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Outriders- All of FG's thoughts.


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So here of latley only some of you know I have just completed my fully built monster of a pc, well I myself have been gaming on console for a long time but used to game on pc. Well as of late I have been none stop playing Destiny 2. As of some of the veterans and even some of the old school guys know beyond light just dropped, but if your like me the game is dull and there is nothing to do. So this is where we come to this topic. Myself and Lee have been discussing this for awhile and I wanted some feedback. So let's jump into this dirty beast.


So outriders is a new looters shooter coming to all platforms. Some of you have heard about the game some of you haven't. The game was published by Square Enix and developed by People who fly. Some of you almost know about Square Enix little disaster several moths ago with Avengers, but im having high hopes for the game. So let me go into detail on why I have high hopes for this game ( also will leave links at the end of gameplay and more in depth info if wanted):


  1. This looter shooter is not your typical looters shooter, there are several reasons for that one being there is no pvp, there is no extra add seasonal content what you buy is the hole game and fully loaded game with a bunch of story missions and no recycled endgame content.
  2. The modification system and crafting system is complex but simple at the same time and what I mean by that is you have over 300 mods to collect in the game that allow you to do crazy things to your guns and armor. I could go into deeper detail of that but we will save that for latter.
  3. The game has crossplay which is amazing for someone like me who obviously wants to play on my monster of a pc but still play with my ps4 friends as well, but it doesn't stop there in game there are stations where you just stop at load in with your friends game help them progress on there story or vise versa and you can jump in and out as you want.
  4. There are four unique classes that will fit everyone's play style. Each class has a 3 skill tree's that you can invest skill points 30 points into ming and maxing your builds where and it is free to respect at any time and anywhere you please.
  5. Did I mention endgame content is going to be one packaged deal no payed services or add on dlc with hard activities for soloing junkies like myself or 3 people to go in a face off in the endgame content. Also endgame content has NO recycled story missions, so no regrinding the same mission over and over again to get a god roll loot.
  6. The story campaign alone is netted to take around 25 to 60 hours to complete and 40 to 80 if you do all side missions in the campaign which is crazy for just a campaign anymore in a looter shooter. I know I have said a lot but there is so much more to go into. I'm only really scratching the surface of this game. I think Square Enix learned from Avengers and they are letting everyone demo out there new game for almost 2 months before the launch of the actual game to see how the community reacts and yes all progress in the demo made will carry forward if you'd like. So ill stop rambling on about this game let me know if maybe this is something as FG we could maybe start an actual page for or discuss our feelings on as well if the game actually turns out to be as good as it looks and im hoping it to be. Would love to hear from all of you and your thoughts ether here or on discord much love FallenDark200.


Psn- FallenDark200 

Steam- FallenDark200









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Phil would love to play with everyone or atleast have everyone give it a go. I know it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea but it's been awhile since I have actually been excited for a game and I think this one could actually turn out really well done. I think 3rd person shooters are great if done right and people can fly definitely know how to do that. They helped make gears of War and I understand some people don't like that style of game but maybe just maybe this game that throws a lot of good ideas into one pot that has taken from some other games and makes it amazing. But I'll definitely be on the demo for sure, they also have a pc video up for just basic knowledge of how the game will operate and run on most people's systems which is actually really nice information that many companies don't even care to do anymore.

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I've kept one eye on it on Twitter for the past few months after Justin mentioned it to me some time ago. Its interesting in itself that this is the first post on FG about it because it looks like a game I would probably expect some folk will get into it. Looks like Square Enix are following the Borderlands method as you can play the game online AND offline, so i'd argue its not a direct comparison to Destiny in that manner because its not really a live service game.


The key for me will be the diversity in what available game modes and variety in missions there are. For me personally I'd go one further too as it depends on the size of the group that can play it. Don't blame them not to do PvP as well as too many have tried and failed at mixing them both with Destiny still struggling to keep everyone happy on both sides.


The builds and idea of classes look like they gel well. I'm similar to @phil bottle that i'm not too keen on 3rd person looters because for me it doesn't become as intense as FPS ones but that doesn't mean it can't still be good. Division 1 and 2 had some great spells for most of us here actually but they link to one section this game must get right if they want to be successful and a large playerbase - endgame.


I don't doubt the content to be there on Day 1 but many people enjoy regular updates to games rather than chunky DLCs - are the DLCs planned free by the way? Once you get past the main campaign there has to be stuff to keep you ticking over. The Division has suffered from that and tried to go into creating raids and the DZ (PvP) which helped somewhat but you cansee how much it dropped off as soon as people finished the main campaign or got close to it.


Always welcome new games to the fray. It would be nice to see who else is interested in this at FG as I will be giving it a go - I know many of us buy games because of each other so I think theres some legs in it, just depends how long. Glad there is a free demo (not beta) on 25th Feb which will help most here decide what to do.


Whats everyone else's thoughts on it?

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@GazzaGarratt so I have a perfect video for anyone that is looking to endgame content. At this moment there is no plan of adding any Dlc. Also it's a 3 player co-op style game, it doesn't allow a bunch of people go in to one activity but allowing people in a group of 3 to build plan and stratgize between everyone but here is an amazing video anyone wanting to look really deep into deep into endgame content. Also ment to mention your character level ups to 30 but your weapons and armor will go up to 50.


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Not even touching this until I see and read a lot of feedback/reviews.  Too many times these games suck people in with pretty visuals and promises only to come up extremely short. 

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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