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PUBG gets team death match

phil bottle

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Was thinking the same @phil bottle. It needed more than just a BR mode to keep it relevant, I don't think it can rival the others out there right now based on how solid the others have become.


It'll be interesting how they develop this arcade mode. You can see the screenshot below shows that they want to create more gamemodes to keep it fresh and playing the game.


pubg deathmatch.png

Forum Signature Test.png

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Too little too late for me.  They had their chance to dominate the market for years but they are a pathetic excuse of a development team.  I have like 400 wins in this game and once I moved to Blackout, I cant stomach 5 minutes of PUBG anymore.  I dealt with a full year of getting crashed out sometimes 4 or 5 times in a single game.  Its just sad really.  Game had so much going for it but in my opinion, this was the biggest blown opportunity in the history of gaming.  Never going back its permanently deleted

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Blimey, update 6.2 and the game hasn't gone very far at all. I haven't played for quite a long time although I have kept my eyes on it and the lack of progress is shocking really - almost mimics that of DayZ standalone. This game peaked in 2017 to early 2018 when the community was buzzing and BR was dominating but since then, the game hasn't made the strides expected especially considering all the money it made. All that's left is sweats and Chinese cheaters.


TDM would have been nice a couple of years ago as it would've been a nice service for players to practice but now it feels like they are just wasting time on extra stuff when the core game still needs some insane work.

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