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Goldeneye XBL/Switch


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I hope one day it gets released as this would be a travesty.


A full playthrough and thirty minutes of multiplayer have surfaced for the cancelled Xbox Live Arcade remaster of the N64 classic GoldenEye 007.


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1 hour ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I hope one day it gets released as this would be a travesty.


A full playthrough and thirty minutes of multiplayer have surfaced for the cancelled Xbox Live Arcade remaster of the N64 classic GoldenEye 007.


The original on N64 is one of my favourite games of all time. They really did a good job with the Xbox 360 port from what i see here. Never managed the Egyptian level personally 😡 Multiplayer was hilarious with all player screens on one TV😅

Now though, I'd be more interested in a complete overhaul, particularly the shooting, as I don't have an N64 controller 🙂


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Game has leaked online and can be ran through a 360 emulator 😎 


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Incredibly easy to get running and what a fine experience. Such a tragedy that this never made it to the market because of petty financial squabbles. If you press R1 on the controller, you can also have the classic visuals which is a nice touch. Not sure what happened with the Alec Trevelyan character model (maybe a placeholder) but everything else looks pretty spot on and nicely crafted.

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Looks like it might get an official release after all


Well, this is a weird one. We’ve heard nothing about a remaster of GoldenEye 007 for a long while now, not since a remake was allegedly canceled for Xbox Live Arcade years ago. Reportedly that was due to...


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I saw a rumor on another forum, sorry it slipped my memory and I can't quote it at the moment, but it was rumored this was coming to Switch's N64 lineup for the subscription package... but then, somebody said it probably won't happen due to licensing issues.


Is this "licensing issue" because Xbox have the rights to it?


And I play on both but I would love to play this on Xbox instead. 😄 (for the record, I missed out because I never had an N64)

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2 hours ago, JungleHeart said:

I saw a rumor on another forum, sorry it slipped my memory and I can't quote it at the moment, but it was rumored this was coming to Switch's N64 lineup for the subscription package... but then, somebody said it probably won't happen due to licensing issues.


Is this "licensing issue" because Xbox have the rights to it?


And I play on both but I would love to play this on Xbox instead. 😄 (for the record, I missed out because I never had an N64)

I believe Rare are fully owned by Microsoft and if my memory servers me correctly, this happened around when the first Xbox launched and shortly after the original Perfect Dark released. Although it's an iconic N64 title, I think it will be very difficult for Nintendo to persuade MS to release the remaster on the Switch even though they aren't in direct competition. It could also be more red tape with the complex and frustrating 007 licence but I'd say if this does finally materialise, it'll be Xbox only and maybe PC. 

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19 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I believe Rare are fully owned by Microsoft and if my memory servers me correctly, this happened around when the first Xbox launched and shortly after the original Perfect Dark released. Although it's an iconic N64 title, I think it will be very difficult for Nintendo to persuade MS to release the remaster on the Switch even though they aren't in direct competition. It could also be more red tape with the complex and frustrating 007 licence but I'd say if this does finally materialise, it'll be Xbox only and maybe PC. 

Ahhh you're right, I forgot about Rare. This makes sense and it's probably what the license thing was about. Frankly, I'm very happy with this. I love the Switch don't get me wrong, but if a game I like is going to come out on a technologically better console, I would get it there. MS seems to be on a roll lately so I don't see this being forgotten just like that (I hope).

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I remember the old N64 version and it was iconic! 

One of my friends older brother had an N64 and Goldeneye and we played it a bunch. 

The 4 player splitscreen multiplayer was just groundbreaking at the time. 

Fond memories of that game, we had certain rules like Oddjob was banned for use because of how small and hard to hit he was an unfair disadvantage. 

We sometimes had silly rules like Archives map, throwing knifes and proximity mines only. 

Pistols only etc, just weird setups for a laugh. 

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51 minutes ago, IRaMPaGe said:

I remember the old N64 version and it was iconic! 

One of my friends older brother had an N64 and Goldeneye and we played it a bunch. 

The 4 player splitscreen multiplayer was just groundbreaking at the time. 

Fond memories of that game, we had certain rules like Oddjob was banned for use because of how small and hard to hit he was an unfair disadvantage. 

We sometimes had silly rules like Archives map, throwing knifes and proximity mines only. 

Pistols only etc, just weird setups for a laugh. 


I played it recently ^_^ Still have a working N64 and whilst it's fun it obviously feel's very dated. I'm incredibly surprised it has not had a remake in this day and age, feels like a cash cow if ever there was one. Almost like a remake of Ocarina of time would be as well.




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26 minutes ago, Luseth said:


I played it recently ^_^ Still have a working N64 and whilst it's fun it obviously feel's very dated. I'm incredibly surprised it has not had a remake in this day and age, feels like a cash cow if ever there was one. Almost like a remake of Ocarina of time would be as well.


I get what you mean, for it's time it's incredible. After all those years of consoles and graphics it's going to look and feel old. 


A remake is needed for sure, the nostalgia alone will get people's wallets out. 

Yeah start remaking Zelda and it's printing legal money imo. 

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32 minutes ago, Luseth said:


I played it recently ^_^ Still have a working N64 and whilst it's fun it obviously feel's very dated. I'm incredibly surprised it has not had a remake in this day and age, feels like a cash cow if ever there was one. Almost like a remake of Ocarina of time would be as well.

The version they are releasing was actually finished in 2008 and intended for Xbox Live Arcade but red tape with the IP holders stalled the entire thing for almost 15 years. It's been their loss for an eternity as people have by gagging for this for many years, even long before the original Perfect Dark appeared on the 360. It's such a shame the James Bond licence is so under-used in gaming - the owners are really missing out especially when there is a game ready to go right under their noses!

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Not sure if you guy's ever played it, but Alpha Protocol to me was the best James Bond game (that wasn't a Bond game). If they made something like that I'd be quite happy 🙂 Though what they could do with today's tech and funding could be something special ^_^ Similarly the splinter cell games seem to have died off / gone quiet in recent years.




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28 minutes ago, Luseth said:

Not sure if you guy's ever played it, but Alpha Protocol to me was the best James Bond game (that wasn't a Bond game). If they made something like that I'd be quite happy 🙂 Though what they could do with today's tech and funding could be something special ^_^ Similarly the splinter cell games seem to have died off / gone quiet in recent years.


I never played it, but it sounds cool. 

The Splinter Cells were very good on the original Xbox, I remember being amazed by the shadowing and graphics back then. 


In terms of Bond, N64 Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies on PS1 and The World Is Not Enough on the XBOX I think. That's the ones I've played. All pretty decent, mainly because of the Bond Franchise and story kept it interesting and playable. 

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3 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

No sign of Goldeneye yesterday at the Xbox show which caused massive disappointment and confusion. The game was also trending higher than Overwatch 2 which says it all really. 


So strange. Sometimes there are things that are so obvious that if you can release at a certain time, the social media side of life would lap it up. I suppose with a game release like this, regaredless of when it gets confirmed, people will positively react to it by the bucket loads.

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1 hour ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Documentary out in a couple of weeks celebrating the games 25th anniversary 

Hope to god there is a remaster/remake update around then. 


Looks like a good watch, we can dream of a remake surely? 25th anniversary is huge. It needs to drop. 

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  • J4MES OX4D changed the title to Goldeneye XBLA/Switch
49 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:


Too bad it's just for Xbox and Switch but at least it's been done. Hopefully we'll see a PC port in the future. 


I have both Xbox and Switch, just afraid it'll be shit and not age well, in terms of gameplay rather than graphics. If it's a complete remake with modern shooting I'd be all over it but I don't think that's the case.

The original is up there with the all time greats of video games, I loved it. Don't want to tarnish my fond memories 😁


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14 hours ago, phil bottle said:


I have both Xbox and Switch, just afraid it'll be shit and not age well, in terms of gameplay rather than graphics. If it's a complete remake with modern shooting I'd be all over it but I don't think that's the case.

The original is up there with the all time greats of video games, I loved it. Don't want to tarnish my fond memories 😁

I've done the game on a N64 emulator and the XBLA leaked version and it's good to revisit but I'd never put more than a few hours into it. Definitely has not aged well in places although it's still fun and a big challenge to complete on 00 Agent especially if you're going for the cheats. 

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