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Microsoft looking to buy Sega and Konami?

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Microsoft snapping up Sega is the rumor that will never go away, but it now seems that Konami could...


It’s a rumor and while this would be a good get for them, I don’t see it helping sales in Japan for the Xbox.



*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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15 minutes ago, Riff Machine said:

Microsoft snapping up Sega is the rumor that will never go away, but it now seems that Konami could...


It’s a rumor and while this would be a good get for them, I don’t see it helping sales in Japan for the Xbox.



If it means Konami get the cash to buy the rights to FIFA football players and teams; and resurrect Silent Hill....that would be interesting. But Konami I thought mostly make slot machines of some kind so it's a weird one. 

Both companies have a decent back catalogue, particularly Sega. 

I have no idea what Microsoft's strategy is to be honest as I agree, in Japan it's all about Sony.


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3 hours ago, RenFengge said:

My only thought is that this is a confusing purchase if it even happens.


Are those studios even worth it these days? Or, do they intend to resurrect some of the games?

Sega are making a fair bit but that's mostly through the Total War strategy games. Konami have PES and more importantly Metal Gear Solid. If MIcrosoft snap them up and make MGS an exclusive, it would be a humiliating blow for Sony. Playstation owners are praying for a remaster of the original Metal Gear Solid and even with Kojima gone, the series still has legs especially with the right backing. 


Sega also have Persona which is major Playstation series along with Yukuza. Microsoft would essentially be tapping into Japan and pulling Sony's pants down in the process. Really hope this doesn't happen. 

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I honestly think the Persona series would hurt the most.  Everything I've read about that series has been top notch, must play stuff.  They seem to have hit it out of the park with 5.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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I really want Sega to remain in existence as they mean alot to me like most others hold Nintendo in their childhood.


However I'm just unsure this is the way to go. I suppose it depends if Microsoft make them xbox exclusive, which you can imagine they will if they own them.


I've always felt the market is in a great space to release a more retro console that creates games back on cartridges. They would make a killing because everyone knows they won't be able to make them on mass. I suppose the plastic environment policies might get in the way though.

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Oh, and I'm backing them for Konami though. PES is the best football game out there and it'll help Konami not to be tight bastards on their budget so it can finally have all the licences.

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