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Hello Everyone. I  met up with TigerBurge from a Reddit fireteam last year in D1 and he told me about this place so I decided to finally check it out.  I''m 41 yrs old from ohio with 3 kids, so my gaming time is a bit speratic, but during the school year I am usually able to get on during the morning hours. I only play through the week as I work on weekends. Destiny and Call of Duty are about the only games I get into to. Looking forward to gaming with everyone. PSN id is S_G_Shoogie

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Hi there Shoogie, I'm Lee :) Nice intro!

Nice to see a new face and welcome you to FG just like Rich says above.

CoD used to be the flavour of the month here years ago, not much more now. Although it does seem to be carrying a nostalgic feel to it from some of us :D

Take a look around, post where you're interested in and hope you enjoy being around this lovely dysfunctional FG family ;)

I'll add you on PSN tonight mate, be sure to add some other FGers on here.

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