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Shotguns OP?


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I'm on PC and Shotguns are so rife it's borderline unbearable at times.  Even on the larger maps, players will opt for these and hide around corners waiting to pounce.  They seem so overpowered that it's nigh-impossible to stop them in any 50-50 situation and for the rest of the time you're treading on eggshells as to where the next shottie user is going to pop out from.  Most seem to be using marathon and lightweight perks with SOH so they are moving round swiftly and not needing to catch a breath.  On Strikezone, they dominate and you don't even need to be comfortable with the weapon type to have a decent game.  I think Shotguns are a good choice but the ones in Ghosts just seem too damn powerful to play against on many maps against players who are very skilled at using them.


I don't know how popular they are on the consoles but I imagine they are a good weapon of choice for many players on different modes and maps. They are just very tough to play against on PC. 

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Nah I wouldn't say OP...they are strong on certain maps or certain areas of maps...but that's to make up for them being 100% useless outside of like 10 feet.


On xbox I see people use shotguns maybe every 3 games or so...most people opt for longer range assault rifles on these maps.

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To be honest, I haven't really seen too many shot guns on any of the maps.


I did, however, come across a guy using one during my 28 killstreak on Warhawk. I picked that bad boy up and it was actually pretty beastly. I remember I got a triple with it as I had a Hind up and they were all coward inside the bar. As fast as I could pull the trigger, they went down just as fast. Playertd is right though, I couldn't hit anyone more than 10 feet from me.

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Not touched them either, but if they were OP i'd imagine there'd be alot more people using them. I've died occasionally from them but nothing that would make me think they were OP.


When you say they are OP are you finding that you are getting killed at stupid ranges and the shots have a massive spread, or is it more a case of lots of people corner camping using them?

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Not touched them either, but if they were OP i'd imagine there'd be alot more people using them. I've died occasionally from them but nothing that would make me think they were OP.


When you say they are OP are you finding that you are getting killed at stupid ranges and the shots have a massive spread, or is it more a case of lots of people corner camping using them?

I'd say the smaller maps on modes like Cranked and KC is the issue and probably more to the point, me playing on PC.  Any 50/50 situation no matter what gun I have I always lose as they are pretty much a OHK from close range.  They are pretty useless from distance as expected but the people equipping them really know how to use them and play the more dirtiest games in terms of camping and jump-shotting. I'd be pretty useless with a Shotgun as I don't like that style of play for the modes I opt for such as Domination, Cranked and Kill Confirmed but many players just milk it with the speed perks and the general noob way they play.


From my experience on consoles; shotguns were less used in Black Ops when they went primary when compared to MW2 and in Black Ops 2 I found them to be pretty well-balanced because the maps were fairly tidy and open but from PC perspective and considering I play primarily Cranked which tends to be on small to medium maps; their sheer power with the MK setup and the way the maps can be played in the mode; I can see why some would opt to use them and play the most tedious and infuriating styles. 

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I think it's all down to playstyle by the sound of it. I haven't played much cranked but it looks a high paced run and gun game so close range encounters are more frequent which is possibly why you run into them so much. I mainly play DOM/S&D so I guess that might be partially the reason.


So in short, shotguns not OP but just frustrating as hell to be on the receiving end of! :D

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