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New Hobby Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


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I guess this could be in health and fitness also. I have always wanted to try out martial arts, and I have finally just gone for it, joined the local school and started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Been building my strength back in the gym for the last few months in preparation. Had a few sessions so far and I am enjoying it a lot, its basically fighting chess. The sessions consist of learning various take downs and submissions, with sparring at the end. The sparring is a killer but its fun to test your strength and brains at the same time. Obviously I am not that great yet but hoping to get a notch on the belt before the year is out. 


I am wondering if anyone else in FG has done Jiu Jitzu or any other martial art? The only thing I have done thats anywhere close was boxing for a year and a half.


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  • LordBaguette changed the title to New Hobby Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
7 hours ago, LordBaguette said:


I am wondering if anyone else in FG has done Jiu Jitzu or any other martial art? 

DaveyDave is 3rd dan in Shotokan karate.... I gave up after my 1st dan alongside him


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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yooo Brazilian jiu-jitsu is fucking great man, getting out of submissions and getting that satisfaction then getting back into a kak position, like going from a triangle straight to getting an armbar🥲 its amazing man hope you enjoy it!!

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I think its a great discipline to get into, not sure I have the patience for it but I'm glad you're giving it a go and have so many positives so far. Daveydave @IPSWICH HIGASHI  really stands by the values of Shotokan Karate and I wouldn't expect this to be much different. I bet you're using muscles now you never even realised you had before 🤣🤣


Have you looked into the rewards you get? e.g. belts, dans, etc? If you love it already you should at least go for the first one available if you can.

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5 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:

I think its a great discipline to get into, not sure I have the patience for it but I'm glad you're giving it a go and have so many positives so far. Daveydave @IPSWICH HIGASHI  really stands by the values of Shotokan Karate and I wouldn't expect this to be much different. I bet you're using muscles now you never even realised you had before 🤣🤣


Have you looked into the rewards you get? e.g. belts, dans, etc? If you love it already you should at least go for the first one available if you can.

yea my thighs are currently absolutely fucked, I cant stand up without screaming. Just need to get through the initial pains then you're fine after. I mean I used to do circuit training and body pump and all that but this is the worst my muscles have felt after a workout. 


My goal is to get to blue belt, which is the next colour belt (around a year an half average)


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Ah BJJ... leaves me always feeling uneasy lol.


Very awesome you started some martial arts! I love it. I've been on/off some sort of combat martial arts since I was 19. I would have started training at a younger age if I was allowed. Right now, I'm training in MMA with an emphasis in Muay Thai. I previously trained in Eskrima/Kali... then the standard boxing when I came back to the US as finding a legit instructor was and is difficult.


Sparring is always a blast. But, I've learned that I prefer to keep my opponent at a distance, so I react and counter a lot faster when I'm wielding sticks as opposed to empty hand. Or, if my current Kru just decides to switch from drilling combos and go into sparring without telling me, I will end up using moves from Eskrima to counter. It's a lot of fun for both of us. He doesn't get a student who only knows what he's taught him, and I.. well, I just try to survive lol. He knows I train for real life situations and not for sport... so we always end up taking it to another level when we go over combos and counters.


Have fun with it!

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