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With the game being out for almost two weeks. What’s your good, bad and ugly



Good: The feel of the weapons. It seems like most all are very usable other than the M16


Bad: Perk system. I do not like the perk packages. I would rather it be the old way. 

Ugly: The spawn system. It’s horrible. They need to get rid of the squad spawn. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve spawned into gun fire or have someone spawn in front of me right as I killed one of their teammates. 

Honorable mention: The UI. It’s not game breaking but my god it’s bad. Inviting people is a pain. 

I quite enjoyed it but it's not without its flaws. Gunplay is solid, visuals are nice and the maps are largely very playable for 6v6 although we really could've done with more especially the museum omitted and both Taraq and the border being unbearable. Perk system was a needless change and I think the weapon unlock framework is just very convoluted although I do appreciate them forcing players to try new guns and the fact camos are universal. The spawns are awful especially on the larger maps and the interface is an absolute embarrassment - probably the poorest and most dysfunctional imaginable. 


A lot is riding on season one in terms of content - Warzone 2 will split the community significantly and we will need at least 5 new maps, lifetime challenges and other staple features introduced bare minimum. This pre-season has been more of a beta so the major season release will need to deliver else this game will be in trouble come December.  


I also think the atmopshere is a bit flat in matches - I really miss the iconic MW2 faction sounds and subtle ambient music. Aside from that, if they deliver the content and fix the issues then it should be a solid game. Some things wont be changed as it's part of their stubborn design philosophy but the core experience is definitely better than most COD games we've seen in the last few years. 

Start with the good, the gunplay is solid it sounds good and looks good which may even be a bad as visibility sucks because of it.

No combat record is great because like nero said in his latest video it means I just don't care about kd or win loss etc.


Maps are tragic, market and farm are the best but in no means good. El asshole is hide and seek as is embassy, bagra has a wicked spawn trap, taraq and border are a hard no.

Gun leveling is ridiculous.

Perk system is so bad and with no dead silence or ghost makes UAV spam so over powered and with suppressors not working they are pointless.

Spawn system needs a change.


Weapon attachments, there's so many to give a feeling of content yet most are useless or do the same or make your gun worse.

Footsteps are too loud.

Sbmm even at my level is and always will be dumb, anything other than ranked should be connection based.

The lack of in-game challenges, hopefully these come with season 1 otherwise for me game will be pretty much dead.

The cod community, the way people play and there fact that this type of awful product can be released because the Devs know it will always sell. Also all the pointless movements people are hilarious, and that brings me onto why I'm playing. It's winter and I've got bored of destiny and Iike fps games, there is very little on TV and I'm actually laughing so much in games, this is the worst cod I've bought but it's so bad it's funny. Let's see what comes with season 1 but I'd be surprised if it's anything good.😁

If shipment comes as expected that alone shows how bad maps and the community are👍


Oh I also forgot to mention the gunsmith which is actually the lamest part of the entire game. Not only the overwhelming majority of gear a hindrance to your gun, it's bloated beyond belief and has terribly unclear description conflicts, Without providing an impact report back to the user on how attachments affect your gun especially ones that negatively stack, a coloured red or green line which cannot be adequately measured is embarrassingly pointless.


This is supposed to be a really key part of the game and they've completely botched it right off the bat to the extent, I can't see this aspect recovering. Only a total overhaul would suffice and that would include removing about 60% of gear included within and redoing each one logically. 

  On 11/9/2022 at 5:50 PM, J4MES OX4D said:

Oh I also forgot to mention the gunsmith which is actually the lamest part of the entire game. Not only the overwhelming majority of gear a hindrance to your gun, it's bloated beyond belief and has terribly unclear description conflicts, Without providing an impact report back to the user on how attachments affect your gun especially ones that negatively stack, a coloured red or green line which cannot be adequately measured is embarrassingly pointless.


This is supposed to be a really key part of the game and they've completely botched it right off the bat to the extent, I can't see this aspect recovering. Only a total overhaul would suffice and that would include removing about 60% of gear included within and redoing each one logically. 


I agree with the gunsmith to an extend but with the tuning you had negate the negatives. The difference tuning made on the M16 was nuts. I can see why they are so many negatives if they are going to allow tuning. 

I don’t mind the unlock system for attachments. If you unlock it for one gun it’s unlocked for all. That’s a hell of a lot better that having to unlock the same attachment for different guns multiple times. 

On my own I'm playing pretty decent not struggling but when I play in a group I'm getting wrecked and treated like a raggy doll.


  On 11/9/2022 at 8:17 PM, slamminbones said:

On my own I'm playing pretty decent not struggling but when I play in a group I'm getting wrecked and treated like a raggy doll.


Seems like the magic number is 3. Anytime we’ve had for or more it seems a little wonky 

Haven't played it.  Doubt I ever will.

I used to love playing CoD games online, but I guess I'm tired of rage inducing games.  I'm happier bumbling around barren wastelands and casually shooting zombies.  


I'm not sure if the games got more annoying, or I just got old/boring, but I just can't stans the nonsense anymore.


  On 6/30/2022 at 10:17 PM, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......




Good: Weapons are good, maps are playable (except Taruq). 

The game feels fairly solid overall. 


Bad: The perk system isn't the best, an experiment gone wrong in my eyes. Not a fan. 


Ugly: The UI for sure, it's ugly in all sense of the word inside and out. It's a horrible creature. It deserves to be put down like a sick or dying animal out of it's misery. 


The good

- I like the game play and the lack of bullshit mechanics. No wall jumping, boosting, stupid sliding or other horse shit mechanics

- I actually like Skill base. People who do not are people who are use to pounding on newbs or people who get to play 2-3 hours weeks and now have to compete at their skill level. Get better as someone would say

- Choosing scorestreaks vs killstreaks. Great based on game mode or playstyle. If you play DOM you would be nuts to play kill. If you play TDM you would be nuts to play score. I like the flexibility

- The guns fun. They are competitive enough to use multiple guns. 

- The daily challenges. Not critical as it is pretty easy to get to level 55 but nice touch

-  Connection. Can't complain on the XBOX. All COD on my PS3/PS4 were aweful. Don't know if it is due to this COD or swiching to XBOX but it doesn't even come close to the garbage I use to have to put up with


Bad (I would say more neutral)


- Perks. I think I have been running the default perk system the entire game. Hunter I beleive. The one with tracker. Really don't need anything else. Especially if you know that a laucher will shoot down UAVs. 

- The maps. I would say most of them are Meh. 

- Lack of challenges. Other than camos, they are rather non-existent. Since I am already level 55 however, I don't really need them

- the menu system. It's bad, but not that bad enough for me to call ugly. 

- operators. Really, who cares. If you are going have those at least have some variety. The skins are virtually all the same. I will love to have Darth Maul or the Energize bunny. No 5 variation of Ghost with the same fucking mask

- Lack of frontline. It's a COD mobile mode. I wish they had it for regular COD. I like it quite a lot

- Cheat management. I really wish PCs were not allowed to cross play due to the number of cheaters. Some of the kill cams I have looked at make it pretty obvious. In some case I cannot even see myself in the Kill cam but they still manage  a kill.  Console players shouldn't have to put up with that




- Spec Ops. Sucks donkey balls. I liked he 2019 one. I love zombies. That shit is just lame and a waste of time. I have to assume others feel the same because it takes about 10 minutes to get a match

- load times. I don't know about you guys but by the time my XBOX loads the game has already started. Which is ok since I never lose a game because it is already in progress but it is dam anoying to jump into DOM were all the flags are already capped 

- Invasion/ground war. Is that shit playable for you guys? It is so laggy and shaky that I don't bother. Besides if I wanted to play battlefield modes I would have gotten battle field

- progression system. I am level 55. Now what? Battle pass seems like it will be a worthless grind. They could take a few lessons from COD mobile

@cyberninja2601  actually the score streaks really work well with TDM. You get points for everything. UAV/CUAV, assist, kills. It take you the same number of kills to get a streak if you run kill streaks instead but with score streaks you will get it faster because you get all the random score. 

  On 11/11/2022 at 9:28 PM, TigerBurge said:

@cyberninja2601  actually the score streaks really work well with TDM. You get points for everything. UAV/CUAV, assist, kills. It take you the same number of kills to get a streak if you run kill streaks instead but with score streaks you will get it faster because you get all the random score. 




I'll have to give a try. You won't get the bonus from UAV/CUAV until you get the streak in the first place and that will cost you 25% more.  However I see your point. 


However it seems to me like I achieve the streaks far better in TDM if I just do the kills. Do you happen know if kills from skill streaks stack? I often run UAV, cluster mines and VTOLs. Seems like I get the VTOL far more with the KS. Maybe because I play different and more conservative 



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