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Go Faster Update - 1st Sandbox Change


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Well, it needs some life and i'm glad we hear Josh Harnick talking some sense when he explains they have decided to push weapons more to the OP side of things. I'd rather have more guns to talk about in PvP and be able to say 'what the hell was that gun that shot me'.


The Dawnblade at 2 minutes in looks exactly like you want it to look - fast, powerful and causing havoc (not to mention annoying for a Titan). Like it's been said by many people that follow D2 still and want it to be good, this will hopefully make the PvP side much more interesting, whilst they still need to focus heavily on sorting out the PvE side which I have my fingers and toes crossed for May's update.


One thing I did see online is that they are still listening and considering Random Rolls and Weapom Slots as 'extremely high' up the discussion ladder at Bungie. I feel if they could one of those at some point Shotguns and Snipers would have a place again.


I may pop on for some PvP later in the week to check out the speed differences.

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Sounds like they removed everything from D1 and are slowly putting it back into D2 and calling it an update. 

I know we'd like it to be good again etc but I just can't see it reaching anywhere near how it used to be, bungie seem to be beyond incompetent.

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49 minutes ago, techno said:

Sounds like they removed everything from D1 and are slowly putting it back into D2 and calling it an update. 

I know we'd like it to be good again etc but I just can't see it reaching anywhere near how it used to be, bungie seem to be beyond incompetent.


Yeah, it's a worry but potentially their only saving grace right now is the fact that big MP games aren't pulling everyone in like they used to. Fortnite is doing well but its not the in-depth game that people are crying out for currently.


They've acknowledge this is more in line with D1 ways and if they can keep making positive changes it can get back to where it was. Just needs time and content that hasn't been burned through.


The right tools are needed otherwise it doesnt matter how good content is as you wont have anything to grind for. After that it's content we need and the activities to be more complex and rewarding. We should hear more next week on next expansion and other content offerings.

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Patch notes are up and they are pretty large. I'll add this video for now as Houndish sunmarises it.


I'll post the word update when I can tonight (or if someone sees this and gives me a hand :D)



Don't forget, the update also brings Nighftall Strike Specific Loot.

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D2 undid a lot of the good work Bungie put in to turning day 1 D1 from an alright game in to a good one.  However they did it once they can do it again, I'm not getting my hopes up or expecting these updates / DLC to turn it around but I do think it worth keeping an eye on in case they do.  Especially as I've already bought the DLC so I might as well see what I bought :lol: 


This "update" might only be adding some of the things back from D1 but it shows Bungie are trying to listen to fans and improve the game.  Will this bring me back? probably not as from what little I've seen of this it seems aimed more at the PvP side of things.  I played some PvP in D1 but Destiny was always about the PvE side of things for me so I'm waiting for QoL improvements / more content to bring me back.


I do hope they can save Destiny 2 though as I don't think there has been any other game on PS4 to bring everyone together like D1 did.


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3 hours ago, Greboth said:

D2 undid a lot of the good work Bungie put in to turning day 1 D1 from an alright game in to a good one.  However they did it once they can do it again, I'm not getting my hopes up or expecting these updates / DLC to turn it around but I do think it worth keeping an eye on in case they do.  Especially as I've already bought the DLC so I might as well see what I bought :lol: 


This "update" might only be adding some of the things back from D1 but it shows Bungie are trying to listen to fans and improve the game.  Will this bring me back? probably not as from what little I've seen of this it seems aimed more at the PvP side of things.  I played some PvP in D1 but Destiny was always about the PvE side of things for me so I'm waiting for QoL improvements / more content to bring me back.


I do hope they can save Destiny 2 though as I don't think there has been any other game on PS4 to bring everyone together like D1 did.

I'm holding out for the PvE stuff too.


I do believe they'll get there as to your point they will make changes to support the game. Its more a case of when is right to play it again. 


The Nighftall rewards seem a little short still. Great that its new content, but I'm confused that with a delay we still get 1 drop per Strike. I expected at least 2 but who's not to say they'll add more in May.

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D2 undid a lot of the good work Bungie put in to turning day 1 D1 from an alright game in to a good one.  However they did it once they can do it again, I'm not getting my hopes up or expecting these updates / DLC to turn it around but I do think it worth keeping an eye on in case they do.  Especially as I've already bought the DLC so I might as well see what I bought :lol: 
This "update" might only be adding some of the things back from D1 but it shows Bungie are trying to listen to fans and improve the game.  Will this bring me back? probably not as from what little I've seen of this it seems aimed more at the PvP side of things.  I played some PvP in D1 but Destiny was always about the PvE side of things for me so I'm waiting for QoL improvements / more content to bring me back.
I do hope they can save Destiny 2 though as I don't think there has been any other game on PS4 to bring everyone together like D1 did.

To me it’s a lesson in waiting until a Bungie title has been out for a year before purchasing it.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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On 3/27/2018 at 10:39 AM, techno said:

Agree with your first paragraph, if there was some draw then it would be dead, hell I've gone back to BF4 🤣

LOLZ I did as well. Servers are hard as hell to find though.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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12 hours ago, Sennex said:

LOLZ I did as well. Servers are hard as hell to find though.

There are normally a few to choose from over here as long as you want conquest large that is.

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12 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

Is this move faster crap only in pvp? Because I didn't notice any difference in pve last night. 


It's called Go Faster because the main changes are to Supers that charge 25% faster and then when in your Super, Titan and Warlocks are faster - Warlocks Dawnblade is utterly ridiculous. You should notice slight differences still though in PvE, especially because many guns, like Pulse Rifles have been buffed considerably. Try Vigilance Wing. Also, the Dragonfly perks is much closer to the explosions on Firefly in D1.


Hand Cannons are also worthy of trying out, although I probably won't join you on those because i'm more of a play and spray type of guy B)



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Even if they fix this game, it's too late. People have moved on and lost interest. I don't see it ever making a full return to what it was, not even close.

Via the FG App




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3 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


It's called Go Faster because the main changes are to Supers that charge 25% faster and then when in your Super, Titan and Warlocks are faster - Warlocks Dawnblade is utterly ridiculous. You should notice slight differences still though in PvE, especially because many guns, like Pulse Rifles have been buffed considerably. Try Vigilance Wing. Also, the Dragonfly perks is much closer to the explosions on Firefly in D1.


Hand Cannons are also worthy of trying out, although I probably won't join you on those because i'm more of a play and spray type of guy B)



Aha 🙂👍

Guess I'll dust off my Vigilance, allthough the Jade Rabbit is also pretty good. 




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9 hours ago, BO7H B4RRELS said:

Even if they fix this game, it's too late. People have moved on and lost interest. I don't see it ever making a full return to what it was, not even close.

Via the FG App

Yep they have. However, whilst there is pretty much no ultimate game meeting this void for the foreseeable future, we just gotta hope that by May/June this is a game worth dipping back into. I gotta keep the faith Tommy! :D

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