 and this is definitely not a core netcode issue either.


I saw another video on TikTok that I will try and recover where a couple of guys actually tested the same weapon in a live environment between two different players - it was an online public game and they roped the whole lobby into not playing so they could test it. With exactly the same gun, one player needed 3 bullets to kill and the other required 5 clear as day. Same weapon, class, body location and target player yet two very different outcomes. So many other videos where people are really putting scenarios to the test and evidence of bullshit is coming to light.


I can also see why all these reverse-boosting streamers die to freak one hit kills in Warzone now and why they are now inching into fire free bot-lobbies in desperation😂

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1 hour ago, IRaMPaGe said:


Maybe 10 years ago. 

The average players has a better Internet connection than ever. 

Fibre and massive DL speeds. 

Sure servers play a part, but the connections are smooth or better than ever. That's until the game decides it....... 


That video J4MES posted clearly shows a guy hitting multiple shots, then gets insta melted. 

The killcam shows him missing all his shots. 


Just going by a single video, the evidence suggests manipulation. 

I'm sure there are many examples of people getting screwed over all over social medias. 

 Unless you know where the other player is from and what their connection is like then it isn't evidence of anything. 

COD prioritises skill over connection now. So you could be in lobbied with players from 100s or thousands of miles away. 

Or you could be up against people using a netduma to play with people out of their region to get an advantage. 


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3 hours ago, MrBiron said:

 Unless you know where the other player is from and what their connection is like then it isn't evidence of anything. 

COD prioritises skill over connection now. So you could be in lobbied with players from 100s or thousands of miles away. 

Or you could be up against people using a netduma to play with people out of their region to get an advantage. 


That is very true, but you can switch latency and ping in the settings and can check it ingame. 

Lag spikes are obvious and easy to spot. Lag in general is easy to feel. 

I played with dogshit connections for years so I can notice lag easily from my games and perspective. 


Don't get me wrong I'm not saying every match and gunfight is rigged. 

I am aware that there are thousands of players more skilled than myself. 

Sometimes I get outplayed etc. 

Ever since MW19 I don't trust Activision. 


Sometimes you can destroy a lobby and other times you can barely get a shot off and get annihilated. 

Again skill and consistency play a part, but the Sbmm takes over since the last few years. 

It helps you and throws you a bone sometimes, but punishes you for doing well and it's very apparent there is all sorts of manipulation going on. 


Remember Cod4-BO2 days? 

If you were choosen as host you had a clear advantage. You can easily notice it and know what to look for. 

It's no different from that. 

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1 hour ago, IRaMPaGe said:

Remember Cod4-BO2 days? 

If you were choosen as host you had a clear advantage. You can easily notice it and know what to look for. 

It's no different from that. 

I still play IW4X/Plutonium clients and the difference between that and what we have now is crazy! It's exactly how COD used to be in its golden age. Nowadays you can feel the underlying manipulation in operation but now it's become dynamic which is adds to the frustration. I didn't mind as much with it during Cold War or even MW2019 because if you were in a BS-laden match, you knew right from the get-go but here you can see your performance nosedive through these artificial factors as the game wears on and that's why I don't believe it's anything server-related because a) your connection wouldn't decline this way and b) Activision have literally patented the concept to fuck you on the fly. 


I really miss the host advantage P2P days because although one would likely thrive, at least 12 players weren't playing at a disadvantage unbeknownst to them. SBMM is one thing but adding rigging on top will never give a fair, smooth or satisfactory experience.

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10 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

Dont you just love to shoot a guy in his back, only for him to turn around and kill you...



I guess he was waring his vest backwards 🙂


I hate it more when I go to knife someone and that stupid ass finishing move animation starts and his team mate shoots me because there is no way out of that horse shit 

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2 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:



I guess he was waring his vest backwards 🙂


I hate it more when I go to knife someone and that stupid ass finishing move animation starts and his team mate shoots me because there is no way out of that horse shit 

Serves you right of you are running around knife and turtle shell 😉

But pretty stupid that you can get shot during the animation, although I hate getting killed that way!




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3 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

Serves you right of you are running around knife and turtle shell 😉

But pretty stupid that you can get shot during the animation, although I hate getting killed that way!


It's not my fault if you are dumb enough to bring an AR to a knife fight 🙂


Image if this game had the commando perk. The rage we would get would be worth the $69 right there





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1 hour ago, cyberninja2601 said:


It's not my fault if you are dumb enough to bring an AR to a knife fight 🙂


Image if this game had the commando perk. The rage we would get would be worth the $69 right there





Touche' 😄 It was an SMG btw.

Let me just say that when I saw the speed of those bastards running around with knives, my thoughts went back to MLC days from MW2!




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1 hour ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

Touche' 😄 It was an SMG btw.

Let me just say that when I saw the speed of those bastards running around with knives, my thoughts went back to MLC days from MW2!


The X13 with turtle is far more problematic then the knife. Just look at my video. When I do that on KC or TMD I get 40-50 kills. It's insanely good. 



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3 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:


The X13 with turtle is far more problematic then the knife. Just look at my video. When I do that on KC or TMD I get 40-50 kills. It's insanely good. 



Yes I watched it. Got a real FMG9 vibe!




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