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Help Needed Please - FG Champions

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If you're a member of FG, you're already a champion [emoji7]
Well, that's obvious [emoji41]

But really though, this concept should work but its fell miserably by the way side. I'll need to reach out to people to see if they want to still keep this going.

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No, lose it. The medals are much more fun and this is just extra work / fluff and server stress for little reward. Focus on the medal and ranks first.
Its more the help that I need and FG needs. Having 'Champions' to help share news for certain games helps the overall site. Otherwise, its just a couple of us finding stuff unnaturally and creating threads to keep the place ticking over.

These guys have an open pass to help engagement and activity on things Overwatch (and i know theres tons of stuff we could add) and its only one section. I really don't think its that hard but i must be missing something.

Totally agree with trophies and medals though for everyone is more important - that gives everyone the chance to feel good about FG stuffs.

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