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XIII Remake


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OMG. This game when it came out on the original Xbox was one of the greatest cel shader games i've ever played. The story was absolutely brilliant throughout and I was totally expecting sequels to follow and left disappointed that they didn't do any. I would absolutely pick this up again. Its one of those games that doesn't get old due to how it was originally made. The gunplay was so good back then i really hope it doesn't lose anything buying being remade for this current gen.

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Seems the remake is disappointing according to a few early reviews which is a shame. I've watched quite a bit of gameplay and I can safely irrespective of anything else that this game has the worst screen tearing I have ever seen in a videogame. Almost every scene is plagued with it and this review shows it well



Here's some prime examples


XIII Screen Tearing 2.jpg

XIII Screen Tearing 3.jpg

XIII Screen Tearing 4.jpg

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Absolutely gutted. If the original was already out, then why they didn't do a proper remaster is beyond me. I know people that enjoy a good single player RPG would've loved this game too. Better to get the PC original version at 2 squids atm.

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16 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Remake is getting a remake LOL!


More than a year after the last update, Microids is trying again with a whole new developer.




nathan fillion castle GIF

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The original had such a unique graphical style at the time that really made it stand out from the crowd.  The "remake" made that style look far too realistic.  By that, I mean the color palettes were too dark and didn't have that vibrant cel shaded look like the original.  Shame.  Here's hoping whoever tries to remake it again gives it the treatment it deserves.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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