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The Future of Cinemas


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Cineworld in the UK is closing all screens permanently due to the Coronavirus impact resulting in 5,000 job losses and many other chains globally are deeply affected. The postponement of the new James Bond film seems to have a devastating knock-on effect and is the final straw for many companies it appears. The film producers itself may also regret that move with potential limited locations and low capacity screenings for when it does finally launch in November.


Could this be the beginning of the end for cinemas altogether? They were becoming very expensive despite some weekly offers from some chains, plus there are plenty of other means to watch new movie releases soon after whether it be from discs or streaming. Whilst it's nice to go out and watch something on the big screen, it's becoming less viable and attractive especially with things becoming so expensive and accessible through other means. 


I don't want to see cinemas die out but it is going to be very hard for them to recover due to the chain of issues the virus situation has caused. 

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Apparently the closure is only temporary at the moment but the outlook is indeed bleak...



The cinema chain says it will have to temporarily close following delays to big-budget film releases.



Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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17 minutes ago, Plumbers Crack said:

Apparently the closure is only temporary at the moment but the outlook is indeed bleak...



The cinema chain says it will have to temporarily close following delays to big-budget film releases.


Cheers Dave! BBC radio said it was permanent🤣 Well that's some relief at least but it looks very precarious indeed. One of the big factors aside from the obvious is that cinemas don't exactly provide for open spaces, multiple doors or windows - could be very difficult to manage crowds even with controlled seating and number restrictions. Plus people may not be willing to spend £20 for this type of experience. There's just so much going against this that there really doesn't seem to be a way forward for this part of the entertainment industry. 

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I feel like Cinemas are the new Blockbuster closedown in this era imo. Where Theatres offer a niche market of watching live face to face plays and adaptations, cinemas were the access to the latest films - which have now seen a huge shift towards the massive subscription based services. There used to be a time where only shit B movies debut on Netflix, Sky, etc however now we get some films that are scoring very high on critic ratings and also large high profile actors and actresses making their way into these films.


Disappointingly and sadly, I'm really not sure what the cinema can offer as a pull to get you going again. I even say this after one of my best experiences watching a film was when Avengers Endgame came out to see it in a huge screen with surround sound.


I don't even believe there has been an offering from the Government to exclusively support the cinema industry so that could be another nail in the coffin.

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Ah more job losses due to Corona virus, tbh the last film I went to see at the cinema was bohemian rhapsody, deadpool before that. I fell out with the cinema years ago tbh, why go spend the extra cash to damage my hearing. A while back it was a way to watch films that was so superior to what you could get at home now you wait a few months we have massive flat screen TVs and surround sound systems why bother with the cinema. Also having watched stuff on smaller screens including a 1.25 inch mp4 player your eyes adjust to the experience.


The other reason is the film's themselves, multiple franchises, re-boots and pushing social/political agendas fuck off, how about something new and interesting as I just want to be entertained and alot of films going straight to streaming services give me that and I'm a lot of cases are better. I actually prefer to watch my old DVD's regularly tbh. I sat through the crow last night for example.


Also TV shows production has gotten better, money and "stars" are turning to that. 


No wonder the cinemas can't compete and as time goes on it will get worse.

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