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FG Film Club - Wk2 2020 - Hanna


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IMDb Score - 6.8


Thank you @Greboth for the request.






Checked and confirmed this is available on Netflix.


Looking forward to hearing what you all think...i personally haven't watched this one ever.

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1 hour ago, Spacedeck said:

Also title should be changed to Wk2.

Thanks mate


Just now, phil bottle said:

I think the reason for me not watching Hanna so far is because the lead character is a ginger.

I better not tell my wife you said that.....😂

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So watched this tonight. Another good choice, never seems like a dull moment, the scene with them sitting and dancing around a fire was a little too long. I'm not even sure what part of the story them two boys played that they met, but I'm unsure if it was even needed.


The story is one of them though in which even after watching, it can leave you scratching your head. I remember now I had seen this years ago but even back then, I'm not sure I fully grasped the story.


I suppose I'll search Google to find out what I'm missing. 

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22 hours ago, Spacedeck said:

So watched this tonight. Another good choice, never seems like a dull moment, the scene with them sitting and dancing around a fire was a little too long. I'm not even sure what part of the story them two boys played that they met, but I'm unsure if it was even needed.


I’d say it is needed as it ties in to the rest of film nicely.  Hanna says about not having heard music and while it’s  not the first time she here’s music the whole scene is calm and relaxing which provides a juxtaposition to the rest of the film and to Hanna’s life.


You can read further in to it too with Hanna having the test result showing she is abnormal with this scene highlighting that as Sophie is being a normal/stereotypical teenager. It also provides some extra scenes on Hanna and Sophie becoming friends.


In the end I think it all serves the purpose to humanise Hanna too.  She was brought up to basically be a weapon and to kill Marissa.  By the end though her experiences are the reason she tries to walk away from it all.  This fails and Hanna ends the film with how it started with shooting the deer.


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