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Call of Duty Ghosts Gold £26.79

Call of Duty £11.24

Call of Duty 2 £11.24

Call of Duty 4 £14.99

Call of Duty WAW £14.99

Call of Duty MW2 £14.99

Black Ops £29.99

Modern Warfare 3 £29.99

Black Ops 2 £29.99

Gun £2.49

The Walking Dead Survival Instinct £7.49

Tony Hawks Pro Skater HD £4.49


Activision sale still a ripoff!


Shadowrun Returns £3.74

NFS Hot Pursuit £3.75


Star Wars Collection £23.79 from £70

Battlefront 2 £2.20

Plus loads more off Star Wars games individually,

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Really want Eurotruck Sim to go on sale bu I think it was on sale recently :/

Yep, you missed it at £2.99 :lol: It's a great game and I've put about 60-odd hours into it. Best £3.74 I've ever spent :D


I'm sure it'll go on sale again soon plus in June they're (SCS) releasing American Truck Simulator which is gonna be badass B)

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What's so good about Eurotruck Sim? Any kind of sim. What pulls you in? I've never played any sim like that.


I've played the sims before but I reckon it's a lot different with vehicles and stuff.

It's a very well-made game that isn't actually too complex but has some good depth and realism elements. It's probably the only sim I have enjoyed and there is always lots to do and focus on. It's very addictive too. Some may find it boring and I must admit, I thought I'd hate it but in actual fact; it's been one of the games that has surprised me the most in recent years. The company behind it also have produced and developed it really well and their relationship with the community is brilliant. 


Things like Flight Sims, Train Sims and all these other barmy sims such as Wood Cutter Sim and Car Mechanic Sim that you see crop up now are pretty lousy and dull but ETS has some substance about it that can entice even the most anti genre gamers. 

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I've logged 5 hours on Eurotruck Sim 2 Demo and I'm really considering buying it :)

I only planned to play ETS2 for a few minutes when I bought it but ended up going from London to Cardiff, then to Southampton, then on the Channel Tunnel to Turin and then all the way to Bratislava! My first session ended up last 5 hours and I was hooked!


This guy is good for a laugh with his videos

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I'd love to try it. So you guys recommend Eurotruck Sim then? Any others? I'd like to have an opinion about sim games.

This is my review from Steam outlining my overall thoughts. Hope it helps :) This game is definitely worth a punt especially in the sale. Worth trying the demo like Harrison too.


''Euro Truck Simulator 2 is one of the most enjoyable sims I have ever played with a superb balance of fun and realism combined with a well-deigned career mode. The game isn't complicated in the slightest which enables you to pick up and play straight away without worrying about minor attention to detail that in other simulators you may have to adhere to. This game provides a realistic experience but retains the fun which is a major factor for its success. 

The presentation is simple but slick with a well organised menu and beauitiful visuals. The trucks look fantastic as do the other vehicles and weather effects. The world map covers Great Britain and a large part of Europe on a watered-down scale which is a truly excellent accomplishment considering how big this game is regardless of being scaled down. You can go from Edinburgh to Warsaw in under an hour but this helps keep the gamer interested and allows you to complete several jobs in a single session. 

The career mode sees you starting off a truck business from scratch where you are presented with a rundown shack as a base. You need to raise money to buy your own truck to further your bank balance or you can just grab a loan to kickstart your venture off with that extra bit of captial. You can improve your base, customise and improve your truck, buy new vehicles from numerous real-life manufacturers and hire staff to enhance your growing company. You can rank XP to unlock extra items from new engines to even extra mirrors and minor truck accessories. You also have a skill tree to unlock more lucrative jobs and longer distance trips.

The driving side is absolutely fantastic from manual to auto controls, filling up petrol, taking a rest, speeding fines and crashes. Everything is there that you'd expect. You can even be penalised for a late delivery. All these factors add to the challenge and ensures that you don't take crafty shortcuts in trying to complete your job. The sleeping and fuelling element also adds some tactical spice to the game so you have to plan some jouneys beforehand else you may have an accident or breakdown which can lead to penalties such as fines or unnecessary expenditure. 

Overall this game is a perfectly balanced sim that isn't overly serious but is executed superbly so it appeals to all gamers who enjoy driving experiences. The excellent presentation and learning curve makes this instantly playable with a well-designed career mode and brilliant driving physics. Definitely the best simlator out there and highly recommended''

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I don't have any brown pants but by the time I've played this; I probably will! 


Outlast DLC is also out on Steam today priced at £5.99.......90p more than the full game at the minute :lol: Sadly I don't think there is a bundle deal for the two. 

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Unreal Gold £2.99

Unreal Tournament GOTY £2.99

Unreal 2: The Awakening £4.49

Unreal Tournament 3 Black £6.99

Unreal Tournament 2004 £4.49


Ultimate Doom £1.99

Doom 2 £1.49

Final Doom £0.99p

Doom 3 £1.49

Doom 3 BFG Edition £4.99

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